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13 12 2020 | 07:39

Saving Senegal's Forests: Group Turns Straw Into Fuel.

DAKAR - Wood and charcoal burning account for 50% of Senegal’s household energy consumption, contributing to air pollution and deforestation. To reduce ecological damage, an association called…

13 12 2020 | 07:36

UK urged to follow Denmark in ending North Sea oil and gas exploration.

Britain’s credibility as climate champion rests on bold and urgent action, say campaigners.

13 12 2020 | 07:29

550 Groups Urge Biden to Become #PlasticFreePresident With 8 Executive Actions.

A large and diverse coalition of over 550 organizations came together Tuesday to call on President-elect Joe Biden to tackle the plastic pollution crisis through executive actions that would…

13 12 2020 | 07:09

NY Pension Fund Will Divest From Fossil Fuels

New York state's pension fund will sell all its fossil fuel stocks in the next five years and all shares from companies that contribute to climate change by 2040, the state comptroller Thomas…

13 12 2020 | 07:00

Global citizens' assembly planned to address climate crisis.

Project hopes to influence policymakers at Cop26 UN climate change conference in Glasgow. People around the world will have a chance to discuss responses to the climate crisis in a planned global…

13 12 2020 | 06:56

World’s biggest mammal migration under threat.

Experts say near-threatened fruit bats, crucial for restoring forests in Africa, are in danger. Kasanka National Park, Zambia – As the red sun sets over a remote part of Zambia’s Central Province,…

13 12 2020 | 06:55

MPs urge government to create a 'minister for the dark sky'.

Group suggests 10 policies to reduce ‘night blight’, including commission to regulate excess lighting. MPs have called for urgent action to reduce light pollution, promote “dark towns” and restore a…

13 12 2020 | 06:54

Our global fire crisis is the sign of a dying biosphere. But we can take action

The unprecedented fires aren’t just caused by the climate crisis. Land use –especially real estate and animal husbandry – have a lot to answer for Agood, natural fire can be a cleansing force. Yet,…

13 12 2020 | 06:49

Global soils underpin life but future looks ‘bleak’, warns UN report.

It takes thousands of years for soils to form, meaning protection is needed urgently, say scientists. Global soils are the source of all life on land but their future looks “bleak” without action to…

13 12 2020 | 06:48

12 Great Books on Climate and Environment to Gift This Holiday.

Looking for climate-oriented gifts that can be purchased, delivered, and enjoyed under COVID-safe, socially-distanced conditions? Look no further.

13 12 2020 | 06:38

Climate change: Snowy UK winters could become thing of the past.

Snowy winters could become a thing of the past as climate change affects the UK, Met Office analysis suggests. It is one of a series of projections about how UK's climate could change, shared with…

13 12 2020 | 06:35



13 12 2020 | 06:30

5 Things to Know About Plastic Pollution and How to Stop It.

  Our plastic pollution problem has reached new heights and new depths.

13 12 2020 | 06:28

A Girl from Mogadishu review – tragedy and joy in a daring escape.

This real-life story of a Somalian teenager who became a bold activist against FGM delivers earnest, effective drama.

13 12 2020 | 06:24

Conservationists trying to save Kenyan giraffes stranded on flooding island.

NAIROBI (Reuters) - Conservationists are working to rescue giraffes stranded on an island in Lake Boringo in western Kenya after heavy rains led to the flooding of their rangeland habitat,…

13 12 2020 | 06:24

The world’s ocean is bearing the brunt of a changing climate. Explore its past and future in our new series.

Oceans 21 is a Conversation international series examining the history and future of the world’s ocean. Five profiles open our series on the global ocean, delving into ancient Indian Ocean trade…

13 12 2020 | 06:21

Lab-grown chicken tastes like chicken – but the feeling when eating it is more complicated.

“Clean”, “cultured”, “no-kill” – these are just a few of the monikers that have been applied to San Francisco-based food start up Just Inc’s lab-grown chicken nuggets. The product has just been…

13 12 2020 | 06:18

Conflict and COVID Trigger Upsurge in Mali Child Trafficking.

GENEVA - A U.N. refugee agency report issued earlier this month finds thousands of children in Mali are being exploited and abused by criminal or armed groups, tribal chiefs and state authorities for…

13 12 2020 | 06:12

State of Great Barrier Reef deemed ‘critical’ for first time along with dozens of the world’s natural wonders.

Some of the most cherished world heritage sites are under increased threat from the climate crisis. The outlook for the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef, has been determined to be…

12 12 2020 | 07:06

United Nations ActNow campaign joins forces with award-winning Baobab Studios to promote individual climate action.

New York, 10 December 2020 — The United Nations ActNow campaign is collaborating with the award-winning interactive animation company Baobab Studios to promote individual action on climate change and…