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23 02 2022 | 12:13

Βρε λέτε τελικά πίσω απ’ όλα αυτά να βρίσκεται… αέριο;

Πριν από λίγο καιρό έπεσε κάποιος πανικός στην κυβέρνηση καθώς οι ΗΠΑ απέσυραν την υποστήριξή τους στο (φαραωνικό, πανάκριβο και παράλογο) έργο του αγωγού East Med. Η είδηση έπεσε ως κεραυνός εν…

23 02 2022 | 12:06

Greenpeace: ΕΛΠΕ, σταματήστε το έγκλημα!

Η δράση της Greenpeace για τον τερματισμό των εξορύξεων, την προστασία του κλίματος και της θαλάσσιας βιοποικιλότητας συνεχίζεται!   

21 02 2022 | 18:13


Την επιστημονική εξερεύνηση και χαρτογράφηση της Ερυθράς Θάλασσας αναλαμβάνει για την επόμενη τετραετία το Ινστιτούτο Ωκεανογραφίας του Ελληνικού Κέντρου Θαλασσίων Ερευνών!

21 02 2022 | 08:34

‘Loading the dice’: climate crisis could increase southern California wildfires

Global heating will cause ‘megafires resistant to fire suppression practices’ with 25% of land being burned by 2040 A convergence of dangerous weather conditions, exacerbated by the climate crisis…

21 02 2022 | 08:34

Yale, Stanford and MIT’s fossil fuel investments are illegal, students say

Novel legal strategy argues that top schools including Princeton and Vanderbilt are legally obliged to put the public interest first Students at five leading universities have filed legal…

21 02 2022 | 08:34

Biggest power plant in coal-reliant Australia to close early

Australia's largest coal-fired power station will close seven years earlier than planned, as its operator says it is increasingly unable to compete with the "influx of renewables".

21 02 2022 | 08:34

UN to review Japan’s plan to release Fukushima water into Pacific

Taskforce will ‘listen to local people’s concerns’, as government plans to release more than 1m tonnes

21 02 2022 | 08:31

Prepare for mass migration to cities in climate crisis, UK mayors warn

Sadiq Khan and Marvin Rees call for action as major report launched during UN Migration Week

21 02 2022 | 08:29

Bitcoin miners revived a dying coal plant – then CO2 emissions soared

Critics say the enormous electricity consumption needed to sustain cryptocurrency is fueling the climate crisis and now threatens a partial resurrection of coal in the US

21 02 2022 | 08:28

How bad is Storm Eunice – and is it a result of climate breakdown?

A rare red warning has been issued as back-to-back storms sweep the UK

21 02 2022 | 08:27

Oil firms’ climate claims are greenwashing, study concludes

Most comprehensive scientific analysis to date finds words are not matched by actions Accusations of greenwashing against major oil companies that claim to be in transition to clean energy are well…

21 02 2022 | 08:24

‘A train wreck’: what happens to workers and towns when the lights go out on coal power?

Eraring, the country’s largest coal-fired power station, will shut in three years, but transition plans for employees, communities – and the grid – are lacking When Jacqui Coleman heard that…

21 02 2022 | 08:23

The great greenwashing scam: PR firms face reckoning after spinning for big oil

A comprehensive study confirms that oil companies are largely all talk and no action when it comes to clean energy initiatives

21 02 2022 | 08:23

Climate change: Covid shutdown linked to record rainfall in China

Scientists say that a rapid drop in emissions because of Covid played a key role in record rainfall in China in 2020.

21 02 2022 | 08:16

Brazil: Climate change, neglect contribute to deadly mudslides

Little done in response to repeated warnings of risks of mountainside construction, researchers and public servants say.

21 02 2022 | 08:13

Tory MPs fear that net zero is hurting poor people. Ignore their crocodile tears

The Net Zero Scrutiny Group claim green levies are a burden, yet their own party is cutting spending on energy efficiency

21 02 2022 | 08:10

Renewable energy ‘on track’ to deliver most of Britain’s electricity by end of decade, minister says

Green power generation outpaces fossil fuels for first time, says Greg Hands Britain is “on track” to see renewable energy account for most of its electricity by the end of the decade, a government…

21 02 2022 | 08:04

Onset of modern sea level rise began in 1863, study finds

An international team of scientists including Rutgers researchers has found that modern rates of sea level rise began emerging in 1863 as the Industrial Age intensified, coinciding with evidence for…