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17 01 2019 | 15:49

Solar Farms Shine a Ray of Hope on Bees and Butterflies

The tidy rows of gleaming solar panels at Pine Gate Renewables facility in southwestern Oregon originally sat amid the squat grasses of a former cattle pasture. But in 2017 the company started sowing…

17 01 2019 | 14:24

EBRD green financing hits 36 percent of total investments in 2018

EBRD green financing in 2018 reaches 36 per cent of total business volume Green Cities programme quadrupled to almost €1 billion New Energy Sector Strategy ends investments in coal The EBRD…

17 01 2019 | 13:08

US $32.5m approved for the energy projects in Africa

US $32.5m has been approved by the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) to help in the energy projects within Africa. US $40m will help in investments in Africa while the bank investment will help…

17 01 2019 | 12:27

Marks and Spencer trials plastic-free packaging

Marks and Spencer will trial plastic-free packaging in a bid to curb the growing plastic pollution in the UK. The UK supermarket are launching over 90 lines of loose fruit and vegetables to reduce…

17 01 2019 | 10:15

Ghana to Kick-start Year of Ambition at Africa Climate Summit

The provisional program for Africa Climate Week 2019, which is being hosted from 18–22 March in Accra, Ghana, has now been published online – showcasing a dynamic schedule of activities that will…

17 01 2019 | 09:54

EDF Renewables & Masdar To Build Saudi Arabia’s First Wind Farm

A consortium consisting of French-based renewable energy company EDF Renewables and Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company Masdar has been awarded the contract to build the 400 megawatt (MW) Dumat Al…

17 01 2019 | 08:43

The diet to save lives, the planet and feed us all?

A diet has been developed that promises to save lives, feed 10 billion people and all without causing catastrophic damage to the planet. Scientists have been trying to figure out how we are going to…

17 01 2019 | 08:38

Enel reaffirmed among the world's most sustainable companies in FTSE4GOOD index

The company’s presence was renewed following the second half 2018 review The Group’s subsidiaries Endesa, Enel Américas and Enel Chile were also confirmed in the latest edition of the index Enel S.…

16 01 2019 | 13:23

UK to Tax Non-Recyclable Plastics to Protect Our Oceans!

The UK government just announced plans to introduce a tax on the import and manufacturing of non-recyclable plastic packaging. The tax is being considered as a way to reduce the amount of dangerous…

16 01 2019 | 13:21

Wooden clothes? The Finnish university has found a way to turn birch trees from its forests into material for clothes.

At a recent state gala, Finland's first lady wore a dress made from the country's birch trees. But there was nothing frivolous about why she chose the dress - she wore it to support a new…

16 01 2019 | 13:16

With climate change, life in the Gulf could become impossible

In the second half of the century, most of the territory bordering the Gulf, Red Sea and Arabian Sea could experience “wet bulb temperatures” making outdoor activities practically impossible, writes…

16 01 2019 | 11:36

Siemens Gamesa Launches 10 MW Offshore Wind Turbine

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy said Wednesday that it has launched an offshore wind turbine with the capacity to generate more than 10 megawatts of power, its largest ever model. The SG 10.0-193 DD…

16 01 2019 | 11:29

UK revealed as EU champion of fossil fuel subsidies

The United Kingdom spends the most in the EU on subsidising fossil fuels, according to a new report by the European Commission, which also found that EU-wide payments have failed to decrease despite…

16 01 2019 | 11:24

Immediate fossil fuel phaseout could arrest climate change – study

Climate change could be kept in check if a phaseout of all fossil fuel infrastructure were to begin immediately, according to research. It shows that meeting the internationally agreed aspiration of…

15 01 2019 | 14:29

The World Needs to Quit Coal. Why Is It So Hard?

HANOI, Vietnam — Coal, the fuel that powered the industrial age, has led the planet to the brink of catastrophic climate change. Scientists have repeatedly warned of its looming dangers, most…

15 01 2019 | 14:26

'Miss Environment': The 11-year-old girl 'saving Lagos'

Misimi Isimi, aka "Miss Environment", is an 11-year-old environmentalist determined to clean up pollution in Nigeria. She says she loves teaching other children about environmental issues. Misimi…

15 01 2019 | 14:23

California Moves to Replace Gas Plants With Battery Storage

PG&E Corp. plans to replace three natural gas-fired power plants in California with battery-storage systems as the state continues its push to squeeze fossil fuels out of the electricity mix.…

15 01 2019 | 14:08

What 'South Park' got right about climate change

The show dug deeper into the changing climate's origins and hard truths than most news reports. I recently wrote a post explaining what "South Park" got wrong about climate change. So now, as a…

15 01 2019 | 14:05

ABB champions climate-saving technologies at COP24

Technology holds the key to running the world without consuming the earth. That is the main message that ABB is taking to the COP24 climate conference, which runs from December 2-14, 2018, in…

15 01 2019 | 13:25

1.7 million people have signed a petition in favor of suing France over climate-change inaction

More than 1.7 million people have signed a petition in favor of suing the French government, accusing it of inaction on climate change.