Η απολιγνιτοποίηση της Δ. Μακεδονίας και της Μεγαλόπολης θεωρείται δικαίως ως μια διαδικασία που θα επηρεάσει σημαντικά την περιοχή και τους εργαζόμενους, ιδίως αν αναλογιστεί κανείς ότι το 10% αυτών…
Μπροστά σε δυσάρεστες εξελίξεις βρίσκονται μεγάλες εταιρείες που δραστηριοποιούνται στον τομέα των Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας και επιθυμούν να υλοποιήσουν σημαντικά έργα στην Ελλάδα, ακολουθώντας…
Στο 1,5 GW εκτιμά η αγορά ότι θα κινηθεί η συνολική ισχύς των έργων ΑΠΕ κατά την νέα περίοδο διαγωνιστικών διαδικασιών που εξασφαλίζουν σταθερές "ταρίφες", μετά την λήξη της υφιστάμενης, η οποία…
Humanity at a crossroads’ after a decade in which all of the 2010 Aichi goals to protect wildlife and ecosystems have been missed.
The world has failed to meet a single target to stem the…
Lego said on Tuesday that it plans to stop using plastic bags inside of box sets and replace them with paper ones.
The Danish company said it would start making the switch next year and aimed to…
The American Southwest is witnessing a horrific and inexplicable phenomenon, likely due to the climate crisis: hundreds of thousands of migratory birds are dying off. The birds seem to be just "…
Potentially millions of people in the U.S. will be displaced as the climate crisis makes certain regions increasingly uninhabitable, prompting new migrations that will reshape the country, a new …
A Japanese ship that wrecked off the coast of Mauritius in July and sparked one of the worst environmental disasters in the country's history may have run aground because of birthday celebrations on…
UK government said it failed on two-thirds of targets, but RSPB analysis is bleaker – and suggests UK is moving backwards in some areas.
The UK has failed to reach 17 out of 20 UN biodiversity…
NextEra Energy Resources LLC has plans to install up to 500 MW of solar generation and up to 500 MW of battery storage in a county just southwest of Kansas City, Kan., according to a project overview…
In 1973, a handful of oil-rich countries, led by Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq, brought the mighty U.S. economy to its knees by slapping an oil embargo on Washington and its allies. The suspension of…
As much as 80% of the European Union’s electricity could be fossil fuel-free by 2030, regardless of whether the European economy faces a prolonged economic crisis, industry association Eurelectric…
Mock Cop26 set up in frustration at lack of progress due to coronavirus crisis.
Young climate activists have begun a parallel process to the UN climate crisis talks, in frustration at the lack of…
The evidence of wildlife decline can be seen on our own doorsteps, writes Pat Twidale, while Sarah Flavell wonders what it will take for us to wake up from our complacency.