African Climate Week: 5 days to shape the economic and climate future

12 09 2023 | 15:00

African Climate Week (ACW) 2023 was held from September 4 to 8, 2023 under the theme “African Solidarity for Global Climate Action”. Following this event, the African Union and the Government of Kenya organized the first African Climate Summit in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. AFRIK 21 is at the heart of the high mass with in particular a special report in partnership with the West African Development Bank (BOAD), on the economic situation and environmental perspectives of the continent in terms of financing, mitigation and resilience . This, at a time when Africa needs more than 3,000 billion dollars to invest by 2030 in mitigation and adaptation.

That's it. African Climate Week (ACW) opens this Monday, September 4, 2023 in Nairobi. The largest climate event in Africa is being held until September 8 in the capital of Kenya. On the agenda of the meeting, the African Summit on Climate Action and the 11th Conference  on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-XI) organized by the African Union Commission (AUC).

The meeting is being held in a context marked by political instability and armed conflicts on the African continent. So many situations which compromise the continuity of projects initiated in terms of sustainable development. This is the case in Niamey where the recent coup d'état led to the suspension of construction work on the Kandadji dam on the Niger River.


This project implemented by the entrepreneur China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC) should nevertheless contribute to reducing the risks of flooding and the energy gap, particularly in the Nigerien capital populated by more than 1.8 million inhabitants. Other threats also loom over livelihoods, particularly in Ethiopia where at least 3.6 million people are food insecure according to the United Nations (UN).

Faced with these situations which are repeated and are coupled with the problem of climate financing, Afrik 21 is producing editorial productions throughout this week on the economic and environmental resilience of African countries. Thus, a special report supported by the West African Development Bank (BOAD) and a focus composed of analysis subjects and chronicles will be published:

Monday September 4

– The challenge of climate change education in Africa

– Climate finance in West Africa

Tuesday, September 5

– Faced with climate change, the race towards the decarbonization of industries

– Flood risks: what response within UEMOA?

Wednesday September 6

– Agriculture and food security in the face of climate

– Interview with Oumar Tembely, Director of the Department of Energy and Natural Resources of BOAD

Thursday September 7

Cairo, Cape Town, Casablanca… models of climate-smart cities

Monday September 11

Review of African Climate Week (ACW2023)


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