
Αποτελέσματα 14281 - 14300 | από συνολικά 15967
12 09 2019 | 09:11

Μετ’ εμποδίων οι επενδύσεις σε ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας

Νέα εμπόδια καλούνται να αντιμετωπίσουν οι επενδυτές στον τομέα των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας, την ίδια στιγμή που η κυβέρνηση έχει θέσει ως προτεραιότητα την ανάπτυξη του κλάδου και το υπουργείο…

12 09 2019 | 07:47

Greta Thunberg - Inspiring Others to Take a Stand Against Climate Change [video interview]

Greta Thunberg Inspiring Others to Take a Stand Against Climate Change Extended Interview video   Interview9/11/2019 Climate activist Greta Thunberg talks about her decision to no longer travel…

12 09 2019 | 07:31

Ο νέος υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος της Ιαπωνίας θέλει να κλείσει τα πυρηνικά εργοστάσια

Ο νέος υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος της Ιαπωνίας Σιντζίρο Κοϊζούμι δήλωσε πως θα επιδιώξει η χώρα να κλείσει τους ηλεκτροπαραγωγικούς πυρηνικούς σταθμούς της, για να αποφευχθεί ο κίνδυνος καταστροφής όπως…

11 09 2019 | 12:17

How to have an all-renewable electric grid.

The main solution to climate change is well known — stop burning fossil fuels. How to do this is more complicated, but as a scholar who does energy modeling, I and others see the outlines of a post-…

11 09 2019 | 12:05

Η κλιματική αλλαγή θέμα για το Σύνταγμα;

Χαμός στα ηλεκτρονικά καφενεία όπου γνωστοί ανώνυμοι "ειδήμονες" κατακεραυνώνουν όσους τολμούν να υπερασπιστούν τη θέση της ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ για ένταξη του ζητήματος αυτού στο Σύνταγμα. Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι…

11 09 2019 | 11:24

REPOWER BURKINA FASO: Investor Conference, Ouagadougou, 12 September.

  H.E. Dr. Bachir Ismael Ouedraogo, Minister of Energy of Burkina Faso will make the conference Opening Keynote Address. He will be accompanied by Dr. Bruno Korgo, General Director for Renewable…

10 09 2019 | 11:06

Angry residents send German wind industry spinning.

Wind power is a key pillar in Germany's ambitious renewables transition plan, but the sector has struck strong resistance, forcing the Chancellor Angela Merkel's government to open talks on the…

10 09 2019 | 08:27

Seagrass conservation will help tackle climate change.

Over one million seagrass seeds will be planted off of the Welsh coast to help prevent global climate change in a project by the WWF. Seagrass grows in large meadows on the sea floor. It is home to…

10 09 2019 | 08:14

India bans single-use plastics on Gandhi’s birthday.

India will implement a nationwide ban on 6 single-use plastic items on the 2nd October this year - the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. Single-use plastic bags, cups, plates, straws, small bottles…

10 09 2019 | 08:08

Hurricane Dorian leaves Bahamas unliveable as locals await evacuation.

The scope of the disaster Hurricane Dorian brought to the Bahamas is becoming more clear as rescue workers reach devastated parts of the country. Carrying possessions in duffel bags and shopping…

10 09 2019 | 07:52

Just 30 days left to Explore the Market Opportunities at Bangladesh Renewable Energy Expo, 3-5 Oct 2019, Dhaka.

Εxplore business opportunities in the emerging renewable energy markets in bangladesh.

10 09 2019 | 07:48

Kenya’s huge wind power project might be great for the environment but not for local communities.

Kenya recently launched the Lake Turkana Wind Power project, Africa’s largest wind energy project and the biggest public-private investment in Kenyan history. The wind farm will produce 300MW of low-…

10 09 2019 | 07:43

A burning issue: biomass is the biggest source of renewable energy consumed in the UK.

Analysis reveals the contribution of burning organic material from plants, trees and animals – including millions of tonnes of imported wood pellets from the USA and Canada – to the UK's energy mix.…

10 09 2019 | 07:43

Agrivoltaics Proves Mutually Beneficial Across Food, Water, Energy Nexus.

A paper published in Nature Sustainability presents the first field-data assessment of outcomes of a multi-year study of agrivoltaics in dryland regions led by UA geographer Greg Barron-Gafford.

10 09 2019 | 07:39

English concern for the environment is higher than ever.

A record 90% of people in England are concerned about damage to the natural environment, according to a new survey. Natural England’s ‘Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment’ report, the…

10 09 2019 | 07:38

UN Climate Technology Centre appoints new Director: Dr. Rose Mwebaza of Uganda.

Copenhagen Sept. 6, 2019 – Dr. Rose Mwebaza of Uganda has been appointed the new Director of the Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN), the implementation arm of the UN Framework Convention…

10 09 2019 | 07:26

WindEurope's 5 priorities for the incoming European Commission.

European citizens have succeeded in putting climate change onto the political agenda in a way never seen before. As Ursula von der Leyen’s European Commission takes shape, it will be looking to…

10 09 2019 | 07:26

Invitation: Accelerating Ambitious Carbon Pricing

The 2019 UN Climate Action Summit is calling on leaders to present concrete, realistic plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions.

10 09 2019 | 07:24

France looks to wind for island energy autonomy.

After a period of zero growth, wind deployment is beginning to take off again in France's overseas territories, but will need to speed up further to achieve the government's 2030 target. In 2009,…

10 09 2019 | 07:17

Piloting for Post 2020 Carbon Markets.