Paris agreement

Αποτελέσματα 121 - 140 | από συνολικά 227
08 03 2020 | 10:33

Why a significant global price on carbon is critical.

Oil companies have set long term carbon emissions targets but the scale of their ambitions means near-term action is required  Like New Year’s resolutions, oil companies are promising to go on…

05 03 2020 | 13:52

EU debuts climate law ‘compass’, Greta dismisses it as ‘surrender’.

The European Commission officially unveiled its Climate Law on Wednesday (4 March), aimed at making the EU carbon neutral by 2050. But Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg criticised the plan as a…

05 03 2020 | 07:14

Climate campaigners win Heathrow expansion case.

Controversial plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport have been thrown into doubt after a court ruling. The government's decision to allow the expansion was unlawful because it did not take…

05 03 2020 | 06:54

Vital Cop26 climate talks could be derailed by coronavirus.

Preparations for Glasgow summit already hampered by travel restrictions Concern is growing among campaigners that vital UN climate talks will be derailed by the coronavirus outbreak, while…

05 03 2020 | 06:25

Australia's carbon emissions fall just 0.3% as industrial pollution surges.

Emissions from electricity generation and agriculture decline, but tiny overall decline shows shortcomings of Coalition policy Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions have dipped slightly on the back…

04 03 2020 | 16:23

World may miss carbon targets unless big firms improve – Mark Carney.

Bank of England governor warns City about need for businesses to fully disclose climate impact Analysis: poor countries need clear finance pledges

01 03 2020 | 13:56

‘The only uncertainty is how long we’ll last’: a worst case scenario for the climate in 2050.

The Future We Choose, a new book by the architects of the Paris climate accords, offers two contrasting visions for how the world might look in thirty years (read the best case scenario here)

01 03 2020 | 13:28

How plans for new coal are changing around the world.

Just 15 countries dominate the pipeline for new coal. Together, they are responsible for 90% of coal capacity under development. This guest post explains what is happening in each of these key…

01 03 2020 | 12:15

Heathrow’s third runway declared illegal after climate campaign.

The Court of Appeal has judged plans for a third runway at Heathrow illegal on climate grounds. After years of campaigning, plans for a third runway at Heathrow have been ruled illegal by the Court…

27 02 2020 | 07:37

Trump made nearly 500 false or misleading claims about the environment while in office.

The United States has the cleanest air. The Green New Deal will cost a 15-figure fortune. And Paris has been suffering for the climate agreement that bears its name. Those are just some of the many…

27 02 2020 | 07:30

High-Level Climate Champions to Drive Action at Africa Climate Week in Kampala.

UN Climate Change News – Nigel Topping and Gonzalo Muñoz - the High-Level Champions for Climate Action of the COP26 and COP25 Presidencies respectively - have confirmed their participation for Africa…

26 02 2020 | 09:11

JP Morgan economists warn climate crisis is threat to human race.

Leaked report for world’s major fossil fuel financier says Earth is on unsustainable trajectory The world’s largest financier of fossil fuels has warned clients that the climate crisis threatens…

23 02 2020 | 11:43

Why the world’s third-largest economy is still betting on coal.

Japan is pushing ahead with a fuel source that’s exacerbating climate change. Japan, the world’s third-largest economy, is leaning into coal power, a striking move at a time when the climate crisis…

20 02 2020 | 07:12

Half the world's economy now eyeing net zero transition, analysis shows.

Almost $39tr of the world's GDP is now aligned, or proposing to align, with net zero emissions targets, according to ECIU Almost half of the world's GDP is now generated in places where authorities…

04 02 2020 | 08:54

87 Major Companies Lead the Way Towards a 1.5°C Future at UN Climate Action Summit.

UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK,— 87 major companies — with a combined market capitalization of over US$2.3 trillion and annual direct emissions equivalent to 73 coal-fired power plants — are taking action…

31 01 2020 | 12:45

Dates Shifted for Africa Climate Week in Kampala: 20 to 24 April 2020.

Bonn/Kampala,  - In consultation with the secretariat of UN Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Republic of Uganda has decided to move the dates of the upcoming Africa Climate Week to 20 to 24 April 2020.…

21 01 2020 | 07:53

Billions to be wasted on ‘unnecessary’ gas projects, study says.

Europe does not need new gas infrastructure to safeguard security of supply, according to a new study by industry consultants Artelys, which warns that there is a risk of €29 billion being wasted on…

09 01 2020 | 08:47

UN climate talks: Australia accused of 'cheating' and thwarting global deal.

Morrison government criticised for planning to use accounting loophole to meet emissions target. Disagreement over Australia’s plan to use an accounting loophole to meet its climate target will…

17 12 2019 | 07:47

Over 500 B Corps commit to being net zero by 2030.

Over 500 B Corps have committed to being net zero by 2030, 20 years ahead of Paris Agreement. During COP25, over 500 companies have publicly committed to accelerate the reduction of their greenhouse…

10 12 2019 | 05:30

IETA Launches “Markets for NCS Initiative” to Boost Climate Action.

The International Emissions Trading Association today launches the Markets for Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) Initiative. NCS draw on the power of nature to actively manage land use emissions,…

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