
Αποτελέσματα 11301 - 11320 | από συνολικά 15380
10 08 2020 | 07:16

What can you do to fight the climate crisis?

Individual acts alone won’t stop the climate crisis, but there are things we can do. We asked experts what they do in their daily lives to make a difference. As the climate crisis intensifies,…

10 08 2020 | 07:11

Your iPhone is a Demonstration of the Importance of Embodied Carbon.

It matters so much more than operating emissions. If we are truly going to get a handle on climate change and carbon emissions then we have to deal with the issue of embodied carbon, or what I…

10 08 2020 | 07:04

Deadly diseases from wildlife thrive when nature is destroyed, study finds.

Rats and bats that host pandemic pathogens like Covid-19 increase in damaged ecosystems, analysis shows. The human destruction of natural ecosystems increases the numbers of rats, bats and other…

10 08 2020 | 07:01

Nautical not nice: how fibreglass boats have become a global pollution problem.

Fibreglass fuelled a boating boom. But now dumped and ageing craft are breaking up, releasing toxins and microplastics across the world. Where do old boats go to die? The cynical answer is they are…

10 08 2020 | 07:00

GREENPEACE AFRICA: Activism is a risky business

Dear Supporter,  

10 08 2020 | 06:57

Toxic Chemicals From Fossil Fuels Are Poisoning East Coast Dolphins and Whales, Study Finds.

A new study gives a first look at the presence and potential effects of plastics and new forms of synthetic chemicals in stranded dolphins and whales along the coast of the southeastern U.S.

10 08 2020 | 06:56

Throng of new penguin colonies in Antarctica spotted from space.

Satellite images reveal guano patches, boosting known emperor penguin colonies by 20%. Satellite images have revealed 11 previously unknown emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica, boosting the…

10 08 2020 | 06:50

Kenya: As wildebeest migrate, COVID-19 keeps tourists at bay.

In Kenya's Maasai Mara game reserve, livelihoods are suffering as coronavirus guts tourism. Maasai Mara, Kenya - You have to wake up at dawn to catch the sun rising while having breakfast in the…

10 08 2020 | 06:48

How Underwater Microphones Are Helping Scientists Measure Climate Change.

Melting and crumbling glaciers are largely responsible for rising sea levels, so learning more about how glaciers shrink is vital to those who hope to save coastal cities and preserve wildlife. But…

10 08 2020 | 06:46

Investors launch climate plan to get to net zero emissions by 2050.

LONDON (Reuters) - An investor group managing more than $16 trillion (12.2 trillion pounds) on Wednesday launched the world’s first step-by-step plan to help pension funds and others align their…

10 08 2020 | 06:45

New research links Asia's air pollution with heavy economic impacts, thousands of premature deaths.

BANGKOK: For Bangkok’s “Spiderman Team”, dangling on ropes and rappelling down the city’s tallest buildings is just one of the risky parts of their job. High above the choked streets, on many days…

10 08 2020 | 06:37

Wildfires Can Poison Drinking Water – Here’s How Communities Can Be Better Prepared.

In recent years wildfires have entered urban areas, causing breathtaking destruction.

09 08 2020 | 15:05

Floods in Evia, Greece Leave 5 Dead – a Baby Among Them – and 2 Missing

The storm system Thalia that hit Greece left five people dead – with one baby among them – and two missing, on Evia on Sunday, while many areas of the island suffered serious  damages from the flood…

07 08 2020 | 09:46

World's three hottest Julys happened in the last five years.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Last month was the world’s third-hottest July on record, new data show — the latest milestone in a global warming trend that has seen the three hottest Julys within the last five…

07 08 2020 | 09:15

Two Canadian ice caps have completely vanished from the Arctic, NASA imagery shows

Scientists gave the caps 5 years to live in a 2017 study. Climate change killed them in record time. On frosty Ellesmere Island, where Arctic Canada butts up against the northwestern edge of…

06 08 2020 | 10:45

Sowing doubt: people around world receive mystery seed parcels.

Packages marked as ‘earrings’ spark biosecurity concerns and global investigations into origins. There is not much that Jan Goward does not grow in her small Eastbourne garden. “I grow everything,”…

06 08 2020 | 08:07

Flooding could occur daily in Sydney by the end of this century because of climate change.

Human-caused sea level rise likely caused eight out of 10 floods in the region between 1970 and 2015, a study finds. Flooding in localised areas around Sydney will happen almost every week by the…

06 08 2020 | 08:04

Physicists: 90% Chance of Human Society Collapsing Within Decades.

Deforestation coupled with the rampant destruction of natural resources will soon have devastating effects on the future of society as we know it, according to two theoretical physicists who study…

06 08 2020 | 08:01

Rising temperatures will cause more deaths than all infectious diseases – study.

Poorer, hotter parts of the world will struggle to adapt to unbearable conditions, research finds. The growing but largely unrecognized death toll from rising global temperatures will come close to…

06 08 2020 | 07:56

BP Aims to Build 50GW of Renewables by 2030, Cut Fossil Fuel Output by 40%.

The oil supermajor lays out further details on its path toward net-zero, keeping ahead of its fossil fuel rivals in its energy transition ambitions. BP will cut its oil and gas output by 40 percent…