Technology Solutions

Αποτελέσματα 681 - 700 | από συνολικά 1345
06 12 2021 | 08:48

Indonesia’s largest mining firm may drop coal for gas

Pushed by its American shareholders, banks and mounting climate change pressures, Indonesia’s largest mining company is actively studying a plan to switch from coal to natural gas to power its…

06 12 2021 | 08:45

Nova Innovation to conduct study in Indonesia

Nova Innovation has won funding that could deliver the first ever tidal turbine array in Indonesia. Innovate UK has awarded £200 000 to Nova’s Feasibility of Larantuka and Indonesian Tidal Energy (…

04 12 2021 | 09:12

China creates vast research infrastructure to support ambitious climate goals

Carbon-neutrality institutes, and other initiatives to support a pledge to achieve net zero by 2060, are popping up like mushrooms across China. China, the world’s top carbon emitter, has for the…

02 12 2021 | 09:27

Ο ενεργειακός άξονας Ελλάδας-Κύπρου-Αιγύπτου-Ισραήλ μετατοπίζεται νότια στην ΑΟΖ Ελλάδας-Αιγύπτου

Η από δεκαετίας προσήλωση της ελληνικής ενεργειακής πολιτικής στο φυσικό αέριο στη νοτιοανατολική μεσόγειο, μετατοπίζεται τώρα στην ελληνοαιγυπτιακή ΑΟΖ και επενδύει στην μετάβαση προς την…

30 11 2021 | 08:52

Κ. Δεληγιάννης: Μείωση 80% των εκπομπών των νησιών έως το 2030

Οι ηλεκτρικές διασυνδέσεις, σε συνδυασμό με πρότζεκτ που θα τρέξουν κάτω από την «ομπρέλα» της πρωτοβουλίας GR-eco islands, θα επιφέρουν δραστικό περιορισμό του περιβαλλοντικού αποτυπώματος των…

30 11 2021 | 08:45

ΕΕ: Πού κυμαίνονται οι εκπομπές αερίων του θερμοκηπίου - Τα πρώτα τριμηνιαία στοιχεία της Eurostat

Το δεύτερο τρίμηνο του 2021, οι εκπομπές αερίων του θερμοκηπίου στην ΕΕ ανήλθαν συνολικά σε 867 εκατομμύρια τόνους ισοδύναμου CO2 (CO2-eq), χαμηλότερα από τα προ πανδημίας επίπεδα, για όλα τα τρίμηνα…

29 11 2021 | 08:18

Pakistan orders Monday closure of schools and offices in Lahore to cut smog

Officials hope three-day weekend will help reduce toxic pollution levels in country’s second largest city Pakistan has ordered private offices and schools to remain closed on Mondays in Lahore in…

29 11 2021 | 07:48

Australia’s spy agency predicted the climate crisis 40 years ago – and fretted about coal exports

In a taste of things to come, a secret Office of National Assessment report worried the ‘carbon dioxide problem’ would hurt the nation’s coal industry The report was stamped CONFIDENTIAL twice on…

28 11 2021 | 08:30

Cameroonian Fishermen Harvest Invasive Aquatic Fern to Create Energy Source

DIZANGUÉ, CAMEROON —  Cameroon's largest lake, Lake Ossa, has been invaded by Salvinia molesta, an aquatic fern native to Brazil that hinders navigation, makes fishing impossible and blocks water…

28 11 2021 | 07:45

PARIS REINFORCE study on warming outcomes of current policies and pledges.

Most of the integrated assessment modelling literature focuses on cost-effective pathways towards given temperature goals.

18 11 2021 | 10:09

The cool tech Mat Santamouris is working on now

Mat Santamouris will detail at Moonshot 2030 how his building coating product can slash ambient heat from 40 degrees to 25 degrees on materials with his coating. See him speak on Tuesday during the…

16 11 2021 | 11:36

Rwanda goes electric with locally made motorbikes

For 12 years Didier Ndabahariye has been ferrying passengers around the streets of Kigali - one of the thousands of motorbike taxi drivers, known locally as motos. Recently, he switched his usual…

04 11 2021 | 15:40

A Nuclear Renaissance Could Soon Begin

Small Modular Reactors have been called the future of nuclear The irony of nuclear power is that despite it being one of the safest forms of energy available, its use has declined over the years in…

03 11 2021 | 14:45

Toyota announces the bZ4X: the carmaker’s first mass-produced electric vehicle

New vehicle a change for Toyota, which has to date relied heavily on hybrid technology. Toyota has released details about its first mass-produced electric vehicle in a significant step for the world…

03 11 2021 | 14:35

Reasons to be hopeful: the climate solutions available now.

We have every tool we need to tackle the climate crisis. Here’s what some key sectors are doing The climate emergency is the biggest threat to civilisation we have ever faced. But there is good news…

03 11 2021 | 14:20

Coal investment being cut by 99% of development finance institutions

Nearly all internationally available development financing is now committed to reducing or ending investment in coal-fired power after moves by China and the G20 to stop supporting new projects…

03 11 2021 | 14:18

One-gigawatt wind-plus-battery projects on tap for Chile, Kazakhstan

Statkraft has been awarded a tender of public lands in Chile to host a wind power project and Total Eren is developing a 1GW wind power project in Kazakhstan: both would be paired with large-scale…

31 10 2021 | 20:32

Super cool building materials prove powerful arsenal against climate change

New building materials that reflect rather than absorb solar energy can reduce peak temperatures in our cities by up to four degrees.  New building materials that reduce urban temperatures, and…

31 10 2021 | 20:12

Climate change: How technology is helping cities tackle climate disasters

The threats to our cities seem endless - from flash flooding to pollution, overcrowding to the risk of pandemics. To help avert crises, many cities have invested in technology - the theory being…

24 10 2021 | 08:56

Singapore harnesses Solar Energy at Sea

Floating solar farms off Singapore offer hope for land-scarce city to boost renewable energy