New generation of Greenwich Council eco-homes unveiled.

Royal Borough of Greenwich unveil new generation of eco homes that will tackle both the housing crisis and the climate emergency.
Tenants have begun moving into the first of a new generation of council homes, following completion of the pilot Greenwich Builds housing scheme in Woolwich.
The new homes are the first of 750 to be built across the borough under the Greenwich Builds programme.
The homes will become some of the greenest in the UK, exceeding zero-carbon standards and capable of providing energy back to the grid, reaffirming Royal Greenwich’s commitments to tackling both the housing crisis and the climate emergency.
Recently the Mayor of London announced the Building Council Homes for London scheme which made £1bn available to councils to start building homes again. Royal Greenwich received some of this money, and with the limit on borrowing lifted we've now raised £200 million to start constructing the homes.
This will form part of our commitment to meeting the needs of the 19,000 households currently on our housing waiting lists.
Building on all sites is due to start no later than 2022 after a thorough consultation process to take on board the views of existing residents.
Royal Borough of Greenwich cabinet member, Anthony Okereke, added: “These high-quality and sustainable council homes are the first of 750 we’ll be delivering across the borough as part of our Greenwich Builds programme.”
“It’s great to see new tenants moving into the first of many Greenwich Builds council homes, and to hear how the lives of our residents have improved as a result of what Royal Greenwich has been able to achieve. With nearly 750 more new homes to go we are looking forward to hearing many more of these good news stories in future, and to meeting them in person once lockdown has ended.”
11 August 2020
Climate Action