Lisbon Declaration launches new chapter for ocean action - Day 5 Roundup of UN Ocean Conference

03 07 2022 | 21:26

The week-long UN Ocean Conference concluded on 1 July, with the unanimous adoption of the Lisbon Declaration "Our ocean, our future, our responsibility.”

More than 6,000 participants, including 24 Heads of State and Government and over 2,000 representatives of civil society joined the Conference in Lisbon and galvanized efforts to save our ocean.

The Conference succeeded in translating ideas into action. A plethora of bold and firm commitments have been made from every sector of industry and all stakeholders, including an emphasis on eliminating plastic marine litter and supporting innovative science-based actions to save our ocean.

With the conclusion of the Conference, a new wave of ocean actions will sail from Lisbon to all corners of the world

See the highlights of the closing and the resources below to help you explore more about the Conference.

Also read the closing press release, "Dire state of ocean’s health met with tide of pledges at UN Ocean Conference".

Save our Ocean, Protect our Future

Following a week of discussions and commitments in Lisbon, Portugal, the UN Ocean Conference concluded on Friday, with governments and heads of state agreeing on a new political declaration to Save Our Ocean. Read more in English | Portuguese

Save our Ocean, Protect our Future

Closing the UN Ocean Conference on Friday, UN Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and Legal Counsel, Miguel de Serpa Soares, spelled out the challenges that still need to be addressed to ensure lasting protection and the restoration of our Ocean.  Listen to the interview.


The Conference adopted the political declaration “Our ocean, our future, our responsibility”, which sends a strong signal on the need to act decisively and urgently to improve the health, sustainable use and resilience of the ocean. Read details.

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