
Αποτελέσματα 821 - 840 | από συνολικά 1777
20 11 2020 | 17:33

Environmental Justice Reporters Face Deadly Threats, Intimidation.

Shubham Mani Tripathi, newspaper reporter, India: shot dead in June 2020 for exposing illegal sand mining. Maria Efigenia Vasquez Astudillo, radio reporter, Colombia: struck and killed by a…

20 11 2020 | 17:33

The frenzied final power moves of the Trump administration could change our planet forever.

There’s a much-memed scene from Nineties action masterpiece, Desperado — Antonio Banderas’ El Mariachi and Salma Hayek's Carolina striding off as the backdrop ignites into a grenade-fueled fireball…

19 11 2020 | 12:51

Country diary: watching a still from a gargantuan motion picture.

Eigg, West Highlands: The view beneath my feet, of paper-thin exoskeletons of a type of sea urchin, is also captivating. At Laig beach on the island of Eigg, the tide has withdrawn to reveal a vast…

19 11 2020 | 12:48

Ellen McArthur Foundation publishes new progress report on plastic use.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has released it’s 2020 Progress Report on the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment. The recent New Plastics Economy Global Commitment Progress Report, published by…

17 11 2020 | 16:13

Preserving cultural and historic treasures in a changing climate may mean transforming them.

With global travel curtailed during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are finding comfort in planning future trips. But imagine that you finally arrive in Venice and the “floating city” is flooded.…

16 11 2020 | 08:32

Raw sewage dumped into English and Welsh beaches '2,900 times this year'.

Water companies discharged raw sewage into bathing water beaches almost 3,000 times in the past year, polluting the environment and risking public health, new analysis shows. The discharges took…

16 11 2020 | 08:30

Face masks and gloves found on 30% of UK beaches in clean-up.

Conservation volunteers find PPE items in nearly a third of areas targeted in annual drive. Discarded masks and other items of personal protective equipment were found on nearly a third of beaches…

16 11 2020 | 08:25

Wildlife crime underworld rampant, with shockingly low conviction rates, warns report.

The wildlife crime underworld in Britain is rampant, with “shockingly low conviction rates”, experts say, as a new report reveals the exploitation of wildlife is going unabated.

16 11 2020 | 08:19

How Can We Comprehend the Climate Crisis?

  The science is clear. If we continue to emit greenhouse gases at the same rate we have been doing for the past decades, 80 years from now, our planet will be at least four degrees warmer than pre-…

16 11 2020 | 08:02

Scatological science: how poo analysis could help save endangered species.

Three separate species of banded langur have been identified after DNA analysis of their faeces, paving the way for targeted conservation strategies

16 11 2020 | 07:56

Fires shaped Mount Kilimanjaro’s unique environment. Now they threaten it

In October, firefighters in Tanzania had to tackle a number of fires on Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest mountain and the largest free-standing mountain in the world. The mountain and surrounding…

16 11 2020 | 07:33

Antarctica is Earth's one virus-free continent: science fights to keep it that way.

The giant land is the only place on Earth not touched by Covid. A British team is on a mission to protect it while also doing vital research Rothera on Adelaide Island, the British Antarctic Survey…

16 11 2020 | 07:29

Animals vote, too: how different species choose – or depose – a leader.

Honeybees, Indian jumping ants and pigeons are some of the species that have evolved ways of collective decision-making.   Americans are currently deciding who they think will best serve them as…

16 11 2020 | 07:27

Weatherwatch: conditions ripe in US for more dust bowl years.

Across Great Plains, dust levels rising due to farming methods and climate emergency.

16 11 2020 | 07:16

Climate crisis: Cities made of wood could store huge amounts of carbon and cut construction emissions, study suggests.

‘Half of the carbon footprint of zero-energy houses occurs before anyone has even lived in them’ The construction material of choice to build a cleaner, greener future may be nothing more technical…

16 11 2020 | 07:16

United Nations releases special 2020 broadcast calling for collective action.

On the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and the 5th anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals – in the midst of a pandemic radically transforming our economies and…

16 11 2020 | 07:08

Barclays raises £400m through second ‘Green Bond’ issue.

Barclays has announced that it has successfully closed a £400m ‘Green Bond’ issue. This is the second bond it has issued with a specific intention to support climate-related products and initiatives…

16 11 2020 | 07:02

Colorado’s Platte River utility to close Rawhide coal plant 16 years early, cut CO2 90% by 2030

Platte River Power Authority is moving forward with a plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 90% of 2005 levels by 2030, which will mean shuttering the Rawhide Unit 1 coal plant…

16 11 2020 | 06:42

Lack of climate action over 50 years will cost Australian economy $3.4tn and 880,000 jobs – report.

If policies promoting net zero emissions by 2050 are adopted 250,000 jobs would be created and $680bn added to the economy. Australia’s economy will be 6% smaller, there will be 880,000 fewer jobs…

16 11 2020 | 06:42

Businesses making eco-friendly claims to be vetted by watchdog.

Competition and Markets Authority says rising demand may lead to ‘greenwashing’. Companies that market their products or services as eco-friendly are to be scrutinised by the UK competition watchdog…