Dr. Avgerinopoulou, Chairperson of Environment Committee of the Hellenic Parliament, at Stockholm+50

03 06 2022 | 13:52

Dr. Avgerinopoulou´s participation at the International Meeting “Stockholm+50”

In Stockholm, for the High-Level International Conference "Stockholm +50: A Healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All - Our Responsibility, Our Opportunity" is the Chair of the Environment Committee of the Parliament and Member of the ICC Commission on Environment and Energy, Dr. Dionysia - Theodora Avgerinopoulou.

Stockholm+50 will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment - the 1972 Stockholm Conference, which laid the foundations for environmental policy and the importance on multilateralism in tackling the Earth’s triple planetary crisis – climate, nature, and pollution. Dr. Avgerinopoulou participates in a series of side events and high-level meetings, such as the 4th Global Session of the United Nations Science-Policy-Business Forum (Stockholm + 50), while on June 2-3 she will attend the crucial high-level environmental meeting and leadership dialogues.

Stockholm+50 provides a unique opportunity to accelerate the implementation of the UN Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework, and steer humanity back on the path to a sustainable and inclusive future.

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