
Αποτελέσματα 20361 - 20380 | από συνολικά 25245
16 11 2019 | 14:50

Warren’s New Plan Would Punish Exxon for Lying to Regulators.

Yesterday, presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren released a plan (!) calling for companies who have misled federal regulators to be prosecuted under a new corporate perjury law. She also…

16 11 2019 | 14:34

Making Microgrids More Accessible.

In the aftermath of the recent PG&E shutdowns, we wrote about the hardships that Californians faced–especially those who didn’t have solar and battery storage available to them.

16 11 2019 | 14:30

Orkney tidal specialists to set up Japanese energy demo.

Orkney-based offshore marine energy construction specialist Green Marine is exporting its skills to Japan as part of a tidal energy demonstration project. Simec Atlantis Energy, which developed and…

16 11 2019 | 14:29

Hero of the Week: Italy’s Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti.

This week Italy got an A+ — thanks to its education minister, Lorenzo Fioramonti,who announced that starting next year all schools and students in all grades in Italywill be required to spend 33…

16 11 2019 | 14:18

Bioeconomy & Bioenergy Forum 2019 (BBF2019) στις 27/11.

Ενημερωτική ημερίδα για τον εορτασμό της Ελληνικής Ημέρας Βιοενέργειας συνδιοργανώνουν φορείς βιοενέργειας και βιοοικονομίας (ΕΛΕΑΒΙΟΜ, ΚΑΠΕ, ΕΚΕΤΑ, το Εργαστήριο Βιοοικονομίας, Κυκλικής Οικονομίας…

16 11 2019 | 14:12

Andhra Pradesh proposal casts doubt on India’s renewable sector: Rystad Energy

India may fall around 7 GW short of its ‘60 GW by 2022’ utility-scale solar target if the power purchase agreement revision proposal by the state government is implemented.

16 11 2019 | 14:05

McDonald’s unveils new innovative packaging and recycling solutions.

McDonald’s has unveiled innovative packaging solutions to tackle plastic pollution under their new scheme ‘Better M’. Today, McDonald’s announced a wide-ranging programme to remove and minimise…

16 11 2019 | 14:00

Harvard Study Shows Where Investments In Renewable Energy Can Be Most Effective.

Sometimes, a study or report comes to such an obvious conclusion you wonder why the study needed to be done in the first place. Here’s an example. A new study from the Center for Climate, Health and…

16 11 2019 | 14:00

One Climate SOS Thing: Floating A House Down the River Thames.

The Extinction Rebellion launched another high profile protest, this time floating down the River Thames in London a “model” of a suburban home that is literally partially under water as a way to…

16 11 2019 | 13:50

European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuels financing.

The European Investment Bank has agreed to phase out its multibillion-euro financing for fossil fuels within the next two years to become the world’s first ‘“climate bank”. The bank will end its…

16 11 2019 | 13:48

Mirova fund raises €857m for renewables.

Mirova has announced the final close of an €857m fund to invest in clean energy projects. The Mirova-Eurofideme 4 fund has already made its first investments and deployed more than €300m, financing…

16 11 2019 | 13:41

Paris e-scooters under pressure to prove green credentials.

Pulling on makeshift roped hooks along a sun-drenched bank of the Seine River in Paris, Youva Hadjali and Edison Gompo fish out two electric scooters -- not the most ecological fate for devices…

16 11 2019 | 06:34

Ο Bob Kennedy, η Κλιματική Κρίση και το Κόκκινο Συμβόλαιο.

Το ΑΕΠ μετρά τα πάντα, εκτός από αυτά που κάνουν τη ζωή να αξίζει να τη ζει

16 11 2019 | 06:17

«Καμπανάκι» από την ΕΕ για την ελληνική αγορά ηλεκτρισμού.

Ως κώδωνας κινδύνου θα πρέπει να ηχήσει η τριμηνιαία έκθεση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής που δείχνει ότι η ανταγωνιστικότητα της ελληνικής αγοράς ηλεκτρισμού βρίσκεται στον πάτο της σχετικής ευρωπαϊκής…

15 11 2019 | 21:58

Korean firms urged to work harder to cut gas emissions.

Corporations around the world use two-thirds of the electricity produced globally.  Meanwhile, here in Korea, companies consume over 50 percent of the electric power generated from coal-fired power…

15 11 2019 | 21:49

Climate-change confessions of an energy reporter.

I cover energy and climate change, and yet even I do little to reduce my own environmental footprint. Why it matters: Because most people don't! Recent polling and research show that most of us don'…

15 11 2019 | 21:46

Lib Dems pledge renewable energy boost through home insulation investment.

The Liberal Democrats are pledging to invest £15 billion over the next parliament insulating homes to tackle climate change and fuel poverty. Plans to upgrade the energy efficiency of 26 million…

15 11 2019 | 21:40

Zimbabwe to cut power to mines, others over $77m in unpaid bills.

Daily power cuts lasting up to 18 hours are common after a severe drought reduced water levels at a key hydro plant. Zimbabwe's state-owned electricity distributor, grappling with drought and ageing…

15 11 2019 | 21:13

DNV GL upgrades battery scorecard.

DNV GL has released an updated version of its battery performance scorecard, which ranks and evaluates of different types of batteries used for energy storage. The scorecard also provides industry…

15 11 2019 | 21:13

Engie's renewables chief on scaling corporate contracts, hydrogen hopes and offshore wind.

Earlier this year, French-born energy company Engie made a bold proclamation — it will add at least 9 gigawatts of renewable energy between now and 2021, at least half of which will come from power…