
Αποτελέσματα 22421 - 22440 | από συνολικά 25173
10 04 2019 | 08:04

Linking the electricity, heat and gas networks key for a cost-effective energy transition.

The European energy sector stands in front of a gargantuan task of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Apart from the many technical challenges for achieving this ambitious goal, there is also a social…

10 04 2019 | 07:42

Summit leak reveals EU rift on climate change.

Confidential documents prepared in advance of a two-day EU summit in Brussels have exposed an East-West divide in Europe on climate change, with Germany siding with Poland, Hungary and the Czech…

10 04 2019 | 07:40

On the front line of Nigeria’s energy crisis.

    Nigeria is Africa's largest producer of oil and natural gas yet about half of the country’s population has no access to electricity, and those that do face daily power cuts that can last…

10 04 2019 | 07:38

Χωρίς παγετώνες οι Άλπεις έως το 2100 λόγω κλιματικής αλλαγής

Οι Ευρωπαϊκές ‘Αλπεις θα χάσουν περίπου τα δύο τρίτα των σημερινών πάγων τους έως το 2100, αν η άνοδος της θερμοκρασίας είναι σχετικά περιορισμένη, ενώ κινδυνεύουν να μείνουν σχεδόν χωρίς καθόλου…

10 04 2019 | 07:19

Big oil’s ‘double speak’ on climate exposed in new report.

The world’s five largest listed oil and gas companies have spent more than $1 billion touting their climate credentials since the Paris Agreement was signed, whilst lobbying to protect and expand…

10 04 2019 | 07:04

South Africa to receive US $300m to boost energy and gas projects.

South Africa is set to receive US $300 boost from the Development Bank of Southern Africa(DBSA) and New Development Bank (NDB) after they signed a loan agreement to facilitate the Greenhouse Gas…

09 04 2019 | 15:29

κ. Σταθάκη, το κλίμα στον λαιμό σου.

Ακτιβιστές της Greenpeace διαμαρτύρονται έξω από το Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας την ημέρα των υπογραφών με ΕΛΠΕ και Repsol για εξόρυξη υδρογονανθράκων σε Ιόνιο και Κυπαρισσιακό Κόλπο

09 04 2019 | 08:25

Orkney pilots 'smart' island thinking.

The first phase of a new £28.5m project has been launched to create a virtual energy system in Orkney, Scotland, to digitally link distributed and intermittent renewable generation to flexible demand…

09 04 2019 | 08:18

Batteries are key to clean energy — and they just got much cheaper.

Batteries are critical for our clean energy future. Luckily, their cost has dropped so low, we might be much closer to this future than we previously thought.

09 04 2019 | 07:51

Over 300GW of new wind capacity will be added in the next five years, according to GWEC.

Over 300GW of new wind capacity will be added in the next five years, according to a new report from the Global Wind Energy Council. The 14th 'Global Wind Report' said offshore wind development will…

09 04 2019 | 07:51

NV Grid Works Smoothly with 50% Renewables.

Nevada’s grid would work smoothly and reliably while delivering 50 percent of the state’s electricity from clean, renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal, and wind according to an analysis…

09 04 2019 | 07:44

U.S. banks pledged to fund renewable energy, but they still spend way more on fossil fuels.

This story was originally published by Mother Jones and is reproduced here as part of theClimate Desk collaboration.

09 04 2019 | 07:32

SA urged to speed up transition to money-saving renewable energy.

No new coal or nuclear power plants should feature in the country’s electricity future, says UCT study. The transition to renewable energy could result in cheaper, cleaner and more reliable…

08 04 2019 | 15:17

ABB and Formula E celebrate partnership at 50th race in Hong Kong.

As ABB FIA Formula E Championship marks up 50 races, ABB CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer and Formula E founder Alejandro Agag hail spirit of successful partnership and collaboration. ABB CEO Ulrich…

08 04 2019 | 13:44

Φάμελλος: «κλιματική αιρεσιμότητα» σε κάθε έργο, επένδυση και χρηματοδότηση σε Ελλάδα και Ευρώπη.

Η Ελλάδα ζητά η προσαρμογή στην κλιματική αλλαγή να είναι αιρεσιμότητα για τα ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα στις επόμενες χρηματοδοτικές περιόδους, διαβεβαίωσε ο αναπληρωτής Υπουργός Περιβάλοντος Σωκράτης…

08 04 2019 | 00:06

Deadly air in our cities: the invisible killer.

Traffic pollution is putting our children at risk. We meet campaigners – many of them concerned mothers – fighting back. In the winter you can taste and smell the pollution,” says Kylie ap Garth,…

06 04 2019 | 10:36

Intersolar Europe 2019: Focus on Africa

15th - 17th MAY 2019

06 04 2019 | 10:20


Προσκληση Παρουσίαση του Β΄ κύκλου της Ενιαίας Δράσης

06 04 2019 | 09:29

Huge Global Study Just Smashed One of The Last Major Arguments Against Renewables

We just got some massive news in the ongoing drive to switch to renewable energy: scientists have identified 530,000 sites worldwide suitable for pumped-hydro energy storage, capable of storing more…