
Αποτελέσματα 5741 - 5760 | από συνολικά 25230
08 06 2023 | 07:35

Turkey’s researchers fear loss of freedom after Erdoğan re-elected

Researchers have told Nature they fear that the re-election of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will lead to more restrictions on academic freedom. His administration has sacked thousands of…

08 06 2023 | 07:32

This Is the Extinction Economy — Some of Us Just Don’t Know It Yet

There are headlines, and then there are headlines. I was scanning the news this morning, and this jumped out and slapped me right in the face:

08 06 2023 | 07:29

EU pushes alternative model to China in global race for raw materials

This article is part of our special report Critical raw materials: Navigating the complexities. The European Commission is looking to forge “win-win partnerships” with raw material-producing…

08 06 2023 | 07:27

Nature Restoration Law on knife edge as centre-right EPP walks out on talks

The EU’s flagship Nature Restoration Law has suffered another blow as the largest group in the European Parliament, the European People’s Party, walked out of negotiations on Wednesday (31 May) ahead…

08 06 2023 | 07:24

Using pig fat as green jet fuel will hurt planet, experts warn

The fat of dead pigs, cattle and chickens is being used to make greener jet fuel, but a new study warns it will end up being worse for the planet. Animal fats are considered waste, so aviation fuel…

08 06 2023 | 07:22

Tensions mount as rival protests clash over EU nature restoration law

Farmers and green groups both turned out in force outside the European Parliament on Thursday (1 June) over the EU’s proposed nature restoration law as tensions continued to mount over the future…

08 06 2023 | 07:21

Worthless’: Chevron’s carbon offsets are mostly junk and some may harm, research says

A new investigation into Chevron’s climate pledge has found the fossil-fuel company relies on “junk” carbon offsets and “unviable” technologies, which do little to offset its vast greenhouse gas…

08 06 2023 | 07:21

Delta Air Lines faces lawsuit over $1bn carbon neutrality claim

Delta Air Lines is facing a lawsuit over its $1bn carbon neutrality claim which plaintiffs say is “false and misleading” as it relies on offsets that do little to mitigate global heating.

08 06 2023 | 07:16

Allied for Climate Transformation By 2025 (ACT2025)

The Global Stocktake at COP28 will evaluate how much progress has been made in the fight against the climate crisis and what more is needed to accelerate climate action forward. But the world is way…

08 06 2023 | 07:16

To prevent outages, EU scientists want electric vehicles and the grid to talk

EU scientists are exploring how electric cars and smart grids across Europe can better communicate, in a bid to prevent power outages caused by millions of vehicles charging simultaneously. While…

08 06 2023 | 07:10

Renewable energy directive: Three key measures to speed up deployment

 RED III, Member States must soon implement numerous measures to speed up permitting for renewable energy (RES) projects. Three key measures are presented in this article. Some of these measures…

08 06 2023 | 07:07

First hydrogen bank auction will help gauge market, EU Commission says

The first auction to support green hydrogen production in Europe will help understand supply and demand on the emerging EU market when it takes place at the end of the year, according to the European…

08 06 2023 | 07:02

Billion-euro hydrogen plant raises stakes at Finnish government negotiations

US company Plug Power announced a billion-euro investment to develop hydrogen production plants in Finland as energy strategy and climate targets were being questioned by the Finns Party in…

08 06 2023 | 07:00

Plastic packaging circularity – an opportunity not to be wasted

Working together, legislation and industry can transform the plastics packaging value chain – making significant steps in recyclability and use of recycled content. Separate collection of packaging…

08 06 2023 | 06:54

How to close the corporate accountability gap on sustainability

If businesses are to take corporate sustainability seriously, they will need to add relevant sustainability expertise to their boards, argue Nicolas Sauviat and Sanjini Jain. Nicolas Sauviat and…

07 06 2023 | 18:35

Εμβόλιο για την Ενεργειακή πανδημία

Όταν έγραφε ο Νιόνιος το γνωστό «Το χειμώνα ετούτο άμα τον πηδήσαμε, για άλλα δέκα χρόνια άντε καθαρίσαμε.