green hydrogen

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27 08 2022 | 06:38

ScottishPower to build £150m green hydrogen plant at Port of Felixstowe

ScottishPower is planning to build a £150m green hydrogen plant at the Port of Felixstowe to power trains, trucks and ships, the Guardian can reveal. The energy company has drawn up proposals for a…

22 08 2022 | 07:32

Upcoming Green Hydrogen Projects in Africa

The green hydrogen sector is still in its infancy in Africa, but with its phased expansion, the continent could reduce reliance on fossil fuels, lower carbon emissions and address long-standing…

17 08 2022 | 16:42

US green H2 would become 'world's cheapest' under tax-credit plan in new Manchin-approved bill

The surprise breakthrough tax and climate bill agreed yesterday by maverick coal-state Democratic senator Joe Manchin and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer includes generous tax credits that would…

28 07 2022 | 20:56

Rheinmetall is going electric with its new bus, bikes and scooters

Rheinmetall South Africa is making a start on its plans to become climate neutral by rolling out its new electric bus and off-grid solar power charging stations. The company has settled on electric…

28 07 2022 | 19:43

What is hydrogen energy? And what's the difference between blue and green hydrogen? | News glossary

Hydrogen could possibly be the next big thing in energy but do you know what it actually is? And why have the discussions around a colourless gas involved so many colours? In this episode of News…

05 07 2022 | 08:16

Tiny Mass. Startup Cooks Up Big, Green Hydrogen Plan

The green hydrogen trickle is turning into a flood, and the latest development on that score is a $198 million round of funding for a patented, industrial scale electrolysis system from the…

05 07 2022 | 07:50

Green hydrogen is the ultimate answer to high gas prices, climate change, and saber-rattling dictators

WASHINGTON (Project Syndicate)—Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread environmental disruption and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world. According to…

05 07 2022 | 07:34

Egypt, EU to partner on green hydrogen production & renewable energy

The European Union (EU) and Egypt have issued a joint statement where they declared their commitment to partner to advance a just green transition. During a visit of the President of the European…

05 07 2022 | 07:19

How utilities can harness green hydrogen production's flexibility in balancing a high-renewables grid

This opinion piece is part of a series from Energy Innovation’s policy experts on advancing an affordable, resilient and clean energy system.

26 06 2022 | 08:00

EGYPT: Acwa and Hassan Allam to build 1.1 GW wind power complex in Gabal el Zeit

The Egyptian government is entrusting the construction of the Gabal el Zeit wind farm complex to a consortium formed by the Saudi company Acwa Power and the Egyptian Hassan Allam Holding. The wind…

03 06 2022 | 14:28

Interrogating green hydrogen cost and potential

IRENA members met recently to discuss plans for the international trade of green hydrogen and derivates. They also discussed the challenges they encounter in moving from announcements to projects at…

21 05 2022 | 07:11

'Almost no country building renewables at pace needed for green H2 economy': ETC chair

The creation of a global green hydrogen economy will require renewable energy generation for hydrogen production alone to reach the equivalent of more than double 2022’s total electricity demand by…

21 05 2022 | 07:08

EU plan to import vast amounts of green hydrogen from North Africa 'makes little sense': study

EU plans to import millions of tonnes of green hydrogen from North Africa make “little sense” due to high costs and counter-productive climate impacts, according to a new study commissioned by a…

21 05 2022 | 07:03

'White elephants' | Green hydrogen will be cheaper than blue H2 in all parts of world by 2030, says BNEF

An expected tenfold reduction in the cost of hydrogen electrolysers coupled with ever-cheaper renewable energy will mean that green H2 will be cheaper to produce than gas-powered blue worldwide by…

13 05 2022 | 10:27

Net zero by 2050 will hit a major timing problem technology can’t solve. We need to talk about cutting consumption

Many climate activists, scientists, engineers and politicians are trying to reassure us the climate crisis can be solved rapidly without any changes to lifestyle, society or the economy.

28 04 2022 | 12:45

Masdar plans 4 gigawatts of green hydrogen production in Suez

Masdar and Hassan Allam Utilities have signed two memorandums of understanding with Egyptian state-backed organisations to cooperate on the development of up to 4GW of green hydrogen production…

28 04 2022 | 12:40

IEEFA: A shift to green ammonia from green hydrogen can reduce India’s fertiliser subsidy burden

Switching to a cleaner, domestically produced fertiliser feedstock would cut dependence on LNG imports (IEEFA India): A shift to green ammonia would significantly reduce the Indian government’s…

21 04 2022 | 09:34

10GW green hydrogen project in Australia moves forward as Osaka Gas joins venture

Technology company Aqua Aerem has entered into a joint development agreement with Japanese energy producer Osaka Gas for its 10GW Desert Bloom Hydrogen project in Northern Australia. Osaka Gas’…

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