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11 11 2021 | 11:54

ΣΕΦ : Ημερίδα για τις νέες ευκαιρίες για τα φωτοβολταϊκά στην Ελλάδα 18/11/2021

Ημερίδα για τις νέες ευκαιρίες για τα φωτοβολταϊκά στην Ελλάδα 18/11/2021  

11 11 2021 | 10:15

Αθήνα: 10 κυκλοφοριακά μέτρα, 7 μεγάλες αναπλάσεις και 3 επεκτάσεις τραμ

Δέκα προτεραιότητες κυκλοφοριακής αποσυμφόρησης, με αιχμή την ανακήρυξη του ιστορικού κέντρου σε ελεύθερη ζώνη από αυτοκίνητα, μαζί με εκτεταμένο δίκτυο πεζοδρόμων και ποδηλατοδρόμων, επτά…

11 11 2021 | 09:48

Εγκαίνια αιολικού πάρκου της ΔΕΗ Ανανεώσιμες στην Κεφαλονιά

Η τολμηρή απόφαση της κυβέρνησης για απολιγνιτοποίηση και προώθηση της πράσινης μετάβασης υπογραμμίζει τις προκλήσεις αλλά και τις ευκαιρίες στην ελληνική ενεργειακή αγορά και οι αμερικανικές…

11 11 2021 | 09:18

COP26: Indonesia needs more climate help from developed countries, Jokowi tells world leaders in Glasgow

GLASGOW: Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on Monday (Nov 1) that developed economies need to contribute more funds and share technology in order for his country to ramp up its climate change…

11 11 2021 | 09:11

Indonesia’s leader touts green goals at COP26, but overlooks green stewards at home

Indigenous rights advocates have lambasted Indonesian President Joko Widodo for failing to acknowledge Indigenous peoples and their role in protecting forests during his speech to other world…

11 11 2021 | 08:54

Hot air: Scepticism over Indonesia’s COP26 deforestation pledges

Campaigners say time for action, noting Southeast Asian nation has failed to meet previous promises on forests. Medan, Indonesia – As the COP26 climate change conference continues into its second…

11 11 2021 | 08:48

COP26: Indonesia criticises 'unfair' deal to end deforestation

Indonesia has criticised the terms of a global deal to end deforestation by 2030, signalling that the country may not abide by it. Environment Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar said the authorities could…

11 11 2021 | 08:41

What happened at Cop26 – DAY NINE at a glance

Summary of the main developments on the ninth day of the UN climate summit in Glasgow The world’s most respected climate analysis coalition, the Climate Action Tracker (Cat), announced that…

10 11 2021 | 15:50

Op - Cop26 leaders blame individuals, while supporting a far more destructive system

It suits governments to lecture us on our consumption, but they need to offer systemic change if we are to tackle the climate crisis

10 11 2021 | 15:42

Op - Cop26 is creating false hope for a 1.5C rise – the stark reality is very different

Our climate analysis shows there’s a nearly 1C difference between countries’ 2030 commitments and their 2050 targets

10 11 2021 | 15:19

Op - If Biden doesn’t pass the climate bill, it will be the betrayal of a generation

Deep into the night last Friday, long past the hour when most Americans had ceased paying attention, Congress passed the $1.2tn bipartisan infrastructure bill otherwise known as the BIF. Its passage…

10 11 2021 | 14:47

The cow in the room: why is no one talking about farming at Cop26?

Sustainable food systems are a cornerstone to cutting emissions but have been largely absent from the agenda in Glasgow “The cow in the room is being ignored at this Cop,” says Carl Le Blanc of…

10 11 2021 | 14:31

Nations and Businesses Commit to Create Sustainable Agriculture and Land Use

45 governments pledge urgent action and investment to protect nature and shift to more sustainable ways of farming 95 high profile companies from a range of sectors commit to being ‘Nature…

10 11 2021 | 14:14

‘The whole place feels wrong’: voices from across America on what the climate crisis stole

In the six years since the Paris agreement, the climate crisis has rapidly accelerated. From catastrophes to slow transformations of familiar landscapes, lives everywhere have been upended

10 11 2021 | 14:11

New Zealand students sue energy minister over oil and gas permits decision

Lawsuit is the second major legal challenge to climate policy in New Zealand this year A group of law students have filed a lawsuit at Wellington’s high court against New Zealand’s minister of…

10 11 2021 | 14:07

Australia ranked last of 60 countries for policy response to climate crisis

Country was down four places on greenhouse gas index and was the only one to score zero on policy The Australian government’s policy response to the climate crisis was ranked last in an assessment…

10 11 2021 | 13:58

Donors pledge $413 million to help most vulnerable cope with climate crisis

In a show of support for those most at risk from climate change, 12 donor governments have pledged $413 million in new funding for the Least Developed Countries Fund during the COP26 climate summit…

10 11 2021 | 13:45

Climate change: What do scientists want from COP26 this week?

As the COP26 climate summit enters its second week, negotiations in Glasgow have hit a critical phase. The conference is seen as crucial if climate change is to be brought under control. So we asked…

10 11 2021 | 13:36

Climate change: What's it like living in a place where it's 50C?

The climate crisis is no longer a future concern. In many parts of the world, it has already begun. Millions of people are living with extreme temperatures, facing a growing threat of flooding or…

10 11 2021 | 13:10

Cop26: world on track for disastrous heating of more than 2.4C, says key report

Research from world’s top climate analysis coalition contrasts sharply with last week’s optimism The world is on track for disastrous levels of global heating far in excess of the limits in the…