
Αποτελέσματα 3141 - 3160 | από συνολικά 3881
27 05 2019 | 09:00

8 εκατ. ευρώ για την τεχνολογία στην ενεργειακή απόδοση.

Δράσεις για τις νέες τεχνολογίες ενεργειακής απόδοσης στην ευρωπαϊκή βιομηχανία προωθεί το πρόγραμμα με τίτλο Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and demand…

27 05 2019 | 08:48

US $66m set to be invested in Kenya’s Malindi 52MW solar project.

The Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC Group) is set to invest US $66m in Malindi solar project. British Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jeremy Hunt revealed the plans during his tour in…

22 05 2019 | 12:09

Salt Batteries Could Be Major Step in Move Away from Fossil Fuels.

At a power station in Berlin, Germany, visitors find a shining piece of machinery that looks out of place in the building. Its silver pipes and containers hold a substance that reportedly could…

22 05 2019 | 10:58

Africa Together - 1st June 2019

What to expect from the summit?

22 05 2019 | 10:47

EVs to be renewable game changer.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has released a Renewable Energy Innovation Outlook series on how policy and technological breakthroughs for electrical vehicles (EVs) can advance the…

22 05 2019 | 09:52

Blockchain Is The Next Big Thing For Renewable Energy.

Blockchain has been touted as the next big technological advance - impacting everything from online transactions to e-government. But what does it mean for renewable energy?

22 05 2019 | 07:20

Η μεγάλη πρόκληση: προστασία του κλίματος ή κατάρρευση του πολιτισμού.

Προστασία του κλίματος και αλλαγή του ενεργειακού μοντέλου

21 05 2019 | 15:20

The electric vehicle revolution will come from China, not the US.

The electric vehicle revolution is coming, but it won't be driven by the United States. Instead, China will be at the forefront.

20 05 2019 | 12:36

Three weeks to go until Brazil WindPower 2019!

Brazil Windpower is the biggest global initiative in the sector dedicated to business development and wind power generation projects in Brazil and Latin America. BWP 2019 is the ideal opportunity for…

20 05 2019 | 07:23

Egypt awards contract for construction of US $739m water treatment plant.

The Egyptian government, through the country’s Armed Forces Engineering Authority has awarded Arab Contractors and Orascom Construction a US $739m contract for Engineering, Procurement and…

20 05 2019 | 07:14

Microsoft to set up a technology development centre in Kenya.

American technology giant Microsoft Corporation has unveiled plans to set up an African technology development centre in Kenya, Gaming Vice President Phil Spencer said on Monday. Spencer was…

20 05 2019 | 06:45

Scots to reap £2bn pumped hydro benefits.

Scottish companies are set to benefit from £2bn investment in three pumped hydro schemes in Scotland, according to ILI Group chief executive Mark Wilson. Wilson, speaking on the eve of the All-…

16 05 2019 | 15:31

Μητσοτάκης: «Οδηγός» ο Δήμος Τρικκαίων για δράσεις προς όφελος όλων.

Εύσημα του προέδρου της ΝΔ στον Δήμαρχο Τρικκαίων για τον Κόμβο Καινοτομίας και το Smart Trikala Με θερμά λόγια για τις δράσεις του Δήμου στον Κόμβο Καινοτομίας GiSeMi και τις δράσεις (πιλοτικές και…

16 05 2019 | 13:52

Innovating in Mombasa.

Innovating in Mombasa.

16 05 2019 | 12:30

T.U.M. INNOVATION WEEK MOMBASA 1-5 APRIL 2019 - Remote Control Industrial Automation System.[video]

The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week took place in Mombasa on the following dates: 3rd-5th April 2019 ( Conference ) and 1-5th April 2019 (Innovation Week) During the event…

16 05 2019 | 12:28

T.U.M. INNOVATION WEEK MOMBASA 1-5 APRIL 2019 - Smart assistance to blood donors. [video]

The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week took place in Mombasa on the following dates: 3rd-5th April 2019 ( Conference ) and 1-5th April 2019 (Innovation Week) During the event…

16 05 2019 | 12:27

T.U.M. INNOVATION WEEK MOMBASA 1-5 APRIL 2019 - Research of pressure effect on cement properties. [video]

The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week took place in Mombasa on the following dates: 3rd-5th April 2019 ( Conference ) and 1-5th April 2019 (Innovation Week) During the event…

16 05 2019 | 12:27

T.U.M. INNOVATION WEEK MOMBASA 1-5 APRIL 2019 Medical monitoring kit of body vital signs. [video]

The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week took place in Mombasa on the following dates: 3rd-5th April 2019 ( Conference ) and 1-5th April 2019 (Innovation Week) During the event…

16 05 2019 | 12:26

T.U.M. INNOVATION WEEK MOMBASA 1-5 APRIL 2019 - Smart sorting machine. [video]

The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week took place in Mombasa on the following dates: 3rd-5th April 2019 ( Conference ) and 1-5th April 2019 (Innovation Week) During the event…

16 05 2019 | 12:26

T.U.M. INNOVATION WEEK MOMBASA 1-5 APRIL 2019 - Cow birth monitoring system. [video]

The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week took place in Mombasa on the following dates: 3rd-5th April 2019 ( Conference ) and 1-5th April 2019 (Innovation Week) During the event…