ocean life

Αποτελέσματα 41 - 60 | από συνολικά 81
27 09 2020 | 09:01

Chinese fishing armada plundered waters around Galápagos, data shows.

Hundreds of vessels caught logging 73,000 hours of fishing in just one month in new analysis. A vast fishing armada of Chinese vessels just off the Galápagos Islands logged an astounding 73,000…

27 09 2020 | 08:36

At Least 380 Whales Die in Australia's Largest Mass Stranding.

More long-finned pilot whales were found stranded today on beaches in Tasmania, Australia. About 500 whales have become stranded, including at least 380 that have died, the AP reported. It is the…

27 09 2020 | 07:33

How coral transplants could rescue Turkey's threatened reefs.

Scientists are carefully moving the sea animals to new locations to save them from construction schemes. Transplanting coral is difficult work. “You only have 20 minutes to dive down 30 metres and…

19 09 2020 | 10:29

Credit Suisse launches Ocean Engagement Fund to accelerate the blue economy.

Credit Suisse launches Ocean Engagement Fund to advise and steer portfolio companies towards tackling any practices that harm the ocean. Credit Suisse launches Ocean Engagement Fund to advise and…

15 09 2020 | 11:11

Paint: The Big Source of Ocean Microplastics You Didn’t Know About.

Until recently, microplastics that enter the ocean from paint have not received a lot of attention. There has been very little focus on the fact that unless paint residuals are collected during…

15 09 2020 | 09:40

Unsustainable fishing worsens threats to Great Barrier Reef.

Under-regulated fishing along the Great Barrier Reef is putting the world’s biggest coral reef system at further risk as it deals with repeated mass bleaching events, the Australia government’s…

07 09 2020 | 10:45

Seagrass Could Play a Major Role in Slowing Climate Change.

Its waving fronds carpet the seafloor and shelter thousands of sea creatures. But seagrass is more than a haven for marine wildlife – researchers say it could play a major role in slowing climate…

07 09 2020 | 09:11

17 Dead Dolphins Wash Ashore in Mauritius Near Oil Spill.

At least 17 dead dolphins washed up on Mauritius' beaches Wednesday, raising questions about what effect the oil spilled from the Japanese cargo tanker MV Wakashio, which ran aground on July 25, is…

23 08 2020 | 07:33

Sharks Are Polluted With Plastic, New Study Shows.

There are trillions of microplastics in the ocean — they bob on the surface, float through the water column, and accumulate in clusters on the seafloor. Withplastic being so ubiquitous, it's…

23 08 2020 | 07:10

Ocean Warming Threatens Coral Reefs and Soon Could Make It Harder to Restore Them.

Anyone who's tending a garden right now knows what extreme heat can do to plants. Heat is also a concern for an important form of underwater gardening: growing corals and "outplanting," or…

16 08 2020 | 08:31

Thousands of baby turtles released into sea off Bali.

The Olive Ridley turtles are part of conservationists’ attempts to boost the population and promote environmental protection. More than 10,000 baby turtles were released into the sea off the…

10 08 2020 | 06:57

Toxic Chemicals From Fossil Fuels Are Poisoning East Coast Dolphins and Whales, Study Finds.

A new study gives a first look at the presence and potential effects of plastics and new forms of synthetic chemicals in stranded dolphins and whales along the coast of the southeastern U.S.

10 08 2020 | 06:48

How Underwater Microphones Are Helping Scientists Measure Climate Change.

Melting and crumbling glaciers are largely responsible for rising sea levels, so learning more about how glaciers shrink is vital to those who hope to save coastal cities and preserve wildlife. But…

05 08 2020 | 07:52

It’s No Fluke! Battery Storage Is Booming Big Time on the Monterey Bay Coast.

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis hasn’t prevented the nascent battery storage industry from growing over the past several months. And some of the largest sites are underway at some of the most random…

23 07 2020 | 20:02

Could Plastic-Free 'Reef Cubes' Help Save the Ocean?

Artificial reefs play an important role in protecting offshore installations like wind farms. Unprotected, the turbine masts are exposed to tidal scouring, undermining their foundations.

23 07 2020 | 19:36

Queensland moves to ban single-use plastic straws and plates in bid to save marine life.

Plan to stamp out ‘lethal’ plastic, which gets stuck in airways of wildlife and pollutes waterways, follows South Australia’s proposal. The Queensland government will move to ban plastic straws,…

23 07 2020 | 19:23

North Atlantic right whales now officially 'one step from extinction'.

International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List changes ocean giants’ status to ‘critically endangered’.

05 07 2020 | 07:13

60% of fish species could be unable to survive in current areas by 2100 – study.

Warming water temperatures lower water oxygen levels, putting embryos and pregnant fish at risk, researchers say Sixty per cent of studied fish species will be unable to survive in their current…

04 07 2020 | 10:43

How do you deal with 9m tonnes of suffocating seaweed?

Across the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, scientists are developing alternative sustainable solutions to the golden tide of Sargassum

25 06 2020 | 10:34

Mercury Pollution Found in Deepest Part of Ocean.

Plastic isn't the only human pollutant infiltrating the deepest corners of the ocean. Two separate studies presented at the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference this week found mercury in fish and…

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