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14 11 2020 | 07:57

Talen to stop burning coal at three plants with 3.6GW of capacity in Pennsylvania and Maryland by 2025.

Transitioning to cleaner fuel sources, Talen Energy Corp. will stop burning coal at three of its wholly owned facilities in Pennsylvania and Maryland by the end of 2025 and develop new renewable…

14 11 2020 | 07:31

Peabody warns of possible second bankruptcy in five years as coal industry declines.

The world’s largest private coal company Peabody Energy Corp. said it is in danger of its second bankruptcy filing in five years on the back of poor performance and worsening market conditions amid…

14 11 2020 | 07:26

Siemens to stop selling turbines for new coal-fired power plant projects.

Siemens Energy, which builds steam turbines for power plants, will no longer take on new business to supply coal-fired powered stations, it said on Tuesday, making it the latest firm to scale back…

14 11 2020 | 07:22

Toshiba says it will not take new orders for coal-fired power plants.

Toshiba will stop taking orders for coal-fired power plants in line with growing global trends toward reducing carbon emissions, Nikkei learned on Tuesday, as Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga pledges to…

12 11 2020 | 08:47

Climate crisis: Remote glaciers in China melting at ‘shocking’ pace, risking water shortages.

Scientists say largest glacier in world’s ‘third pole’ has retreated by 450 metres, as temperatures rise.

12 11 2020 | 08:42

Eos Energy, Hecate sign deal for 1,000MWh of battery storage across Southwest U.S.

Eos Energy Storage LLC will supply more than 1,000 MWh of zinc-based energy storage systems over the next two years for installations in Colorado, New Mexico and Texas, after it signed a preliminary…

12 11 2020 | 08:38

Renewable energy defies Covid-19 to hit record growth in 2020.

International Energy Agency expects green electricity to end coal’s 50-year reign by 2025. Global renewable electricity installation will hit a record level in 2020, according to the International…

12 11 2020 | 08:34

Outskirts of Somalia’s Capital is Under Siege by Damaging Locusts.

The outskirts of Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, is under siege by swarms of locusts that officials fear will ruin vegetation and potentially impact tourism.  The locusts arrived outside Mogadishu on…

12 11 2020 | 08:25

If you think Covid is bad, wait until you hear about the climate crisis.

The climate won’t wait for us to sort out coronavirus, but rich people are still destroying it.       9 November 2020 The Guardian

12 11 2020 | 08:24

Tripling Renewables Investment to Reach Climate Goal

New report confirms global investment rise in 2013-2018, but calls for considerable mobilisation of capital to recover from COVID-19 and build a climate-safe world

11 11 2020 | 09:07

Fears for a million livelihoods in Kenya and Tanzania as Mara River fish die out.

Water biodiversity is on the brink, with dire consequences for the region known for the zebra and wildebeest migration, says WWF. Fish are being driven to extinction in the Mara River basin, putting…

10 11 2020 | 10:16

Climate crisis: Europe experiences hottest October on record.

Temperatures across continent 1.6C above average in October, Copernicus data shows. Europe has just experienced its hottest October on record, new data shows. Temperatures across Europe were 1.6C…

10 11 2020 | 10:11

World is running out of time on climate, experts warn.

In wake of Covid, leading figures call for bold green measures to boost economy. World leaders are running out of time to forge a green recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, with only a year to go…

10 11 2020 | 10:07

Melting of Antarctica’s Larsen C Ice Shelf at 40-year record high, study says.

Antarctica’s Larsen C Ice Shelf experienced its highest rate of melting since records began 40 years ago from 2019-2020, a new study has found. The unprecedented melt at Larsen C, which is…

10 11 2020 | 09:52

What Will Trump’s Most Profound Legacy Be? Possibly Climate Damage.

President-elect Biden can restore many of the 100-plus environmental regulations that President Trump rolled back, but much of the damage to the climate cannot be reversed. WASHINGTON — President-…

10 11 2020 | 09:28

‘Hypocrites and greenwash’: Greta Thunberg blasts leaders over climate crisis.

Greta Thunberg has blasted politicians as hypocrites and international climate summits as empty words and greenwash. Until humanity admits it has failed to tackle the climate crisis and begins…

09 11 2020 | 14:24

Who Is Donald J. Trump? Narrated By Julianne Moore | NowThis

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate on the ballot who has publicly agreed that his own daughter is a 'piece of ass.' The bronze-gilded mogul is as notable for his multiple rape…

09 11 2020 | 08:08

Shell’s climate poll on Twitter backfires spectacularly.

Oil giant accused of gaslighting after asking users: ‘What are you willing to change?’ A climate poll on Twitter posted by Shell has backfired spectacularly, with the oil company accused of…

09 11 2020 | 08:05

Forest-related carbon removal could generate $800bn in annual revenues by 2050

New analysis commissioned by the UN-supported Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI), predicts that technologies to remove carbon from the atmosphere could create trillion dollar upside…

09 11 2020 | 08:00

In the heat of political crisis, Belarus launches first nuclear power plant.

Ecologists do not share the government's optimism about Astravets. pid changes is that Belarus’ first nuclear power plant is located outside the town. Its construction is now coming to an end and it…