Memories of Brazil’s dictatorship as plan threatens biodiverse home of three indigenous communities.
Brazilian activists have voiced alarm over their government’s plans to bulldoze a 94-mile highway…
Huge road, energy and mining projects driving into heart of world’s remaining forests.
Infrastructure megaprojects risk pushing the world’s remaining forests past a “dangerous tipping point” and…
On the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and the 5th anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals – in the midst of a pandemic radically transforming our economies and…
Along the Atlantic coast, ghost forests provide haunting signs of sea-level rise. These stands of bleached and broken tree trunks are all that remain after salty water inundates a forest.
Bugoma Forest is continuing to face serious threats from loggers, farmers, and NEMA a government agency entrusted with protecting our natural resources. It should be recalled that the National…
It’s honestly disheartening that time and time again Indigenous People and local communities in Cameroon have to fight for the same issue - the end of forest destruction.
Human consumption has led to an unprecedented rate of decline in the world'swildlife populations, according to the Living Planet Report 2020, a biennial paper put out by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF…
Dorcas Wakio Mugo is a student of Marine Resource Management at Technical University of Mombasa in Kenya.
She is consigned to the fight against climate change, as a result she has opted to take a…
Researchers to tell UN that loss of biodiversity enables rapid spread of new diseases from animals to humans.
Scientists are to warn world leaders that increasing numbers of deadly new pandemics…
HUMAITA, Brazil (Reuters) - Fires in the Brazilian Amazon have surged so far in August, government data on Friday showed, outstripping the same period of 2019 and renewing concerns about the…
Deforestation coupled with the rampant destruction of natural resources will soon have devastating effects on the future of society as we know it, according to two theoretical physicists who study…
Badru Kyewalyanga’s home-produced cooking devices use less wood and mean villagers are breathing cleaner air.
People are “constantly cutting down trees”, says Badru Kyewalyanga, as he squelches his…
A growing movement for sustainable agriculture in Brazil has taken on new urgency with the coronavirus pandemic.
The cumaru trees could have been planted elsewhere in this Amazon reserve, where they…
Institutional investors managing about $3.7 trillion in assets want Brazil to abandon a proposal they say will add to deforestation and violate the rights of indigenous groups in the Amazon.
The Trump administration's “blueprint” paving the way for more logging, grazing and energy extraction is the newest flashpoint over regulatory rollbacks during the coronavirus pandemic.
Civil society groups and public prosecutors in Brazil are taking President Jair Bolsonaro's government to court for failing to protect the Amazon rainforest, adding pressure to an administration…
Adán Vez Lira, a prominent defender of an ecological reserve in Mexico, was shot while riding his motorcycle in April. Four years earlier, the renowned activist Berta Cáceres was shot dead in her…
Biodiversity loss is a global crisis. In May last year, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) warned that over 1,000,000 species are threatened …
A United Nations report says Africa and South America lost the most trees in the past decade, but the data don’t show the whole picture.
The world’s total forest area is decreasing more slowly than…