Πέθανε ο Steve Sawyer, εκ των ιδρυτών του Παγκόσμιου Συμβουλίου Αιολικής Ενέργειας GWEC.

Οι ανανεώσιμες και το κίνημα της κλιματικής δράσης έχασαν ένα από τους μεγαλύτερους πυλώνες τους.
Ένας τεχνοκράτης με πάθος, με καθαρή σκέψη και ακόμη πιο καθαρό λόγο.
Μια δυνατή φωνή λογικής σε ένα κόσμο που έχανε το μέτρο.
Θα λείψει αφάνταστα.
Είχα την τιμή να τον γνωρίσω το 2006 και να τον συναντώ κατά διαστήματα σε Συνέδρια αιολικής ενέργειας και τελευταία στα COP και κέρδισα πάρα πολλά από αυτόν.
Ο Στηβ ήταν ο αρχηγός της αποστολής της Greenpeace στο Rainbow Warrior που ανατίναξαν οι Γάλλοι και αυτό είναι κάτι που το έμαθα μόλις φέτος το καλοκαίρι.
Ένας ήρωας που δεν μιλούσε για τον εαυτό του.
Τι άλλο να πεις για το μεγαλείο αυτού του ανθρώπου.
Δείτε τις συνεντεύξεις που μου παραχώρησε, στο τέλος του άρθρου.
31 Ιουλίου 2019
Δείτε παρακάτω την ανακοίνωση του GWEC και το άρρθο του Windpowermonthly
The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) reports the loss of Steve Sawyer
It is with great regret that the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) reports the loss of Steve Sawyer, who was a founder of the organisation and General Secretary for almost 10 years.
Steve passed away on 31 July after a short but intense struggle with cancer.
Steve came into the wind industry after a courageous and distinguished career as a campaigner with Greenpeace International. He faced personal danger on numerous occasions and steered the organisation to a greater engagement with the nascent renewable energy industry.
He joined GWEC as its first General Secretary in 2007. For over 10 years, Steve tirelessly represented the wind industry and worked to convince governments to adopt wind as the solution to grow energy demand and carbon emissions. During Steve’s tenure at the head of GWEC, global wind installations grew from 74GW to 539GW and became one of the world’s most important energy sources. He contributed significantly to the development of the wind industry in places such as India, China, Brazil and South Africa. He was a prominent speaker in public and private forums, and wrote innumerable articles, blogs and position papers.
More recently, Steve had decided to scale down his constant travelling, becoming a Senior Policy Advisor to the organisation.
Morten Dyrholm, Chairman of GWEC and Group Senior Vice President of Vestas says: “Steve had a passion for wind like no one else I have known in my life and has been instrumental in our efforts to globalise the industry and bring wind into the centre of the global energy debate. This legacy should inspire us all to fight even harder and with ever more resolve to realize a 100 per cent renewable energy system. Steve has been a good friend and a great source of inspiration for me for almost 13 years, and I will miss him deeply.”
Ben Backwell, CEO of GWEC, says: “Steve has been a constant source of inspiration and support for me over the last decade. More than anyone else I know, he never let the wind industry forget the fight to stop dangerous climate change and why what we are collectively doing is so important. He travelled and worked constantly, but he always had time to chat, and he was a loyal and caring friend. We will miss him sorely.”
GWEC and all its staff extend their heartfelt condolences to Steve’s family.
Wind titan Steve Sawyer dies
Steve Sawyer, the tireless general secretary at GWEC for over ten years between 2007 and 2017, has passed away after a short illness.
Sawyer spearheaded the growth of the wind industry across the world over a decade of dedicated leadership at the helm of GWEC.
Between 2007 and the end of 2017, global wind installations grew from 74GW to 539GW.
He previously spent three decades at environmental pressure group Greenpeace.
Ben Backwell, CEO of GWEC, paid tribute: "Steve has been a constant source of inspiration and support for me over the last decade.
"More than anyone else I know, he never let the wind industry forget the fight to stop dangerous climate change and why what we are collectively doing is so important.
"He travelled and worked constantly, but he always had time to chat, and he was a loyal and caring friend. We will miss him sorely," Backwell added.
Morten Dyrholm, chairman of GWEC and group senior vice president at Vestas said: "Steve had a passion for wind like no one else I have known in my life and has been instrumental in our efforts to globalise the industry and bring wind into the centre of the global energy debate.
"This legacy should inspire us all to fight even harder and with ever more resolve to realize a 100 per cent renewable energy system. Steve has been a good friend and a great source of inspiration for me for almost 13 years, and I will miss him deeply."
WindEurope deputy CEO Malgosia Bartosik, who’d known Steve Sawyer for 15 years, praised his commitment to the industry: "It is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Steve Sawyer. Steve dedicated his whole life to environmental protection and fighting climate change. He was instrumental in the development of wind energy globally.
"Steve’s passion for wind as a solution to the climate crisis that we are facing was infectious. And it will stay with us. Steve will always be in our hearts and minds and his legacy will remain an inspiration to fight for a sustainable future. We are saying good bye to our mentor and friend. He will be sorely missed but never forgotten," Bartosik added.
A memorial page has been set up for anyone who knew Steve to share their memories.