Eπιστήμη - Τεχνολογία – Καινοτομία

Αποτελέσματα 3941 - 3960 | από συνολικά 7356
02 11 2020 | 07:12

Restoring seagrasses can bring coastal bays back to life.

A century ago Virginia’s coastal lagoons were a natural paradise. Fishing boats bobbed on the waves as geese flocked overhead. Beneath the surface, miles of seagrass gently swayed in the surf, making…

02 11 2020 | 07:11

House Democrats Introduce Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act.

Leaders of climate and conservation groups on Tuesday welcomed House Democrats' introduction of landmark legislation that aims to address the ocean impacts of human-caused global heating and reform…

02 11 2020 | 07:07

What are Trump’s plans to fight climate change?

Donald Trump’s reelection could have a lasting impact on the fight against the climate crisis, scientists say. A second Trump term would end mid-way through the 2020s, a decade in which scientists…

02 11 2020 | 07:07

Kamchatka: Toxic algae blamed for mass marine death in Russia.

The mass death of sea creatures off the coast of Kamchatka in Russia's far east was most likely caused by toxic algae and not man-made factors, Russian officials have said. The find weeks ago raised…

02 11 2020 | 07:04

Africa is Warming Fast, and the Most Vulnerable Are Being Hit Hardest.

African nations are spending between 2% and 9% of their gross domestic product on climate adaptation and mitigation measures, according to the World Meteorological Organization. The African…

02 11 2020 | 07:04

Welsh politicians urge openness on impact of mud from nuclear power station.

Hinkley Point C building site waste due to be dumped in sea near Cardiff. The builders of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station must be completely open about the potential environmental impact…

02 11 2020 | 07:02

Green Alliance: The power of digital to drive a green economy.

Digital technology could transform the environmental agenda, says new report published by Green Alliance. The fourth and final report from the Tech Task Force programme, argues greater…

02 11 2020 | 07:01

Doe your bit: Japan invents bags deer can eat after plastic-related deaths.

The famed deer that roam the city of Nara, in Japan, no longer face discomfort – or far worse – after local companies developed a safe alternative to the plastic packaging discarded by tourists that…

02 11 2020 | 06:45

Indigenous Women to Financial CEOs: Stop Abetting 'Climate-Wrecking' Tar Sands Industry.

A group of Indigenous women and their allies on Monday urged the heads of major global financial institutions to stop propping up the tar sands industry and sever all ties with the sector's "climate-…

02 11 2020 | 06:44

Attenborough records safety announcements for polar ship named for him after ‘Boaty McBoatface’ title ditched.

The £200m research vessel was named in honour of the veteran BBC broadcaster after the government ditched the title picked in a 2016 public poll. The Sir David Attenborough, the UK’s new polar ship…

31 10 2020 | 21:34

Wood Mackenzie: Global solar installations to hit 115GW in 2020.

In its latest quarterly market outlook, WoodMac forecasts that total solar installs will increase by 5% year-on-year to reach 115GWdc, driven primarily by a surge in activity within the Chinese…

30 10 2020 | 10:38

Protecting nature is vital to escape 'era of pandemics’ – report.

Halting destruction of wild places could slow frequency of deadly outbreaks, say scientists. The world is in an “era of pandemics” and unless the destruction of the natural world is halted they will…

30 10 2020 | 10:28

2020 likely to be one of warmest years on record despite La Niña.

Climate crisis exacerbates extreme weather during natural events, say experts. La Niña climate event is under way, heralding a colder and stormier winter than usual across the northern hemisphere,…

30 10 2020 | 09:26

Τέσσερις αλλαγές ζητά η ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ στο νέο κανονισμό βεβαιώσεων ΑΠΕ - Μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία για αιτήματα τροποποίησης και επάρκεια κεφαλαίων.

Τις παρατηρήσεις της σχετικά με το νέο Κανονισμό Βεβαιώσεων ΑΠΕ που έχει θέσει σε διαβούλευση η ΡΑΕ υπέβαλε η ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ με σχετική επιστολή προς την Αρχή. Η ένωση ζητά μεταξύ άλλων:

30 10 2020 | 09:07

Εκτός αειφορίας θέτει τις μονάδες φυσικού αερίου ο νέος κανονισμός της Ε.Ε. με αυστηρό όριο ρύπων.

Οι μονάδες ηλεκτροπαραγωγής με φυσικό αέριο δεν θα χαρακτηρίζονται πλέον ως αειφόρες επενδύσεις στην Ευρώπη, εκτός αν πληρούν ένα όριο εκπομπών, όπως προκύπτει από το προσχέδιο του νέου κανονισμού…

30 10 2020 | 09:03

Στο μικροσκόπιο του ΥΠΕΝ τα εκτός διαγωνισμών 500άρια φωτοβολταϊκά - Εξετάζεται η επιβολή πλαφόν και η μείωση τιμών αναφοράς.

Το πακέτο των νέων ρυθμίσεων που ετοιμάζει το ΥΠΕΝ για την κάλυψη του τρέχοντος ελλείμματος του ΕΛΑΠΕ, την εξασφάλιση της μακροπρόθεσμης βιωσιμότητάς του, και τη μείωση της χονδρεμπορικής τιμής…

30 10 2020 | 08:58

ΣΠΕΦ:Αίτημα για άμεσο σταδιακό άνοιγμα Πελοποννήσου και σε ιδιώτες επενδυτές ΑΠΕ και όχι μόνο σε Εν.Κοιν.

Προς: Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Μεσογείων 119, 101 92 Αθήνα Υπ’ όψη : Υπουργού κουΚωστή Χατζηδάκη :Γεν. Γραμμ. κας Αλεξάνδρας Σδούκου                 : Γεν. Δ/ντή Ενέργειας κου…

29 10 2020 | 14:38

Banks lent $2.6tn linked to ecosystem and wildlife destruction in 2019 – report.

Lack of policies regulating impact on natural world means finance industry effectively bankrolling biodiversity loss, analysis finds. The world’s largest investment banks provided more than $2.6tn…

29 10 2020 | 14:06

More than 200,000 tonnes of plastic leaking into the Mediterranean each year.

Report estimates there is already 100 million tonnes of plastic in the sea, with rate of pollution set to rise. Over 200,000 tonnes of plastic are being released into the Mediterranean Sea every…

29 10 2020 | 11:44

Ολοκλήρωση της κατασκευής του έργου Atacama.

Αθήνα, Ελλάδα – Ο Τομέας Επιχειρηματικής Δραστηριότητας Ανάπτυξης Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών και Αποθήκευσης Ενέργειας («RSD