
Αποτελέσματα 12061 - 12080 | από συνολικά 25246
19 09 2021 | 09:42

Το μεταπτυχιακό του μέλλοντος στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιά.

Η πρόσφατη έκθεση του ΟΗΕ για την Κλιματική Κρίση (IPCC), τα λέει όλα. Ζούμε τη θερμότερη περίοδο των τελευταίων 125.000 ετών, έως και 9 φορές πιθανότερο να συμβούν πλημμύρες, η θνητότητα ανθρώπων…

19 09 2021 | 09:36

Indigenous Resistance Blocked 400 Coal Plants' Worth of Climate Pollution

Indigenous-led resistance to 21 fossil fuel projects in the U.S. and Canada has prevented or delayed the equivalent of one-quarter of those countries' climate warming pollution, a recent report says.

19 09 2021 | 09:33

Ghana's children scavenging on rubbish dumps

The numbers of children in Accra picking through rubbish for scrap metal and plastic to sell to recycling dealers has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic.

19 09 2021 | 09:28

Droughts or storms? The dire dilemma of Zimbabwe climate migrants

For many farmers who migrated to the country’s Eastern Highlands, hopes for a better life are turning into a nightmare amid tropical storms and cyclones. Mutara, Zimbabwe – A decade ago, Lloyd…

19 09 2021 | 09:26

Αντίδοτο στις υψηλές τιμές της ενέργειας η αποθήκευση μεγάλης κλίμακας σε ΑΠΕ και φυσικό αέριο

Η εκτόξευση των τιμών του ηλεκτρισμού και του φυσικού αερίου τόσο σε διεθνές επίπεδο όσο και στην ελληνική αγορά, καθιστά εκ νέου επίκαιρη τη συζήτηση για την λύση της αποθήκευσης ενέργειας μεγάλης…

19 09 2021 | 09:20

Tunisian wildfires scorch poor region's cork industry

JENDOUBA, Tunisia, Sept 14 (Reuters) - For cork collector Khaled Warhani, the wildfires that devastated part of northern Tunisia's lush woodland this summer were a warning of how the changing climate…

19 09 2021 | 08:22

Γεγονός το πρώτο ανακυκλώσιμο πτερύγιο ανεμογεννήτριας - Παγκόσμια πρωτοπορία για την Siemens Gamesa

Μια ακόμη παγκόσμια πρωτοπορία απέσπασε η Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy κατασκευάζοντας τα πρώτα ανακυκλώσιμα πτερύγια για ανεμογεννήτρια τα οποία προορίζονται για εμπορική χρήση σε υπεράκτια…

17 09 2021 | 15:58

How a new app helps fishing boats avoid endangered species

The discarding of fish at sea – known as “bycatch” – happens when fish have no commercial value or annual quotas for a commercial species are limited. It is widely regarded as a wasteful and…

17 09 2021 | 15:54

Beyond XR: Could government failure at Cop26 fire the starting gun on a brave green future?

Interview: The Glasgow summit is now or never for tackling the climate emergency. Harry Cockburn asks former XR strategist Rupert Read what is next for the environment movement if the meeting is a…

17 09 2021 | 15:48

One-third of the world’s tree species are threatened with extinction – here are five of them

One in three of the world’s tree species are at risk of becoming extinct, according to a recent report by the Global Tree Assessment – the first attempt to estimate the conservation status of all of…

17 09 2021 | 15:47

Scientists Find New Way to Reduce Marine ‘Dead Zones’

Summer in the Gulf of Mexico is a time to celebrate the region's bounty, including its prized shrimp, which are the star of local festivals. But shrimpers this summer found themselves contending with…

17 09 2021 | 15:47

When the US requires a deputy sheriff Australia reports for duty – but not when it comes to climate action

Scott Morrison hoped to focus on the positives of the US alliance on the 70th anniversary of the Anzus treaty but Labor focused on climate ambition differences.

17 09 2021 | 15:44

Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade

Global warming sceptics should be hiding in corners. But still some defend the indefensible. No one seems as defeated as the global warming “deniers” who dominated rightwing thinking a decade ago.…

17 09 2021 | 15:41

The Guardian view on saving forests: when trees are at risk, so are we.

Plantations are no replacement for biodiverse forests that have evolved over thousands of years.

17 09 2021 | 15:41

Η χρήση του Υδρογόνου ως αεροπορικού καυσίμου - Τα προβλήματα και οι προοπτικές

Με τον όρο Ατμοσφαιρική Ρύπανση εννοείται η εισαγωγή στην ατμόσφαιρα βλαβερών χημικών ή βιολογικών ουσιών με τη μορφή αερίων ή σωματιδίων που έχουν δυσμενείς επιπτώσεις στο περιβάλλον (φυσικό ή…

17 09 2021 | 15:38

Κ. Μητσοτάκης στην El Pais: Ορατή απειλή η κλιματική κρίση – Απαιτείται άμεση δράση

Την ανάγκη να υπάρξει από τις χώρες του ευρωπαϊκού νότου ένα «σχέδιο άμεσης δράσης» για την «ορατή απειλή» της κλιματικής αλλαγής επισημαίνει ο πρωθυπουργός Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης σε άρθρο του στην…

17 09 2021 | 15:37

We can’t build our way out of the environmental crisis

New infrastructure projects are all the rage, post-pandemic. But who benefits from a rising tide of concrete?

17 09 2021 | 15:19

1600 Oils and Gas Wells Could Close as LA County Votes to End Drilling

Some 1,600 oil and gas drilling sites, many of them still active, may be on track to close after the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 Wednesday to end new fossil drilling.

17 09 2021 | 15:04

Meat and dairy are almost 60% of all our food emissions

Cutting down on meat is one of the best ways to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. Production of meat and dairy products releases twice as much greenhouse gases as plant-based foods, according to…

17 09 2021 | 14:56

A radical new freezing method could cut emissions equal to one million cars, while keeping your food fresh

We're on the cusp of a new revolution in freezing foods. When the first freezers were mass-produced after World War II, food preservation was never the same. This seemingly simple yet wonderful…