The runaway train that is climate change is about to blow past another milestone: global fossil-fuel carbon dioxide emissions will reach yet another record high. Driven by rising natural gas and oil…
Prince William has launched a prize to reward new innovative solutions for the climate crisis.
The new Earthshot Prize is an ambitious set of challenges to inspire a decade of action to repair the…
Tractebel Engineering and Tractebel Overdick, both part of energy major Engie, have unveiled a power-to-gas offshore platform that would convert wind energy to green hydrogen.
Tractebel Overdick and…
Research for Oxfam shows inequality between footprints of people in UK and in countries including Rwanda, Ethiopia and Malawi
The average British person will have emitted more carbon dioxide in the…
When you think about hydrogen and flight, the image that comes to mind for most is the Hindenburg airship in flames.
But in a lab deep in the basement of Imperial College in London, a young team has…
There is a widely-reported estimate that almost half a billion (480 million) animals have been killed by the bush fires in Australia.
It's a figure that came from Prof Chris Dickman, an expert on…
A series of new records for high temperature were broken in the UK in 2019, concluding a record-breaking decade, the Met Office has said.
The last decade was the second hottest in the past 100 years…
Longest climate summit in history ended weakly as nations on both sides held hardline positions
MADRID – The rift between a growing climate vanguard and a handful of countries obstructing progress…
The final text released after a marathon talks harked back to a deal made in Paris that placed no requirement on most countries to raise their targets until 2025
It was Cop25’s final call to arms on…
After two weeks of talks, many issues remain unresolved. Here we break down the major fights and minor breakthroughs of the UN conference in Madrid
The annual UN climate talks closed in…
Η δέσμευση του Πρωθυπουργού για πλήρη απολιγνιτοποίηση μέχρι το 2028 εντάσσεται στην προσπάθειά να είμαστε πρωτοπόροι στην αντιμετώπιση της Κλιματικής Αλλαγής όπως αυτή αποτυπώνεται ξεκάθαρα στην …
Αρκετοί ήταν οι «άγνωστοι» που στη διάρκεια του 2019 ήρθαν στο προσκήνιο είτε λόγω της επιρροής τους είτε επειδή δημιούργησαν ένα κίνημα.
1. Γκρέτα Τούνμπεργκ, η εκπρόσωπος της γενιάς του κλίματος
A group of Amazon employees has said the company has threatened to fire some of them for speaking out on environmental issues.
Amazon Employees for Climate Justice said the workers were told they…
The UK has reached a historic milestone as zero carbon electricity outstripped fossil fuels in 2019 for the first time.
The UK has reached a historic milestone as zero carbon electricity…
There was a time when the withered Lake Chad region was the focal point of what climate change on the African continent looked like, and what it could or would mean for migration. Some 2.6 million…
I am a climate scientist on holiday in the Blue Mountains, watching climate change in action.
After years studying the climate, my work has brought me to Sydney where I’m studying the linkages…
Σε ένα χρόνο από σήμερα ο ενεργειακός τομέας στην Ελλάδα, από το λιγνίτη, το φυσικό αέριο και τις ανανεώσιμες πηγές, έως την εξοικονόμηση, και τα γεωπολιτικά, δεν θα μοιάζει σε τίποτα με το…
Ο ΔΑΠΕΕΠ ολοκλήρωσε σήμερα την καταβολή 5,757 εκατ. ευρώ προς 101 δήμους σε όλη τη χώρα. Το ποσό αφορά στα αντισταθμιστικά οφέλη που λαμβάνουν οι δήμοι, εντός των διοικητικών ορίων των οποίων…