Renewable energy is key to the future of Africa, meeting their needs with sustainable sources of energy will be vital to the continent's socio-economic development. Solar energy has an unlimited and indefinite supply potential and can be harnessed with a less negative impact on the environment.
To obtain affordable and clean energy for Africa, youth should be trained. A solar training will help youth to gain new skills and access employment opportunities
Who is Remote Energy?
Remote Energy is an USA organization which mentors aspiring Solar PV (Photovoltaic) technicians and motivated instructors in remote and underrepresented communities worldwide. At Remote Energy, they believe in empowering underrepresented communities through education. Everyone should have access to high quality solar training. They are committed to training and mentoring marginalized women and men globally to become solar technicians and educators so they, in turn, can bring solar energy education into their own communities. Their custom training programs are designed to be appropriate to the culture, language, and education levels of our students.
Wentech, which stands for Women in Engineering and Technology, is an organization launched in 2017 by the Techwomen fellow Gisele Beatrice Sonfack. The organization advocates for more diversity and more women in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics). Wentech's challenge is to make STEM attractive for young women through workshops, conferences, and mentorship. Since 2017, they have organized several activities for young Cameroonians to bring positive impact across the community.
Remote Energy and Wentech are in a partnership for solar training in Cameroon. Wentech had four of their trainers complete the ASPIRE Solar Educator Program by Remote Energy in May, 2022.
Directly after their training, WENTECH taught their first community hands-on training on solar energy. From the 20th of July 2022 to the 20th of August 2022. The results were that 25 community members completed the course, 10 female and 15 male. They had no background in solar before the training.
The advanced vocational training center hosted the training.
What were the outcomes of the training?
At the end of the training the trainees were able to:
- Differentiate between a solar cell, module, and array and the type of solar PV panels.
- Know the rules of safety in the hands-on labs
- Perform different measurement using the solar specialty tools (temperature gun, pyranometer, inclinometer)
- Use of a ladder and hand tools
- Perform a DC System Wiring & Commissioning of a small DC installation which can supply energy to a DC lamp and charge a phone
- Do water pumping
- Troubleshooting a small DC installation
Remote Energy was the sponsor, they provided the equipment needed for the training. Among the trainees, there was a 10 years old girl very active learner. At the end of the training, the trainees and their parents were satisfied because of the new skill they gained during the holiday period.
It was a great experience and success for the first hand on training in solar organized by WENTECH with remote energy.
Marie Danielle Fendji Ph.D / Solar instructor WENTECH – Remote Energy
Gisele Beatrice Sonfack, Ph.D / Founder of WENTECH
photo: @ the Advanced Vocational training center (AVTC) Limbe, South West region – Cameroon