National Trust’s annual audit reveals a dire year for animals from toads and bats to birds and butterflies
This year’s tumultuous weather – including fierce storms, searing heat and deep cold snaps…
Provisional figures show annual average temperature will exceed previous record set in 2014
2022 will be the UK’s warmest year on record, as the Met Office says figures show the climate crisis is…
More than 800 fires recorded on hottest day of year, 19 July, as mercury rose above 40C for first time
England faced four times more wildfires this summer than in same period in 2021, figures show…
Climate protest group says temporary shift will ‘prioritise relationships over roadblocks’
The climate protest group Extinction Rebellion is shifting tactics from disruptions such as smashing…
Exclusive: Healthcare costs from smoke-related deaths tipped to reach $110m, new modelling led by Monash University suggests
In the decade to 2030, more than 2,400 lives will be lost to bushfires…
At least eight countries experience record high temperatures of ‘almost unheard of’ heat, say meteorologists
Weather records have been falling across Europe at a disconcerting rate in the last…
US climate envoy says there needs to be work on details of ‘loss and damage’ fund in 2023
People in developing countries are feeling increasingly angry and “victimised” by the climate crisis, the US…
In order to construct 100 dams in Kenya and progressively cover 3 million acres with irrigation systems, President William Ruto recently promised to initiate public-private partnerships.
A Z$77.3 billion budget for irrigation and drinking water projects in 2023 has been approved by the Zimbabwean parliament. The budget would allow the Southern African country’s government to finance…
The European Union has authorized a $4.5m working capital arrangement for Okra Solar to boost access to solar-energy in Nigeria. This was done under the Nigerian ElectriFI national window. By the end…
Form Energy names West Virginia site for first plant making novel 'iron-air' long duration storage systems that counts array of big-hitters as investors
An energy technology pioneer backed by the…
From a single turbine off Norway in 2008, the sector is now on the cusp of international industrialisation – and if not quite an annus mirabilis, the last year has demonstrated why the technology is…
Developers to kick off 2023 with environmental impact assessment for 1-2GW Wellamo project off Pori in Bay of Bothnia
Simply Blue Energy and Eolus have been granted a research permit for a 1-2GW…
OEM completes installation of prototype at Østerild test centre in Western Jutland, Denmark
Vestas has completed the installation of a prototype of its giant V236-15.0MW offshore wind turbine at…
Developer says it will start court action in New Year unless levy on renewable production is 'substantially redesigned'
A UK renewable energy developer is threatening to sue the British government…
AGENDA SPECIAL | The final Agenda of this year brings you Recharge’s seven reasons for energy transition cheer and fear from 2022 – and our best wishes for a happy and peaceful holiday season.
Την περίοδο 2018-2022, που ισχύει η νομοθεσία για τις Ενεργειακές Κοινότητες (ΕΚΟΙΝ), το 28% όλων των νέων συνδέσεων φωτοβολταϊκών αφορά σε ΕΚΟΙΝ. Είναι ένα σημαντικό ποσοστό.
Καθώς οι επιχειρήσεις ενσωματώνουν όλο και περισσότερο τη Βιωσιμότητα στους αναπτυξιακούς τους στόχους, τα ESG ταλέντα διαδραματίζουν κρίσιμο ρόλο και είναι αναγκαία για την ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή…
Μέσα σε μόλις 18 λεπτά οι οδηγοί μπορούν να φορτίσουν τις μπαταρίες των ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων τους και στην Ελλάδα.
Η ΔΕΗ blue, πρωτοπόρος στον τομέα της ηλεκτροκίνησης, ανατρέπει τα δεδομένα στη…
Σε εκτενές ρεπορτάζ του, ο ανταποκριτής της Handelsblatt στην Αθήνα Γκερντ Χέλερ, αναλύει τα σχέδια για την υποθαλάσσια ηλεκτρική διασύνδεση Ελλάδας – Αιγύπτου του Ομίλου Κοπελούζου. «Το…