Fiona Harvey Environment editor / THE GUARDIAN

Αποτελέσματα 21 - 40 | από συνολικά 53
16 10 2023 | 20:17

‘Staggering’ green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy chief

IEA’s Fatih Birol says uptake of solar power and EVs is in line with net zero goal but rich countries must hasten their broader plans The prospects of the world staying within the 1.5C limit on…

19 09 2023 | 22:01

New fossil fuel projects ‘very unwise economic risk’ says global energy chief

Fatih Birol, head of International Energy Agency, says countries planning expansion are ‘misjudging market trends’ Countries and companies planning to expand their fossil fuel production are taking…

15 09 2023 | 16:29

Heat pumps twice as efficient as fossil fuel systems in cold weather, study finds

Doubts about whether heat pumps work well in subzero conditions shown to be unfounded, say researchers Heat pumps are more than twice as efficient as fossil fuel heating systems in cold temperatures…

15 09 2023 | 16:21

World Bank spent billions of dollars backing fossil fuels in 2022, study finds

Campaigners estimate about $3.7bn in trade finance was supplied to oil and gas projects despite bank’s green pledges The World Bank poured billions of dollars into fossil fuels around the world last…

15 09 2023 | 15:39

New fossil fuel projects ‘very unwise economic risk’ says global energy chief

Fatih Birol, head of International Energy Agency, says countries planning expansion are ‘misjudging market trends’ Countries and companies planning to expand their fossil fuel production are taking…

15 09 2023 | 15:33

Experts call for global moratorium on efforts to geoengineer climate

Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say Governments should place a moratorium on efforts to geoengineer the planet’s climate, as greenhouse gas…

11 09 2023 | 20:28

Rishi Sunak avoiding UN summit after being warned about potential rejection

Rishi Sunak avoiding UN summit after being warned about potential rejection. Exclusive: PM risked embarrassment of downgraded status if UN deemed UK’s climate policies lacking ambition   Rishi…

11 09 2023 | 20:18

Global push for commitment to phase out fossil fuels gathers pace ahead of Cop28

UN hopes to galvanise summit talks by persuading world leaders to commit to stop burning coal, oil and gas, despite industry lobbying A global push to commit to phasing out fossil fuels is gathering…

11 09 2023 | 18:53

‘A critical moment’: UN warns world will miss climate targets unless fossil fuels phased out

Governments are failing to cut greenhouse gas emissions fast enough to meet the goals of the Paris agreement and to stave off climate disaster, a major report by the UN has found. Meeting the goals…

16 08 2023 | 14:35

Phase down of fossil fuel inevitable and essential, says Cop28 president

The phase down of fossil fuels is “inevitable”, the president of the next UN climate summit has said, but can only happen when the world has ramped up its renewable energy capacity.

14 08 2023 | 13:43

Improving soil could keep world within 1.5C heating target, research suggests

Marginal improvements to agricultural soils around the world would store enough carbon to keep the world within 1.5C of global heating, new research suggests.

29 07 2023 | 09:01

Greta Thunberg: not phasing out fossil fuels is ‘death sentence’ for world’s poor

Rich countries are signing a “death sentence” for millions of poor people around the world by failing to phase out fossil fuels, the climate activist Greta Thunberg has told governments.

19 07 2023 | 14:25

Fossil fuel lobbyists will have to identify themselves when registering for Cop28

Fossil fuel lobbyists will have to identify themselves as such in registering for the UN Cop28 climate summit, making polluting and carbon-intensive industries more accountable at the annual talks.

19 07 2023 | 13:51

Paris talks to focus on funding poor countries to tackle climate crisis

Talks on a global financial pact that will give poor countries access to funds to help them tackle the climate crisis and develop their economies in environmentally sustainable and socially equitable…

05 07 2023 | 09:38

Debt relief urgent for poor countries hit by climate shocks, says IMF chief

Poor countries hit by climate disaster should not be forced to struggle with crippling debt payments, the head of the International Monetary Fund has urged before a global summit on climate finance…

05 07 2023 | 09:35

Paris climate finance summit fails to deliver debt forgiveness plan

Poorer countries struggling with a growing debt crisis were thrown a lifeline at a global finance summit in Paris but the plans still fell short of the debt forgiveness programme that some had hoped…

05 07 2023 | 09:20

A wealth tax could help poorer countries tackle climate crisis, economists say

Tax extreme wealth to pay for the climate-related damage to the poorest, a group of more than 100 leading economists have urged. A wealth tax on the fortunes of the world’s richest people would…

05 07 2023 | 09:20

Governments at Paris summit to finalise climate finance roadmap

Questions over a tax on global shipping and other big sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and how countries should go about setting up a loss and damage fund continue to be the subject of fierce…

05 07 2023 | 09:16

Shipping emissions could be halved without damaging trade, research finds

Greenhouse gas emissions from shipping could be halved by 2030 without damaging trade, new research has found, as countries prepare to meet to discuss a potential new tax on carbon produced by ships…

05 07 2023 | 09:03

Paris finance reforms could untie poor countries’ hands in climate crisis

The Netherlands has almost the same amount of solar generating capacity as the whole continent of Africa. That must be, in part, because the interest on a loan to set up a windfarm in Africa is about…

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