BP: Wind, solar provided more than 10% of global power in 2021

05 07 2022 | 07:45


Wind and solar accounted for a 10.2% share of power generation in 2021, the first time these technologies have provided more than 10% of global power, whilst also surpassing nuclear energy’s contribution, according to BP.

In its 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy, BP found that solar and wind capacity continued to grow rapidly in 2021, increasing by 226GW, close to the record increase of 236GW seen in 2020.

Renewables' share in power generation reached almost 13% in 2021, higher than the share of nuclear energy (9.8%).

Renewable primary energy (including biofuels but excluding hydro) increased by around 5.1 exajoules (EJ) in 2021, corresponding to an annual growth rate of 15%.

This was stronger than the previous year’s 9%, and higher than that of any other fuel in 2021, stated BP.

BP chief economist Spencer Dale (pictured) said: “Encouragingly, renewable energy, led by wind and solar power, continued to grow strongly and now accounts for 13% of total generation.

“Renewable generation (excluding hydro) increased by almost 17% in 2021 and accounted for over half of the increase in global power generation over the past two years.”

[Staff Report] https://ieefa.org/

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