
Αποτελέσματα 1661 - 1680 | από συνολικά 14420
31 01 2024 | 10:03

Digitizing the seas: Transforming Africa's maritime industry

In a continent where maritime trade is a cornerston

31 01 2024 | 09:36

East Africa's new love affair with geothermal energy

Until recently, there had been little interest in g

30 01 2024 | 19:24

Climate crisis ignored by Republicans as Trump vows to ‘drill, baby, drill’

The freezing temperatures in Iowa – fuelled by global heating – have not dampened Republican enthusiasm for oil and gas In the wake of an Iowa primary election chilled in a record blast of cold…

30 01 2024 | 19:12

Fury at plan to extend Drax subsidy to burn trees for electricity

Climate groups and MPs criticise proposals for consumers to foot bill to support biomass plant after existing scheme ends in 2027 The government has proposed plans to offer the Drax power plant…

30 01 2024 | 19:01

Women added to Cop29 climate summit committee after backlash

Panel was originally composed of 28 men, a move condemned as ‘regressive’ and ‘shocking’ The president of Azerbaijan has added 12 women to the previously all-male organising committee for the Cop29…

30 01 2024 | 18:47

‘We’re facing a critical shortage’: why UK’s green revolution urgently needs skilled workers

The country’s net zero transition may not be short of funds. But it desperately requires many more skilled engineers, electricians and workers than it has In recent years, Britain has been busy…

30 01 2024 | 18:36

Germany’s dream of building a fleet of hydrogen-fired power plants is faltering

Plans to build a fleet of hydrogen power plants to supplement wind turbines and solar panels are faltering, amid a budgetary squeeze and demands for cost-cutting from industry. By 2035, Germany…

30 01 2024 | 14:53

Greta Thunberg joins protest against expansion of Hampshire airport

Farnborough airport submits plans to increase number of flights amid calls for a ban on private jets The climate activist Greta Thunberg has marched alongside local residents and Extinction…

30 01 2024 | 14:35

The world’s cities are not ready for climate change

Think of climate change, and the mind instantly tends to go to melting ice caps, arid plains, forest fires and sinking tropical islands. But the impact of rising temperatures will not only be felt in…

30 01 2024 | 14:18

What If the Clean Energy Transition Costs Much Less Than We’ve Been Told?

Talk about astronomical costs of a sustainable economy is leaving out some of the savings of using fewer fossil fuels, according to a new analysis. The global transition to clean energy has a cost,…

30 01 2024 | 06:36

Climate change may reduce average life expectancy by half a year, study suggests

The cost of climate change may take six months off th