
Αποτελέσματα 8481 - 8500 | από συνολικά 25173
19 07 2022 | 11:44

Will Los Angeles Join a Ban on New Gas Stations?

With cities looking to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels and fight pollution, a handful have been experimenting with a less traditional approach: No new gas stations.  Cities in the North Bay…

19 07 2022 | 11:44

Capitalism is killing the planet. – it’s time to stop buying into our own destruction

Instead of focusing on ‘micro consumerist bollocks’ like ditching our plastic coffee cups, we must challenge the pursuit of wealth and level down, not up There is a myth about human beings that…

19 07 2022 | 11:43

Hundreds of teachers boycott Science Museum show over Adani sponsorship

Hundreds of teachers have pledged not to take their students to a new exhibition at the Science Museum in London until it cancels its sponsorship deal with a company linked to the coalminer Adani.

19 07 2022 | 11:41

Cop27 summit must focus on how world will adapt to climate change, says UN envoy

Mahmoud Mohieldin, the United Nations climate change high-level champion for Egypt, says November’s Cop27 summit must focus on adapting to life in a changing climate and grapple with finance for loss…

19 07 2022 | 11:26

‘Change is possible’: meet the Gen-Zers who embrace climate optimism

These people in their 20s decided to combat climate grief by taking on one small piece of the environmental crisis ​​​When it comes to the climate, each generation represents a different stage of…

19 07 2022 | 11:21

‘Industrial revolution’: Australia’s decarbonisation needs rigorous management, thinktank warns

Australia’s biggest polluters need a rigorous emissions reduction regime that avoids exemptions for trade-exposed industries, according to the Grattan Institute, which says decarbonising Australian…

19 07 2022 | 09:07

Shipping’s dirty secret: how ‘scrubbers’ clean the air – while contaminating the sea

In 2019, Alan Ladd, a marine engineer, was on a cruise ship that was slowing down to give passengers a better view of the Hubbard Glacier – the largest tidewater glacier in North America. Briefly…

19 07 2022 | 09:00

‘It’s a sham’: Egypt accused of restricting protest in run-up to Cop27

Five months before a pivotal UN climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, one of Egypt’s most prominent political prisoners remains behind bars. Now on his 89th day of a hunger strike, Alaa Abd El Fattah is…

19 07 2022 | 08:57

Humans need to value nature as well as profits to survive, UN report finds

Taking into account all the benefits nature provides to humans and redefining what it means to have a “good quality of life” is key to living sustainably on Earth, a four-year assessment by 82…

19 07 2022 | 08:45

'Greenwashing': new climate misinformation battleground

Big companies are misleading the public about their efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and curb deadly climate change, campaigners and analysts say, flagging this "greenwashing" as a new…

19 07 2022 | 08:40

Shell’s massive carbon capture facility in Canada emits far more than it captures, study says

One of the only facilities in the world that uses carbon capture and storage technology (CCS) to reduce the emissions of hydrogen production has been found to emit far more greenhouse gas emissions…

19 07 2022 | 08:36

How the gas industry aims to rebrand as ‘clean’ energy to appeal to Black and Latino voters

American energy corporation the Williams Companies was facing yet another setback in its attempts to build a natural gas pipeline in New York. After a years-long battle, state regulators and…

19 07 2022 | 08:35

Arctic temperatures are increasing four times faster than global warming

A new analysis of observed temperatures shows the Arctic is heating up more than four times faster than the rate of global warming. The trend has stepped upward steeply twice in the last 50 years, a…

19 07 2022 | 08:26

Europe heatwave: Deadly wildfires spread in Mediterranean

Thousands of firefighters are continuing to battle wildfires in Portugal, Spain and France, as a heatwave shows no sign of easing. In northern Portugal, a pilot died when his waterbombing plane…

19 07 2022 | 08:25

‘It keeps on going’: driving the world’s first production-ready solar car

Makers of the €250,000 Lightyear 0 hope to convince drivers it can be a viable climate-friendly alternative Winding past the ochre-coloured plateaux of the Bardenas Reales natural park in northern…

19 07 2022 | 08:23

Καύσωνας: «Φουσκώνουν» δρόμοι, λιώνουν στέγες στην Κίνα - Κόκκινος συναγερμός στην Ευρώπη

Καυτές ημέρες βιώνουν αρκετές χώρες, από την Ευρώπη έως την Άπω Ανατολή, λόγω του καύσωνα που τις πλήττει, με αποτέλεσμα αρκετές από αυτές να αναγκάζονται να προχωρήσουν στη λήψη έκτακτων μέτρων.

19 07 2022 | 08:21

Η «διεθνής» των κορυφαίων Ελλήνων επιστημόνων στην Αθήνα

Θηριώδεις σπουδές, εντυπωσιακή ακαδημαϊκή καριέρα και σπουδαίο ερευνητικό έργο: αυτός είναι ο κοινός παρονομαστής των δεκάδων Ελλήνων επιστημόνων του εξωτερικού που βρίσκονται αυτές τις μέρες στην…

19 07 2022 | 08:18

Αποθήκευση ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ σε άμμο ή σε ανελκυστήρες

Καθώς το θέμα της αποθήκευσης ενέργειας από ανανεώσιμες πηγές αποκτάει όλο και μεγαλύτερη σημασία, δοκιμάζονται διάφορα καινοτόμα σχήματα. Εκτός από αποθήκευση ενέργειας σε αντλιοταμιευτήρες,…

19 07 2022 | 08:18

Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας: Το νέο Χωροταξικό για τα αιολικά πάρκα – Ολο το σχέδιο

Με διαδικασίες fast track προχωρεί η πολυαναμενόμενη αναθεώρηση του Ειδικού Χωροταξικού Πλαισίου για τις Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας (ΕΧΠ – ΑΠΕ), με στόχο να τεθεί σε ισχύ εντός του πρώτου τετραμήνου…

19 07 2022 | 08:16

Υψηλότερο στόχο εξοικονόμησης, στο 14,5 %, θέτει η Επιτροπή Ενέργειας του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου

Οι νομοθέτες της επιτροπής ενέργειας του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου υποστήριξαν την Τετάρτη πιο φιλόδοξους στόχους της ΕΕ για την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας και την επέκταση των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας…