climate change activism

Αποτελέσματα 81 - 100 | από συνολικά 151
31 08 2020 | 07:53

Ocean Rebellion climate action group launches with protest against cruise ship.

Climate activists linked to Extinction Rebellion projected protest messages onto hull of the World vessel in Falmouth, Cornwall. A “sea-faring sister” of climate resistance group Extinction…

10 08 2020 | 07:00

GREENPEACE AFRICA: Activism is a risky business

Dear Supporter,  

04 08 2020 | 06:33

Fridays for Future Announces Next Global Climate Strike Date.

This Autumn, the school strike movement Fridays For Future calls for a global climate action day. On September 25th, demonstrations and manifestations will take place all across the globe, all…

17 07 2020 | 09:19

Greta Thunberg describes the remarkable and tumultuous past year of her life.

Everywhere she goes, people ask for selfies and tell her how wonderful she is. But what’s it really like to be the world’s most famous climate campaigner when you’re still a teenager? In this…

12 07 2020 | 08:36

4 Ways to Be a Real Youth Activist.

The 2008 financial crisis spurred a number of youth movements including Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring. A decade later, this anger resurfaced in a new wave of global protests, from Hong Kong…

12 07 2020 | 08:24

Mya-Rose Craig: ‘Young people need to see someone like them who is into nature’

The 18-year-old birder and environmentalist on improving diversity in her field and how the pandemic has affected the natural world . The young birder and environmental campaigner Mya-Rose Craig…

12 07 2020 | 08:18

Supreme Court Rejects Trump Effort to Greenlight Keystone XL Construction.

The Supreme Court late Monday upheld a federal judge's rejection of a crucial permit for Keystone XL and blocked the Trump administration's attempt to greenlight construction of the 1,200-mile crude…

12 07 2020 | 07:58

Campaign group warns UK Government of ‘imminent’ legal action over plans for a green recovery

Campaign group Plan B has written a letter to Prime Minister and the Chancellor warning legal action is imminent if stimulus package becomes a ‘New Deal for Polluters’.   On Tuesday, the climate…

30 06 2020 | 08:34

Greta Thunberg hits out at leaders who use her fame to 'look good'.

Climate change campaigner said after UN summit, Angela Merkel queued up for a selfie. Environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg has hit out at world leaders for wanting to be pictured with her to “…

22 06 2020 | 07:29

5 Youth Activists Who Are Demanding Urgent Climate Action in Africa.

Africa is already feeling the disproportionate impact of climate change.Africa is already feeling the disproportionate impact of climate change. Young people around the world are rising up against …

16 06 2020 | 07:29

For Indigenous Protesters, Defending the Environment Can Be Fatal.

Adán Vez Lira, a prominent defender of an ecological reserve in Mexico, was shot while riding his motorcycle in April. Four years earlier, the renowned activist Berta Cáceres was shot dead in her…

05 06 2020 | 08:04

The final farewell: Alan Jones signs off with climate change apology amid plaudits from celebrities.

An odd mix lined up to praise the shock jock on his way out of the studio, including Russell Crowe, Dame Edna and Delta Goodrem

03 06 2020 | 10:29

Being black while in nature: 'You’re an endangered species'.

Many black nature-lovers have to employ defense mechanisms – lest a situation turn sticky and they have to answer questions from a suspecting police officer ‘I want to go, to just sit and soak it…

31 05 2020 | 07:12

Japan Must Not Support Vung Ang 2 Coal Power Plant in Vietnam

127 Organizations from More Than 40 Countries and Regions Sign Petition to Japanese Public and Private Sectors

21 05 2020 | 11:28

Climate Activists Prepare for November Election.

Democratic party power players and funders, green groups, and Joe Biden's campaign rolled out multiple climate-focused initiatives this week, signaling climate change's likely starring role in the…

21 05 2020 | 11:05

Why shouldn't Greta Thunberg speak at CNN's coronavirus town hall?

Thunberg isn’t a Covid-19 expert, but she’s world-renowned activist using her platform to inform people about the pandemic. Shortly after CNN announced yesterday that 17-year-old climate activist …

18 05 2020 | 12:17

Climate change cannot be put on furlough.

Is it time to rethink our relationship with the planet? As of today, more than 260,000 people have sadly lost their lives due to COVID-19. The civil liberties of billions of people have been put on…

18 05 2020 | 12:04

People of Colour Experience Climate Grief More Deeply Than White People.

We are not only disproportionately affected by the climate crisis, but we carry a pain that comes from a long history of racial terror.  When the wildfires hit Australia last year, Bee Cruse was…

15 05 2020 | 06:36

Amazon executive 'quit in dismay' at sacking of climate activists.

Tim Bray decries 'vein of toxicity running through company culture' after resigning from US online retail giant An Amazon executive claims to have quit his job "in dismay" at the recent dismissal of…

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