
Αποτελέσματα 7261 - 7280 | από συνολικά 25245
29 11 2022 | 08:49

Greenwashing Governments and Oil Companies Turned COP27 Into a Climate Disaster

The international climate talks in Egypt — the 27th Conference of Parties to the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP27 — have become a dystopian nightmare: Oil companies, dictators…

29 11 2022 | 08:34

COP27 Tackled The Consequences Of Climate Change, But Not The Cause—Fossil Fuels

The agreement to establish a Loss and Damage Fund at the COP27 climate conference in Sharm El–Sheikh, Egypt, is a significant breakthrough, after 30 years of struggle to demand climate justice for…

29 11 2022 | 08:31

Over 20,000 died in western Europe’s summer heatwaves, figures show

This year’s temperatures would have been virtually impossible without climate crisis, scientists say More than 20,000 people died across western Europe in this summer’s heatwaves, in temperatures…

29 11 2022 | 08:27

Alok Sharma backs bid to lift ban on onshore windfarms in England

Tory MP becomes latest member of party to get behind push to drop moratorium with reports Michael Gove also supports move The president of the Cop26 climate summit Alok Sharma has become the latest…

29 11 2022 | 08:19

Melting point: could ‘cloud brightening’ slow the thawing of the Arctic?

The climate emergency is prompting some scientists to suggest extreme measures. But whether you call it geoengineering or biomimicry, others feel interfering with nature will have too high a cost

29 11 2022 | 07:53

Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all

Never mind the yuck factor: precision fermentation could produce new staple foods, and end our reliance on farming

29 11 2022 | 07:48

Rich nations have promised to pay for the climate crisis – but will they?

For too long pledges have gone unmet, so at Cop28 new solutions need to be explored

29 11 2022 | 07:41

Gordon Brown says China must pay into climate fund for poor countries

Former prime minister says US and Europe will pay biggest share of loss and damage fund, but China must too China must pay into a new fund for poor countries stricken by climate-driven disaster on…

29 11 2022 | 07:30

Fair Cop27? Where did Peter Dutton’s figure of $2tn for climate damage fund come from?

Meanwhile, BP’s CEO was in town spruiking the energy giant’s climate credentials, as its oil output increases from last year In the wake of the UN climate talks in Egypt, the opposition leader,…

29 11 2022 | 07:20

Just Stop Oil expected to begin two weeks of action in London from Monday

Scotland Yard believes environmental activist group will launch two weeks of ‘disruption’ in the capital before Christmas Just Stop Oil is expected to begin two weeks of action from Monday and has…

29 11 2022 | 07:16

Lost and found: noisy, tame and very active, Argentina delights in giant otter’s return

Decades after the world’s biggest otter disappeared from the country, a kayaking trip revealed a lone male swimming in the Bermejo River

29 11 2022 | 07:05

Humans v nature: our long and destructive journey to the age of extinction

The story of the damage done to the world’s biodiversity is a tale of decline spanning thousands of years. Can the world seize its chance to change the narrative?

29 11 2022 | 06:59

‘We need a breakthrough deal on biodiversity’: can Montreal summit deliver for nature?

In 201o, politicians pledged to halt devastation of Earth’s wildlife. Since then, no progress has been made. And despite glimmers of hope, prospects look grim for next month’s top-level meeting in…

29 11 2022 | 06:54

Canadian Banks Increased Fossil Investment in 2021, Report Card Shows

Canada’s biggest banks receive letter grades of B- to D, and all show increases in their fossil fuel lending and underwriting between 2020 and 2021, in the latest report card issued last week by…

27 11 2022 | 13:14

Πρωτοβουλία εθελοντικού καθαρισμού πάρκου από τη ΔΩΔΩΝΗ

Συνολικά 80 εργαζόμενοι της ΔΩΔΩΝΗ συμμετείχαν συμβάλλοντας για ένα πιο όμορφο περιβάλλον για τους δημότες

27 11 2022 | 12:50

Όσοι πιστεύουν ότι ο Santa έρχεται από την καμινάδα είναι λάθος, στην πραγματικότητα έρχεται από την καρδιά. ..

Φτιάξε το δικό σου παραμύθι της «Επιστήμης των Χριστουγέννων» …στο Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου!

27 11 2022 | 12:33

Πρόταση για σωστό σχεδιασμό των ΑΠΕ στην Ελλάδα

Ενώ η αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής και της ενεργειακής κρίσης εύλογα βρίσκεται στην κορυφή της πολιτικής ατζέντας σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη, τα μηνύματα που έρχονται από κάθε κατεύθυνση είναι πως πρέπει…

27 11 2022 | 11:51

Μεγάλη διείσδυση ΑΠΕ, εξηλεκτρισμός κλιματισμού και μετακινήσεων στα δίκτυα διανομής - Μικροδίκτυα

Με αφορμή την ανακοίνωση και ένταξη στο νόμο 4986/2022 του επιδοτούμενου προγράμματος εγκατάστασης 250.000 φωτοβολταϊκών στέγης σε νοικοκυριά, επιχειρήσεις και αγροτικές εκμεταλλεύσεις θα ήθελα να…

27 11 2022 | 11:49

ΑΔΜΗΕ: Έναρξη συμμετοχής στην αγορά εξισορρόπησης για τις μονάδες ΑΠΕ που λειτουργούν με Σύμβαση Ενίσχυσης Διαφορικής Προσαύξησης

Υποχρέωση συμμετοχής στην αγορά εξισορρόπησης αποκτούν οι μονάδες ΑΠΕ, που λειτουργούν με συμβάσεις ενίσχυσης διαφορικής προσαύξησης, σύμφωνα με ανακοίνωση του ΑΔΜΗΕ.  Ειδικότερα, όπως αναφέρεται: