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07 11 2023 | 20:32

Advocates Question Biden Administration’s Promises to Address Environmental Injustices While Supporting Fossil Fuel Projects

At a Department of Energy conference, environmental leaders said justice efforts should be tied to investments in clean energy, not LNG export terminals close to ‘“sacrifice zones” on the Gulf Coast…

07 11 2023 | 20:27

In the Florida Everglades, a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hotspot

Drainage has exposed the fertile soils of the Everglades Agricultural Area, a region responsible for much of the nation’s sugar cane. ORLANDO, Fla.—It used to be the water spilled over Lake…

07 11 2023 | 20:20

Navigator’s Proposed Carbon Pipeline Struggles to Gain Support in Illinois

McDonough County residents are asking officials to stand their ground as Navigator offers payments totaling up to $18.9 million to the county in exchange for its support. A farming county in Western…

07 11 2023 | 20:17

How Midwest Landowners Helped to Derail One of the Biggest CO2 Pipelines Ever Proposed

Lured by billions of dollars in federal funding for carbon capture, developers are proposing huge pipelines to carry the CO2 across the Midwest. In Illinois, one retired academic united her neighbors…

07 11 2023 | 20:12

Q&A: The League of Conservation Voters’ Take on House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Voting Record: ‘Appalling’

“To call him a climate skeptic is generous,” says the league’s Tiernan Sittenfeld. “He's said outrageous things about climate change, and what's causing it, whether he believes it's happening.” From…

07 11 2023 | 20:03

Similar to Mexico’s Hurricane Otis, Storm Ciarán Took Europe by Surprise

Climate attribution is tricky. But a growing body of evidence suggests climate disasters are cropping up in unexpected places where such severe weather was thought to be rare. At least 14 people are…

07 11 2023 | 19:59

Deep Rifts at UN Loss and Damage Talks Cast a Shadow on Upcoming Climate Conference

Developing countries oppose the U.S.-led plan for the World Bank to host the new climate fund, and question the credibility of developed countries that have failed to deliver on other climate…

07 11 2023 | 19:55

Shapiro Orders New Controls on the Oil and Gas Industry in Pennsylvania, Targeting Methane Emissions and Drilling Chemicals

The governor also announced a collaboration with CNX Resources, a gas driller, aimed at gathering and disclosing pollution data and increasing transparency. Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro announced…

07 11 2023 | 19:51

Toxic Pesticides Are Sprayed Next to Thousands of US Schools

As many as 2 million children attend elementary schools near farms where pesticides are likely applied, as federal legislators aim to gut state and local health protections. Young children go to…

07 11 2023 | 19:47

Imminent Spike of Planetary Warming and Deepens Divides Among Climate Scientists - New Study Warns

James Hansen, the scientist who first sounded the climate alarm in Congress, sees a decrease in aerosol pollution driving a surge of warming and criticizes the U.N. climate science panel, drawing a…

07 11 2023 | 19:38

Frontline Communities Launch Hunger Strike to Protest Plastics Giant Formosa

Strikers are seeking justice for victims of a 2016 toxic spill in Vietnam, caused by the Taiwan-based company. Communities around the world impacted by the plastics giant Formosa are launching a…

07 11 2023 | 19:33

Honolulu’s Climate Suit Against Big Oil Advances Towards Trial

The Hawaii Supreme Court denied fossil fuel companies’ appeal, allowing the case to proceed to discovery. A lawsuit filed by the city and county of Honolulu against nearly a dozen fossil fuel…

07 11 2023 | 19:29

New Report Calls Out Chemical Recycling as a ‘False Solution’ to the Plastics Crisis

Just 11 facilities are currently operational in the U.S. and they process a tiny fraction of the nation’s plastic waste, the report finds.

07 11 2023 | 18:54

GB News Owner’s Hedge Fund Has $2.2 Billion Fossil Fuel Investments

The broadcaster has regularly platformed climate science denial and attacks on net zero since it launched in 2021. One of the owners of GB News runs a hedge fund that has a major financial stake in…

07 11 2023 | 14:48

LNG Plant Operators Change Their Tune on Carbon Capture

While tax subsidies allay financial concerns about carbon capture and storage (CCS), key questions remain about the controversial technology and whether it’s able to reduce carbon emissions.