Technology Solutions

Αποτελέσματα 521 - 540 | από συνολικά 1345
12 07 2022 | 07:40

SOUTH AFRICA: GoMetro to test electric minibuses in Stollenbosch by 2023

Faced with soaring fuel prices exacerbated by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, GoMetro, a mobility company based in Cape Town, South Africa, is preparing to deploy electric minibuses in the city of…

12 07 2022 | 07:35

RWANDA: Rura launches competition to collect e-waste in Kigali and Musanze

With Rwanda generating about 10,000 tons of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) each year, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) is initiating a competition to rid Kigali and…

08 07 2022 | 07:26

Tom Morton Drives His 62 KWh Nissan Leaf 345 KM Non-Stop From Kisumu To Nairobi!

Kenya is one of the best places for electric vehicles. The grid is very green, with over 90% of electricity generated from renewable energy sources such as hydro, geothermal, wind, and some utility-…

05 07 2022 | 08:52

KENYA: KenGen installs a charging station for electric vehicles in Nairobi

In Kenya, the main electricity producer Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is installing a charging station for electric vehicles in the capital Nairobi. The initiative contributes to the…

05 07 2022 | 08:51

AFRICA: Vodafone recycles used phones in Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon

The German subsidiary of the British telecommunications group Vodafone is launching an operation to recycle one million used mobile phones in Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon.

05 07 2022 | 08:47

Kenya and South Africa offer insights into digital economy challenges and alternatives

The World Bank is warning of the real danger of a massive economic downturn across the world. In a recent analysis it warned that many countries – including those in sub-Saharan Africa – will be…

05 07 2022 | 08:44

First Kenyan wins Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation for portable vaccine fridge

Portable, solar-powered fridge solution to store and transport medicines wins the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation The winner, Norah Magero, is the first Kenyan to win the award…

05 07 2022 | 08:02

GHANA: Electronic waste recycling centre to be inaugurated in October 2022

While Ghana generates 170,000 tonnes of e-waste every year, a quarter of which ends up in the Agbogbloshie landfill on the outskirts of Accra, the government is preparing to inaugurate an e-waste…

05 07 2022 | 07:40

Why Addressing the Lack of Lead Investors is Key to Building Stronger Startups in Emerging Markets

Raising capital is a time-consuming process that distracts the management teams of lean companies from their core activities. While raising capital is an important function, an incredible amount of…

05 07 2022 | 07:09

What role can EU play in Africa’s clean energy transition?

Africa is a continent craving for change and in dire need of major transformations. It is a continent with a high population growth, estimated to be home to 25% of global population by 2050.

29 06 2022 | 11:14

Introducing International Green Mark (IGM)

International Green Mark (IGM) is an ecolabelling system developed by Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD). Following ISO standards for building and construction, IGM helps identify…

26 06 2022 | 08:52

AFRICA: Emerging Mediterranean awards 30 start-ups for their green innovations

Launched in 2020 and supported by the French Development Agency (AFD), the Emerging Mediterranean programme awards 30 start-ups from several African countries for the contribution of their projects…

23 06 2022 | 18:27

MOROCCO: the post office goes green with 225 Citroën Ami

In Morocco, the Barid Al-Maghrib Post Office has announced the acquisition of 225 electric vehicles for parcel processing. The Citroën Ami vehicles that will be made available to the Post Office are…

14 06 2022 | 09:36

EGYPT: Stellantis to establish an electric vehicle manufacturing plant in 2025

In Egypt, the multinational automotive group Stellantis will build a plant for the local manufacture and export of electric vehicles.

07 06 2022 | 21:42

KENYA: Konza Technopolis, a smart city under construction in Machakos

As part of its "Vision 2030" for development, Kenya launched the construction of Konza Technopolis in 2012, a large technology centre located in Machakos County, south of Nairobi. The project, which…

02 06 2022 | 13:09


The Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) were unanimously endorse

01 06 2022 | 09:51

Africa accounts for 70% of the world’s $1 trillion mobile money market

Africa now accounts for 70% of the world’s $1 trillion mobile money value. The value of Africa’s mobile money transactions edged up 39% to $701.4 billion in 2021 from $495 billion in 2020,…

27 05 2022 | 18:41

UNSW BE High Performance Architecture Webinar Series #1: Recent Progress on Mitigation Technologies

UNSW High Performance Architecture Webinar Series  

27 05 2022 | 09:04

ALPHA MISSION - ΔELOS this coming Monday, 30th of May, Live from Delos

Its finally happening. Commencing countdown, Engines on... for ALPHA MISSION - ΔELOS this coming Monday, 30th. If you are in Greece watch on ERT2 or on the outside screening in the gardens of the…

26 05 2022 | 10:41

Imagine an economy of peace

Be it the climate emergency, the pandemic, the war in Ukraine or any of the multiple other intersectional challenges the world is facing today, we are, inexplicably, in a crisis of imagination.…