Louise Cullen / BBC NI agriculture and environment correspondent

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 | από συνολικά 3
19 12 2023 | 17:52

COP28: Students at mock event 'want action on empty promises'

The dust is settling on the COP28 climate change conference and the agreement reached on transitioning away from fossil fuels. School pupils in Northern Ireland who took part in a mock COP28 event…

16 12 2023 | 00:47

Net zero: MPs to examine NI decarbonisation barriers

Barriers to Northern Ireland reaching its decarbonisation goals are to be examined by MPs. The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee at Westminster has announced a new inquiry in the wake of COP28.…

22 11 2023 | 13:50

Biomethane added to NI gas supply network for first time

Biomethane, a more environmentally-friendly gas product, has been successfully introduced into Northern Ireland's gas supply network for the first time. The product can be used as a direct…

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