G20 countries aim their pandemic bailout spending at fossil fuel industries, leaving Paris climate change targets in doubt.
Governments are spending vastly more in support of fossil fuels than on…
Trump’s energy secretary Dan Brouillette promotes ‘all fuels’ free-market strategy at climate and sustainability summit
The US has argued for less regulation of the world’s energy systems, speaking…
Fracking companies are going bankrupt at a rapid pace, often with taxpayer-funded bonuses for executives, leaving harm for communities, taxpayers, and workers, the New York Time reports.
The world’s leading renewable associations today issue a joint statement setting out policy priorities for a green recovery involving accelerated clean energy deployment.
Under the banner of the…
Proposal outlines $2tn for clean energy infrastructure and climate solutions, to be spent as quickly as possible in next four years.
Joe Biden has unveiled a new, more aggressive climate and jobs…
Study on impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on temperature suggests next generation may benefit.
It seems logical that if we dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions the global temperature will go down,…
Investors give greenlight to $35bn worth of projects worldwide in first half of 2020.
Global offshore wind investment more than quadrupled in the first half of the year even as the coronavirus…
Οι ανανεώσιμες πηγές αναπτύσσονται όχι όμως αρκετά γρήγορα - ώστε να καλύψουν το κενό που υπάρχει - είναι ένα από τα βασικά συμπεράσματα που ανέδειξε στη συνέντευξή του στο energypress, ο καθηγητής…
Investment in U.S. offshore wind projects are set to hit $78 billion (€69 billion) this decade, in contrast with an estimated $82 billion for U.S. offshore oil and gasoline projects, Wood Mackenzie…
There’s a one in five chance that average global warming will hit 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels in at least one of the next five years, and a 70% chance that at least one month will exceed that…
What was the climate and sea level like at times in Earth’s history when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was at 400ppm?
The last time global carbon dioxide levels were consistently at or above 400…
A sustainable future has no room for coal energy, the head of UN argues.
As the world starts thinking of the day after the coronavirus pandemic, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres…
The European Union is split over which fuels deserve support from the bloc’s flagship green transition fund, after lawmakers on Monday (6 July) called for rules that could allow the money to be spent…
Efficiency must be at the core of Europe’s energy policy, the European Commission says in a draft policy document outlining its vision of a more agile, low-carbon energy system powered chiefly by…
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, supposed to reconcile environmental protection with socioeconomic development, are actually failing to protect biodiversity, according…
Natural gas is a versatile fossil fuel that accounts for about a third of U.S. energy use. Although it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants than coal or oil, natural gas is a…
Trump’s energy secretary Dan Brouillette promotes ‘all fuels’ free-market strategy at climate and sustainability summit.
The US has argued for less regulation of the world’s energy systems, speaking…