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27 12 2019 | 11:51

'If the climate stays like this, we won't make it' say those on the frontline of Africa's drought.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (CNN)Torrents of water once thundered over the precipice at Victoria Falls, on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, shrouding the area in mist.

27 12 2019 | 11:19

Ολα τα απίθανα μέρη στα οποία έφτασε το πλαστικό το 2019.

Μεταμορφωμένο σε βότσαλα, σε απομακρυσμένες ερήμους, στο φαγητό μας, στα στομάχια ζώων. Άμα το σκεφτείτε, το πλαστικό είναι παντού γύρω μας και στη καθημερινότητά μας.   Στη συσκευασία του…

27 12 2019 | 08:56

Μια τέλεια κρίση δοκιμάζει την κρίση μας

Άλλο ένα COP, άλλη μια απογοήτευση. Λόγια και ανέξοδες μεγαλοστομίες με άφθονα «θα» και «πρέπει», αλλά στο τελικό κείμενο οι γνωστές άγνωστες χώρες κρατούν τις επιφυλάξεις τους και πάμε για το…

24 12 2019 | 09:56

Bah Humbug: Most of the World Will Never See a White Christmas.

Many people dream of a white Christmas each year. Why else would Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" from 1942 be the best-selling single in the world? But sadly, this dream will never come true for…

23 12 2019 | 13:02

COP25: Self-serving G20 spites youth, humanity, world at climate talks.

With 500,000 mostly young climate activists rallying in Madrid streets, COP25 delegates agreed to disagree on nearly everything, with smaller nations striving to pave the way for implementation of…

23 12 2019 | 08:49

US coalition says "we are still in" at UN summit.

Coalition of actors from the US rejects Trump's stand on climate change. As the US federal government steps down from the Paris Agreement, a group of representatives from local governments, business…

23 12 2019 | 08:27

Global climate summit ends in failure. But the fight is not over.

The world is still not taking climate change seriously, and the planet’s largest polluters are still not committed to real change. Not all is lost, but this is a major alarm and a massive call to…

23 12 2019 | 08:01

China's changing diet is increasing air pollution and leading to more premature deaths.

More people are eating meat in China, leading to farmers using more fertilizers. Can a larger meat consumption be linked to more premature deaths and air pollution? That seems to be the case in…

23 12 2019 | 07:41

The Escazu Agreement wants to protect environmental human rights in Latin America - but not everyone is on board.

Approved in 2018 after six years of negotiations, the Escazú Agreement is the first and single environmental human rights treaty in Latin America and the Caribbean – the region with one of the world’…

23 12 2019 | 07:41

Consider marine life when implementing offshore renewable power.

With countries such as Iceland, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Norway adopting green energy practices, renewable energy now accounts for a third of the world's power. As this trend continues, more and…

23 12 2019 | 07:22

On Islands Off the Scottish Coast, A Glimpse of Energy Systems of the Future.

The Orkney archipelago is at the cutting edge of renewable energy development. On Orkney a revolution is underway, made of wind, sun, and sea. The 20 islands of the Orkney archipelago lie in the…

20 12 2019 | 09:54

That lovely Christmas snow? It probably has microplastics in it.

From the waters of Antarctica to the food we eat, microplastics are all over the place, with scientists still trying to understand the consequences they have for the environment and our health.…

20 12 2019 | 09:24

In numbers: Why Christmas is the most wasteful time of the year.

Christmas is said to be the most wonderful time of the year - but it's certainly the most wasteful. As the big day approaches, edie rounds up some of the most shocking resources and waste statistics…

19 12 2019 | 08:06

Η ηλεκτροκίνηση μοχλός οικονομικής ανάπτυξης - Τι θέση μπορεί να έχει η Ελλάδα.

Οι μπαταρίες λιθίου είναι αυτές που στην παρούσα φάση - και για αρκετά χρόνια ακόμα - αναμένεται όχι μόνο να δώσουν σημαντική ώθηση στην ηλεκτροκίνηση, αλλά να αξιοποιηθούν συνδυαστικά και στον τομέα…

18 12 2019 | 08:46

A Coal Baron Funded Climate Denial as His Company Spiraled Into Bankruptcy.

WASHINGTON — As his coal mining company hurtled into bankruptcy, Robert E. Murray, the former chief executive, paid himself $14 million, handed his successor a $4 million bonus and earmarked nearly $…

18 12 2019 | 08:10

The State of Power Market Evolution in Europe.

The electricity sector has been a cornerstone of the energy transition. But with the pace of change increasing, are power markets helping or hindering? Centralized markets with prices set by the…

18 12 2019 | 07:51

Why a just transition makes economic sense for climate financiers.

The case for hardwiring social justice into climate action The very fact that this year’s COP25 climate summit had to be hastily moved to Spain, after street protests against economic inequality…

18 12 2019 | 07:40

Ranked: Top 10 Countries Leading The World In Renewable Energy Shift.

Believe it or not, with 12.74% of its total energy consumption driven by renewables, Germany leads the world, according to a new study. In addition, renewables accounted for 40% of Germany’s…

18 12 2019 | 07:34

Apple and Google named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths.

Dell, Microsoft and Tesla also among tech firms named in case brought by families of children killed or injured while mining in DRC. A landmark legal case has been launched against the world’s…