
Αποτελέσματα 5761 - 5780 | από συνολικά 14362
02 03 2022 | 07:27

Climate emergency a ‘national security’ concern, says Red Cross

On eve of alarming IPCC report, organisation warns governments to treat crisis on a par with war and peace Governments must start treating the climate crisis as a national security concern on a par…

02 03 2022 | 07:25

Eastern Australian states hit by major flooding after ‘rain bomb’ weather event

Eight dead and hundreds rescued from rooftops as rainfall exceeds annual averages in just a few days The flood broke through the levee before daybreak. By the time many residents of Lismore in…

02 03 2022 | 07:22

As extreme weather ravages the Pacific, there is much to do and no time to waste

Climate change is already pushing some human systems and ecosystems beyond their adaptation limits

02 03 2022 | 07:21

The Guardian view on the IPCC report: inaction has cost the world dearly

It is past time to take on the ‘arsonists’ of the fossil fuel industry which refuse to manage their own decline

02 03 2022 | 07:19

IPCC issues ‘bleakest warning yet’ on impacts of climate breakdown

Report says human actions are causing dangerous disruption, and window to secure a liveable future is closing Climate breakdown is accelerating rapidly, many of the impacts will be more severe than…

02 03 2022 | 07:19

The IPCC climate report is grim – but there is still room for hope

There is only a small window in which to mitigate the worst effects. So make a change now, and make it one you can stick to If the prospect of nuclear war wasn’t enough, the Intergovernmental Panel…

02 03 2022 | 07:16

In Lismore, this is more than a flood, it is a catastrophe – and I am still praying we will be saved

Australia needs to decide how much worse we want these disasters to get and take the climate action needed to keep people safe In Lismore we have experienced floods forever. But this is not a flood…

02 03 2022 | 07:15

This climate crisis report asks: what is at stake? In short, everything

Analysis: Major IPCC report, approved by 195 countries, lays bare devastating harm caused by unchecked global heating

02 03 2022 | 07:09

Martin Rowson on the IPCC’s bleak report on the planet’s future – cartoon

Illustration: Martin Rowson     Guardian Pick "The human race is a race between education and catastrophe." H.G. Wells  

02 03 2022 | 07:05

African countries spending billions to cope with climate crisis

Report says average 4% of GDP will be spent on adapting to climate breakdown, risking deeper poverty African countries are being forced to spend billions of dollars a year coping with the effects…

02 03 2022 | 07:05

Climate change won’t wait for future innovation — we need action now

Governments must focus on solutions that are already working, even when they aren’t glamorous or supported by powerful lobbyists. Reading national climate plans feels like perusing corporate…

02 03 2022 | 06:56

Climate change: Five things we've learned from the IPCC report

A new report released this week by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) looks at the causes, impacts and solutions to climate change.

02 03 2022 | 06:53

Impact of climate crisis much worse than predicted, says Alok Sharma

Minister who led Cop26 climate talks issues stark warning on eve of landmark report from IPCC The impacts of the climate crisis are proving much worse than predicted, and governments must act more…

02 03 2022 | 06:49

Climate scientists warn global heating means Australia facing more catastrophic storms and floods

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says climate effects expected to be more severe than initially predicted Catastrophic flooding on the scale of the disaster hitting Queensland and New…

02 03 2022 | 06:48

Thinktank linked to tech giant Canon under pressure to remove ‘dangerous’ climate articles

Exclusive: Some Canon Institute for Global Studies posts call the climate crisis ‘fake news’ and compare Greta Thunberg to a communist A thinktank linked to Japanese technology giant Canon is…

02 03 2022 | 06:45

US supreme court signals it may restrict EPA’s ability to fight climate crisis

Roberts suggests states could claim harm from laws not yet enacted Several conservative justices on the US supreme court signaled on Monday that they may be willing to restrict the federal…

02 03 2022 | 06:45

Neom: What's the green truth behind a planned eco-city in the Saudi desert?

Glow-in-the dark beaches. Billions of trees planted in a country dominated by the desert. Levitating trains. A fake moon. A car-free, carbon-free city built in a straight line over 100 miles long…

02 03 2022 | 06:43

Should we be growing trees in the desert to combat climate change?

Reforestation is one of our best tools to fight the climate crisis. In the tropics, forests have been reported to absorb 10 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year. A mature tree can absorb…

02 03 2022 | 06:43

Deforestation emissions far higher than previously thought, study finds

Carbon emissions from felling of tropical forest doubled in just two decades and are accelerating, research says Carbon emissions from tropical deforestation this century are far higher than…