Could climate change be the next big James Bond mission and villain?
MI6 will begin monitoring other countries to ensure they are playing fair on their climate commitment pledges.
Industry-led and UN-convened Net Zero Banking Alliance also announced today, co-launched by the UNEP Finance Initiative and the Financial Services Taskforce of the Sustainable Markets Initiative
21 April, New York -- The world is at risk of losing many of the benefits the ocean provides, warns the latest United Nations assessment on the state of the world’s ocean, which was released today,…
The following is a contributed article by Tony Seba and Adam Dorr, founder and research fellow, respectively, at RethinkX.
For the past 10 years, there has been a conventional energy bubble…
In India, poor and marginalized communities face the dual challenges of low socioeconomic development and extreme vulnerability to climate change. Although there have been significant improvements in…
Τη στρατηγική που θα οδηγήσει σε νέο κύκλο ανάπτυξης της ΔΕΗ για την επόμενη διετία - που θα περιλαμβάνει και την επέκταση στο εξωτερικό - περιγράφει με δηλώσεις του στο ΑΠΕ - ΜΠΕ ο πρόεδρος και…
Climate change's toll on agriculture, disease and physical infrastructure, as well as redirected government spending, among other issues, could cause the global economy to lose $23 trillion, 10…
UK government to set in law world’s most ambitious climate change target, cutting emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels
for the first time, UK’s sixth Carbon Budget will incorporate…
Τρεις προτάσεις για την μετάβαση σε ένα νέο ενεργειακό μοντέλο στο Αιγαίο.
«Σε τριάντα χρόνια από τώρα η Εποχή του Πετρελαίου θα φτάσει στο τέλος της, όχι επειδή θα έχουμε έλλειψη πετρελαίου αλλά…
Η εγκατάλειψη της Συμφωνίας του Παρισιού από τον Ντόναλντ Τραμπ είχε ουσιαστικά αποσυμπιέσει διεθνώς την Τουρκία σε αυτό το ζήτημα. Η μόνιμη επωδός της Άγκυρας ήταν πως οι επενδύσεις που χρειάζονται…
Globally, only one in 50 new cars were fully electric in 2020, and one in 14 in the UK. Sounds impressive, but even if all new cars were electric now, it would still take 15-20 years to replace the…
When U.S. companies build military weapons systems, electric vehicle batteries, satellites and wind turbines, they rely heavily on a few dozen “critical minerals” – many of which are mined and…
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has forecasted that global CO2 emissions will rise by 5 per cent in 2021
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has forecasted that global CO2 emissions will…
Unlike other oil-producing states, much of the drilling in California takes place in residential neighborhoods, often in Spanish-speaking communities. Despite mounting complaints about pollution from…
The Bitcoin cryptocurrency has made it easier to become a millionaire in Kenya, appreciating more than 1,200 per cent since March last year to hit an all-time-high of Sh6.9 million last week, but…
The continent's annual temperature was warmer than the next five warmest years, which were all also in the last decade.
2020 was the warmest year on record in Europe, a major climate study has found…
Massive melting of glaciers has tilted the planet’s rotation, showing the impact of human activities
The massive melting of glaciers as a result of global heating has caused marked shifts in the…