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28 04 2020 | 21:34

Implications of COVID-19 for Public Health and the SDGs.

27 April 2020 COVID-19 RESPONSE

28 04 2020 | 16:00

UN Sec. General to Petersberg Dialogue on climate action. "The only answer to COVID 19 is brave, visionary and collaborative leadership. The same leadership is needed to address the looming existential threat of climate disruption."

Madam Chancellor, Ministers,  Dear friends,   Covid-19 has put the lives of billions of people around the globe in turmoil, inflicting grave suffering and destabilizing the global economy.   It has…

27 04 2020 | 10:28

Renewable energy as game inspiration | Marios Papalexandrou | TEDxThessaloniki

How would you channel your creativity into doing something good for the planet? In this entertaining talk, renewable energy engineer Marios Papalexandrou is sharing his passion for his work. This…

27 04 2020 | 06:58

Coronavirus pandemic 'will cause famine of biblical proportions'

Governments must act now to stop 265 million starving, warns World Food Programme boss The world is facing widespread famine “of biblical proportions” because of the coronavirus pandemic, the chief…

27 04 2020 | 06:55

Microplastics found for first time in Antarctic ice where krill source food.

Researchers at University of Tasmania find 14 different kinds of plastic smaller than 5mm in an ice core from 2009. Small pieces of plastic have been detected in sea ice in Antarctica for what…

27 04 2020 | 06:34

Do your solar sensors need recalibration or maintenance?

Test it with 3E's online Solar Sensor Check! Because working from home doesn't mean the performance of your PV installation should deteriorate, 3E has developed a new online tool that enables you to…

27 04 2020 | 06:26

Flooding will affect double the number of people worldwide by 2030.

New research finds 147 million will be hit by floods by the end of the decade – ‘the numbers will be catastrophic’. The number of people harmed by floods will double worldwide by 2030, according to…

27 04 2020 | 06:23

NASA Reports Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Hit Record Low in March.

Ozone levels above the Arctic reached a record low for March, NASA researchers report. An analysis of satellite observations show that ozone levels reached their lowest point on March 12 at 205…

27 04 2020 | 06:22

Ice-free Arctic summers now very likely even with climate action.

Scientists surprised by latest results but say carbon cuts remain vital to prevent ice loss becoming permanent. The loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic is now very likely before 2050, new research…

27 04 2020 | 06:19

CCC to amend 2020 work programme in light of coronavirus.

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has announced plans to amend its advisory reports and offer advice to ministers on building a climate resilient coronavirus recovery in line with the UK’s 2050…

27 04 2020 | 06:17

REvolutionaries: The Steve Sawyer Memorial Award.

On the occasion of Earth Day, GWEC has launched a memorial award in honour of its late CEO Steve Sawyer - REvolutionaries: The Steve Sawyer Memorial Award. The award will honour Steve’s life mission…

27 04 2020 | 06:13

The Solution to the Coronavirus Recession Is a Global Green New Deal.

The coronavirus is plunging the global economy into an unprecedented recession. We need to wipe away the debt bondage of Global South countries and launch a Global Green New Deal that will allow…

27 04 2020 | 06:10

How hot will Earth get by 2100?

Climate researchers are studying a fresh set of scenarios to model the future of the planet.

27 04 2020 | 06:10

Energizing the Green Economy : The growth of clean energy jobs

Around the world and across the US, clean energy jobs not only put millions to work, but provide sustainable, affordable power to communities of all sizes. This isn’t looking ahead to the future…

25 04 2020 | 13:56

The age of stability is over, and coronavirus is just the beginning.

Humanity has only recently become accustomed to a stable climate.

25 04 2020 | 13:55

Coronavirus Postpones Climate Summits, But Climate Action Cannot be Delayed.

The UNFCCC has confirmed the postponement of both the Bonn Conference and COP26. Although climate summits look unlikely in the near future, climate action cannot be delayed any further and countries…

25 04 2020 | 13:51

The Guardian view on the climate and coronavirus: global warnings.

Steep falls in emissions have been the pandemic’s immediate effect. But what’s needed is a green recovery So far, discussions of a coronavirus exit strategy have mainly focused on the steps that…

25 04 2020 | 13:50

Earth Day at 50: Five Ways to Honor the Legacy and Change the World.

A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly. —Desmond Tutu

25 04 2020 | 13:49

On Earth Day, harnessing the power of nature to heal herself.

NATURE FIRST Following Mother Nature’s lead through ecosystem-based adaptation

25 04 2020 | 13:46

Pandemic side-effects offer glimpse of alternative future on Earth Day 2020.

Coronavirus has led to reduced pollution, re-emerging wildlife and plunging oil prices and shown the size of the task facing humanity. The skies are clearing of pollution, wildlife is returning to…