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07 12 2019 | 10:11

Lorenzo Quinn’s Sculpture 'Support' to Warn of Rising Sea Levels at COP25

A 3-meter version of Lorenzo Quinn’s monumental sculpture “Support” is on display at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid (2-13 December) to remind participants of rising sea…

07 12 2019 | 10:03

Fifteen Countries to Present Latest Updates on their Climate Actions at COP25.

 During the UN Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid in December, fifteen countries will share updated information on their climate actions.

07 12 2019 | 09:25

Government funds to continue investing in fossil fuels.

Two multi-billion dollar government guaranteed investment funds say they will continue investing in fossil fuel companies, despite the government's efforts to fight climate change. Combined, the…

07 12 2019 | 09:20

Comprehensive References for Climate Action Presented at COP25.

Two publications were presented at the UN Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid this week that shine a light on current climate action and lay down pathways to climate neutrality by mid-century,…

06 12 2019 | 08:41

UK wins Net Zero climate award at COP25.

Madrid - The United Kingdom was today presented with a Net Zero Award in recognition of its outstanding approach to

06 12 2019 | 08:16

Greenpeace: 'Our addiction to fossil fuels has pushed oceans to the brink of collapse'.

The world's oceans act as a massive carbon sink trapping 50 times more than is in the atmosphere. A global network of ocean sanctuaries is needed to help the seas store carbon and protect nature,…

06 12 2019 | 08:13

Cop25 Bulletin: A rare press conference.

Good morning. It's Thursday, 5 December.

05 12 2019 | 08:50

Uhuru dam bursts its banks.

Uhuru dam in Ruiru burst its banks early Thursday morning following heavy rainfall. Residents of Varsityville estate in Kamakis are affected amid reports of flooded homes. The water reservoir,…

05 12 2019 | 07:48

Africa looks on in frustration as COP 25 opens in Madrid.

Punctuating the climate change summit in Madrid, heavy rains continue to pound east and central Africa causing deadly flooding and landslides. Activists fear the  conference known as COP25 will…

05 12 2019 | 07:25

Why the floods in East Africa are so bad.

Rain-triggered disasters, including flash floods and landslides, have killed at least 250 people and affected some three million people across East Africa in recent weeks, with about half of the…

05 12 2019 | 07:21

Climate: We have run out of time.

Climate action must happen now — there are no second chances For the next week or so, delegates from nations around the world will gather in Madrid for a critical set of meetings on our planet’s…

05 12 2019 | 07:07

Climate change: COP25 island nation in 'fight to death'.

The president of an island nation on the frontline of climate change says it is in a "fight to the death" after freak waves inundated the capital. Powerful swells averaging 5m (16ft) washed across…

05 12 2019 | 07:03

WMO highlights severe impacts after ‘decade of exceptional global heat’.

The World Meteorological Organisation reveals that 2019 has been one of the hottest years on record. The WMO report has warned that we have had a ‘decade of exceptional heat’ with 2019 on course to…

05 12 2019 | 06:59

Green Economy 'Not to Be Feared, but an Opportunity to Be Embraced' Says UN Chief As COP25 Gets Underway.

Madrid — A green economy is "not one to be feared but an opportunity to be embraced", UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday, in a keynote speech to delegates at the opening of the…

04 12 2019 | 15:34

Ireland launches auction scheme for renewables.

Solar is included among the competing sources, but with a quota of only 10%. About 12,500 GWh will be allocated across five rounds under the new scheme, which is still subject to EU state aid…

04 12 2019 | 15:30

Egypt and Sudan in talks to defuse tensions over Ethiopian dam.

Nile basin countries fear for their future water supplies as the Grand Renaissance hydroelectric project reaches completion. A new round of high-level talks has started in Cairo between three Nile…

04 12 2019 | 14:47

EU turns to methane emissions in fight against global warming.

The European Commission is working on a first-ever methane strategy that could play a “very significant role” in enabling the EU increase its climate ambitions for 2030, EU officials have said. New…

04 12 2019 | 14:46

Great green wall: Villagers' defence against desertification.

Al Jazeera meets Senegalese in a race against effects of climate change. Climate change is causing the Sahel Desert to grow, but villagers are planting a vast wall of trees in a bid to save their…

04 12 2019 | 09:47

YEET CAPITALISM - Our speech from devon youth parliament.

On the 29th, two of our strikers spoke at devon youth parliament’s climate forum about the green new deal and participatory democracy; this is their speech:

04 12 2019 | 09:42

Estee Lauder signs renewable energy deal.

Estee Lauder has signed a virtual power purchase agreement for a wind farm in a move to become more sustainable. The virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) makes Estee Lauder the first prestige…