Seoul, Korea – 12 corporations, including Samsung Electronics, IKEA Korea and AB InBev, have publicly shown their support for the Right to Renewable Energy Initiative which launched today at the…
For the first time in American history, a major utility company declared to dive fully into clean energy. Xcel Energy, a major utility company based out of Minneapolis, just pledged to go completely…
Sustainability Summit 2018 Highlights
The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD) organizes the fifth edition of its annual two-day Sustainability Summit today at the Ritz-Carlton Doha…
Ο Dr. Yousef Mohamed AlHorr, ιδρυτής και Πρόεδρος του GORD (Gulf Organisation for Research and Development) παραχώρησε συνέντευξη στο emc2 στα πλαίσια του συνεδρίου Sustainability Summit, που…
The University of Virginia says it’s leading in higher education when it comes to sustainability. The school’s efforts to go green have resulted in nearly a million dollars saved in utilities per…
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A group of investors in U.S. conglomerate General Electric (GE) has publicly opposed its plans to buy a stake in a Kenyan coal-fired plant, claiming the…
Interview with my very good personal friend and pioneer in the take off of wind energy in Turkey, during the Global Wind Energy Summit in Hamburg, September 2018.
A visionary, persistent until the…
Η Ρουσλάνα, η πραγματική πρέσβειρα των Ανανεώσιμων έδωσε μια μοναδική συναυλία για την προώθηση του μηνύματος "100% Ανανεώσιμες".
Έχει αφιερώσει την καριέρα της στην υπηρεσία του στόχου 100%…
With more than 640 million people in Africa with no access to energy and investors looking for cheaper and reliable sources of power, there is no doubt that renewable energy is the future for Africa…
Leonardo DiCaprio was a climate champion long before the actor wrapped himself in an animal carcass, vomited up raw bison liver, and risked hypothermia for his Oscar-winning role in Revenant.…
The EU’s much vaunted private investment vehicle in Africa has moved a step closer to becoming reality after €800 million was unlocked to leverage multi-billion euro investments on the continent.
Αέρας, ήλιος, υδροηλεκτρικά, βιομάζα και γεωθερμία αποτελούν τις πηγές ανανεώσιμης ενέργειας που μπορούν να αντικαταστήσουν τα ορυκτά καύσιμα τα οποία ευθύνονται σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό για την…
The legendary broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough was long unsure about the causes of the observed climate warming. In his documentary, The Truth About Climate Change, he sheds doubt…
Ερευνητές μελέτησαν χιλιάδες εκθέσεις για τη σχέση μεταξύ ζέστης και ανθρώπινης συμπεριφοράς, τις συνέθεσαν και προσπάθησαν να βρουν τη σχέση μεταξύ θερμοκρασίας και οικονομικής παραγωγικότητας