
Αποτελέσματα 5861 - 5880 | από συνολικά 14362
08 02 2022 | 16:40

Ο «τελευταίος χορός» του φυσικού αερίου στις αγορές

Εδώ και πάνω από δεκαπέντε χρόνια το φυσικό αέριο είναι ο βασιλιάς των ενεργειακών αγορών. Έχει χαρακτηρισθεί ως το καύσιμο γέφυρα για τη μετάβαση από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα στις μηδενικές εκπομπές αερίων…

05 02 2022 | 12:52

Innovation, pastoralism and climate change in Africa’s drylands

Research shows how social and technological innovations can help pastoralists cope with increasingly unpredictable rainfall patterns The dryland areas of East and West Africa are uniquely populated…

05 02 2022 | 12:36

Climate change: Mount Everest ice which took 2,000 years to form has melted in just 25, scientists say

Ice on Everest's highest glacier, South Col, has reduced 80 times faster than than it formed in what scientists have described as a climate "wake-up call".   Ice that took around 2,000 years to…

05 02 2022 | 12:24

Extreme weather has cost Europe about €500bn over 40 years

European Environment Agency data shows worst-hit countries to be Germany, France and Italy Severe floods and other extreme weather have cost Europe about half a trillion euros in the past four…

05 02 2022 | 12:20

‘Carbon footprint gap’ between rich and poor expanding, study finds

Researchers say cutting carbon footprint of world’s wealthiest may be fastest way to reach net zero Wealthy people have disproportionately large carbon footprints and the percentage of the world’s…

05 02 2022 | 11:53

California subsidies for dairy cows’ biogas are a lose-lose, campaigners say

The state pumps millions into methane produced by manure – but advocates argue it increases greenhouse gas emissions and encourages factory farming A coalition of climate, environmental and animal…

02 02 2022 | 09:20

All coral will suffer severe bleaching when global heating hits 1.5C, study finds

But one coral reef expert says even reefs that bleach every five years could have corals that survive Almost no corals on the planet will escape severe bleaching once global heating reaches 1.5C,…

02 02 2022 | 09:14

Flooding cuts off key railway supply routes in central Australia

The disruptions have sparked calls for greater strategic planning for major freight corridors in the face of climate change Supply chains already stretched due to Covid-related staff shortages have…

02 02 2022 | 09:08

Extreme heat in oceans ‘passed point of no return’ in 2014

Extreme heat in the world’s oceans passed the “point of no return” in 2014 and has become the new normal, according to research. Scientists analysed sea surface temperatures over the last 150 years…

02 02 2022 | 08:48

‘We relied on the lake. Now it’s killing us’: climate crisis threatens future of Kenya’s El Molo people

Lake Turkana’s shores have been home to the El Molo for millennia but as rising waters swallow homes and sacred sites they face losing everything Mombasa Lenapir briefly strokes the waters of Kenya…

02 02 2022 | 08:34

Drought in Somalia is set to leave millions of people without enough food.

Months after world leaders gathered in Glasgow for what many experts billed as our last best chance to fend off the worst effects of a warming planet, the devastating reality of climate change is…

30 01 2022 | 20:03

Indonesia Asks Developed Countries to Fund Energy Transition

Jakarta. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Thursday’s global economic forum asked developed nations to help their developing counterparts, including Indonesia, in the energy transition by providing…

30 01 2022 | 08:22

Storm Ana: Deadly Africa storm shows climate crisis reality - UN

The deadly storm that hit southern African countries this week has shown the reality of the climate crisis, a UN official has said.

30 01 2022 | 08:19

Batteries get hyped, but pumped hydro provides the vast majority of long-term energy storage essential for renewable power – here’s how it works

To cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in half within a decade, the Biden administration’s goal, the U.S. is going to need a lot more solar and wind power generation, and lots of cheap energy storage.

30 01 2022 | 07:56

The people moving from high to low-carbon careers

Watching the Red Arrows jet across the sky as a young boy, Todd Smith knew that flying was what he wanted to do when he was older.

30 01 2022 | 07:51

Better air in lockdown may have saved hundreds of lives in Europe, study finds

London and Paris among cities with highest number of avoided deaths thanks to lower pollution in first lockdown More than 800 lives may have been saved across Europe thanks to better air quality…

30 01 2022 | 07:46

Airlines flying near-empty ‘ghost flights’ to retain EU airport slots

Analysis from Greenpeace finds deserted flights are generating millions of tons of harmful emissions

30 01 2022 | 07:40

Coal-based liquid hydrogen pivotal for green energy? The experts doubt it

The ANU’s Dr Fiona Beck says turning fossil fuels into hydrogen is always going to be dirtier than using renewables A world-first shipment of liquid hydrogen from Australia was declared momentous…

29 01 2022 | 09:38

America’s hottest city is nearly unlivable in summer. Can cooling technologies save it?

Phoenix’s new ‘heat tsar’ is betting on less asphalt, more green canopy and reflective surfaces to cool the sprawling heat island A surge in heat-related deaths amid record-breaking summer…

29 01 2022 | 09:34

King crabs invade UK waters threatening native species

North Yorkshire fishers found pots heavy not with brown crab but with prized invader Invasive king crabs have made their way to British shores, sparking fears that local brown crab and scallop…