Αποτελέσματα 21 - 40 | από συνολικά 53
29 09 2020 | 08:57

Time to get serious about food waste in fight against global heating.

It is responsible for 8% of emissions, yet food waste is not mentioned in any country’s Paris climate action plan.

27 09 2020 | 07:48

UN: 'Climate-Smart' Cities Are the Future – Here Are Three Examples.

More than half of the world's population lives in cities, and most future population growth is predicted to happen in urban areas. But the concentration of large numbers of people and the ecosystems…

24 09 2020 | 12:05

With climate crisis top public concern, UN’s ActNow campaign steps up public engagement for more sustainable lifestyles.

New York – In light of worsening climate impacts around the world and strong public concern about the climate crisis, the United Nations is stepping up engagement of its global audiences, calling on…

23 09 2020 | 11:50

World fails to meet a single target to stop destruction of nature – UN report.

Humanity at a crossroads’ after a decade in which all of the 2010 Aichi goals to protect wildlife and ecosystems have been missed. The world has failed to meet a single target to stem the…

19 09 2020 | 10:29

Credit Suisse launches Ocean Engagement Fund to accelerate the blue economy.

Credit Suisse launches Ocean Engagement Fund to advise and steer portfolio companies towards tackling any practices that harm the ocean. Credit Suisse launches Ocean Engagement Fund to advise and…

23 08 2020 | 07:18

Goal of the Month | August 2020: Responsible Consumption and Production.

Did you know that every year about one third of all food produced – equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes – is wasted, yet food security continues to be a growing global concern, affecting millions of…

23 07 2020 | 20:02

Could Plastic-Free 'Reef Cubes' Help Save the Ocean?

Artificial reefs play an important role in protecting offshore installations like wind farms. Unprotected, the turbine masts are exposed to tidal scouring, undermining their foundations.

23 07 2020 | 19:48

Time to revise the Sustainable Development Goals.

The pandemic has set back efforts to achieve the original 2015 targets. The need for change to make them more attainable is stronger than ever. The United Nations has confirmed an unwelcome…

12 07 2020 | 08:59

UN sustainability goals could be a smokescreen for further environmental destruction.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, supposed to reconcile environmental protection with socioeconomic development, are actually failing to protect biodiversity, according…

09 07 2020 | 11:41

Secretary-General António Guterres : Let us embrace the vast opportunity of a clean energy future.

I thank Dr. Fatih Birol and the International Energy Agency for convening this summit.   It is vital that we bring sharper focus on the need to transition away from fossil fuels and toward a clean…

24 06 2020 | 08:14

Business can ride out storm by going green.

he United Nations Global Compact this week held a two-day virtual conference, coming in the shadow of the Covid-19 crisis. The UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative…

15 06 2020 | 16:37

Heads of State to join business leaders and un chiefs to discuss covid-19, inequality and climate crises at un global compact 20th anniversary leaders summit.15-16 June 2020

WHAT: United Nations Global Compact 20th Anniversary Leaders Summit WHEN: 15 - 16 June WHERE: Virtual summit (registration details below)   UNITED NATIONS, New York, 9 June 2020 – German Chancellor…

14 06 2020 | 14:41

Over 150 organisations urge UK Government to align with SDGs to build back better.

UN Global Compact and UKSSD call on UK Prime Minster Boris Johnson to build back better after COVID-19. In a letter coordinated by the UN Global Compact Network UK and UKSSD, leaders of over 150…

14 06 2020 | 14:02

Open Goals: Taking SDG investing to the next level?

The latest Gates Foundation annual assessment of global progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is less than encouraging. According to Bill Gates, the goals are still far out of…

07 06 2020 | 11:31

Global Environment Facility approves US$8.9 million in funding for new coastal resilience project in Liberia.

UNDP-supported project benefits 80,000 coastal residents in Sinoe County to build climate resilient livelihoods, and protect communities from sea level rise and other life-threatening climate change…

07 06 2020 | 10:22

Global Environment Facility approves US$4.5 million grant for five-year climate-resilient water project in Haiti.

UNDP-supported project will ensure access to safe drinking water for 90,000 Haitians, protect vulnerable communities from the impacts of climate change and prevent the spread of disease 3 June 2020…

05 06 2020 | 08:15

COVID-19 Intensifies the Urgency to Expand Sustainable Energy Solutions Worldwide.

To meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets by 2030, countries must safeguard the gains already attained and accelerate efforts to achieve affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern…

31 05 2020 | 07:33

40 Million Health Workers Endorse Green Recovery.

More than 40 million doctors and nurses are in, and they are prescribing a green recovery from the economic devastation caused by the new coronavirus.

06 05 2020 | 08:14

Cities at the forefront of key battles for humanity: time for a new multilateralism?

We are living in one of those moments which define history. As it is always the case in such moments, the promise and peril of international cooperation, solidarity and multilateralism inevitably…

28 04 2020 | 21:34

Implications of COVID-19 for Public Health and the SDGs.

27 April 2020 COVID-19 RESPONSE