
Αποτελέσματα 221 - 240 | από συνολικά 520
27 12 2020 | 07:35

Young Champions Of The Earth: Lefteris Arapakis - Fishing for plastic.

Lefteris Arapakis comes from a long line of fishers. For five generations his family has plied the bountiful waters off southern Greece, netting the same cod and red mulls that have sustained Greeks…

27 12 2020 | 07:28

Climate Change Legislation Included in Coronavirus Relief Deal.

WASHINGTON — In the waning days of the 116th Congress, lawmakers have authorized $35 billion in spending on wind, solar and other clean power sources while curtailing the use of a potent planet-…

27 12 2020 | 07:09

Wood burners triple harmful indoor air pollution, study finds.

Wood burners triple the level of harmful pollution particles inside homes and should be sold with a health warning, says scientists, who also advise that they should not be used around elderly people…

27 12 2020 | 07:02

Federal resources minister insists inquiry into banks' decision to abandon thermal coal will go ahead.

Committee has delayed decision after some Liberals criticised proposal but Keith Pitt says it should ‘do its job’. The federal resources minister, Keith Pitt, has warned parliament’s joint standing…

23 12 2020 | 13:34

Microplastics revealed in the placentas of unborn babies.

Health impact is unknown but scientists say particles may cause long-term damage to foetuses. Microplastic particles have been revealed in the placentas of unborn babies for the first time, which…

20 12 2020 | 07:13

China and India fail to set ambitious new climate targets at key talks.

China’s new emissions target for 2030 is an ‘incremental step forward’, an analyst says The leaders of China and India failed to set ambitious new climate targets at a key summit co-hosted by the UK…

19 12 2020 | 11:12

Call for energy giant AGL to face criminal charges over coal ash spill.

Conservationists allege company has breached its environmental licence 52 times at its NSW Bayswater power station site in the past five years Australia’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter, AGL, will…

17 12 2020 | 12:06

Discarded masks infecting oceans as side effect of Covid pandemic.

'Significant portion’ of billions of masks and gloves used each month end up in seas. The pale blue of a mask is easy to spot among the dry-brown reeds.

15 12 2020 | 08:16

The end of coal? Why investors aren't buying the myth of the industry's 'renaissance'.

At the world’s biggest coal export port in Newcastle, no China-bound ships are waiting or scheduled to load before Christmas Three years ago, pictures of bulk carriers queued off the coast of Mackay…

15 12 2020 | 07:52

Deadliest plastics: bags and packaging biggest marine life killers, study finds.

Wide-ranging review finds whales, dolphins, turtles and seabirds at mortal risk from marine debris. Plastic bags and flexible packaging are the deadliest plastic items in the ocean, killing wildlife…

15 12 2020 | 07:44

Abandoned Oil Wells Leak Untold Methane From Gulf Floor.

More than 30,000 abandoned oil and gas wells litter the floor of the Gulf of Mexico in federal waters, the vast majority of those permanently — with many likely leaking methane and other pollutants…

13 12 2020 | 07:29

550 Groups Urge Biden to Become #PlasticFreePresident With 8 Executive Actions.

A large and diverse coalition of over 550 organizations came together Tuesday to call on President-elect Joe Biden to tackle the plastic pollution crisis through executive actions that would…

13 12 2020 | 06:55

MPs urge government to create a 'minister for the dark sky'.

Group suggests 10 policies to reduce ‘night blight’, including commission to regulate excess lighting. MPs have called for urgent action to reduce light pollution, promote “dark towns” and restore a…

13 12 2020 | 06:30

5 Things to Know About Plastic Pollution and How to Stop It.

  Our plastic pollution problem has reached new heights and new depths.

11 12 2020 | 13:43

Rebound in carbon emissions expected in 2021 after fall caused by Covid

Scientists brand 7% decline a ‘drop in the ocean’ and call on governments to push ahead with structural changes. Greenhouse gas emissions, which plunged by a record amount this year because of the…

05 12 2020 | 09:48

Toxic waste dumping in the Gulf of Guinea amounts to environmental racism.

Toxic waste and electronic waste (e-waste) is generated from a wide range of industries – such as health, hydrocarbon or manufacturing – and can come in many forms, such as sludges or gas. E-waste is…

30 11 2020 | 07:41

Equinor sees peak oil coming by 2028.

Oil firm Equinor expects global oil demand to peak by around 2027-2028, two-free years earlier than the company previously saw, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it said on Tuesday. “Earlier…

30 11 2020 | 07:23

Latest Trump Rollback Allows Increased Logging in National Forests.

The Trump administration has finalized yet another environmental rollback that would allow more logging in national forests without environmental review.

29 11 2020 | 07:03

Study: Glass Bottles Harm the Environment More Than Plastic Bottles.

Glass bottles could have an even bigger impact on the environment than plastic ones, a new study has found. Researchers at the University of Southampton in England set out to determine which common…

28 11 2020 | 08:14

Increase in burning of plastic 'driving up emissions from waste disposal'.

Expansion of energy-from-waste incineration could stop UK hitting its net zero carbon target, campaigners warn. Carbon emissions from waste disposal are increasing because of the expansion of energy…

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