
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 | από συνολικά 3
27 05 2024 | 11:40


The Sargasso Sea is a unique ecosystem, characterised by its lack of land borders: its edges are defined by ever-changing ocean currents, creating a relatively still, warm sea teeming with all sorts…

23 04 2024 | 08:16

Shell, BP, Total, Sasol: Stop wrecking Africa. Pay for your destruction.

People everywhere are rising up against the fossil fuel industry. As Africans, we are on the frontline of a new colonial scramble for oil and gas. It’s time to resist.

22 07 2022 | 14:43

What's racism got to do with environmental destruction?

Racism, environmental destruction and big corporations are all linked. We can't tackle the environmental emergency without tackling racism too.