Science – Technology – Innovation

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02 05 2020 | 07:46

April 2020 provisionally sunniest on record for UK.

Although many of us have seen a marked change in the weather today the provisional early statistics show that for the UK as a whole it has been the sunniest April on record (figures dating back to…

02 05 2020 | 07:45

Climate crisis will make insurance unaffordable for people who need it most.

In a submission to the royal commission into natural disasters the Consumer Action Law Centre calls for an inquiry into insurance. The climate crisis will make insurance unaffordable for many people…

02 05 2020 | 07:38

Study shows renewables cheaper than fossil fuels across Middle East, North Africa region.

Abandoning fossil fuels for electricity generation by 2030 would save money for countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), according to new research into renewable energy in the area.

02 05 2020 | 07:34

Scale-up of solar and wind puts existing coal, gas at risk.

Solar, wind and batteries see dramatic gains in competitiveness over the last six months compared to longer-established energy options according to BloombergNEF.

02 05 2020 | 07:27

Solar rooftops can power the EU's green recovery.

On the occasion of Earth Day, SolarPower Europe held a webinar centred on the immense solar power generation potential of Europe's vacant rooftops. The session was hosted by MEP Jutta Paulus (Greens…

02 05 2020 | 07:17

Florida: endangered sea turtles thriving thanks to Covid-19 restrictions.

Researchers are seeing an increase in nests as restrictions keep humans and harmful waste off beaches. Marine life researchers in Florida say that coronavirus restrictions keeping humans and harmful…

02 05 2020 | 07:00

Why Britain’s 2.5 billion paper coffee cups are an eco disaster.

With only one in 400 cups recycled, and even those barely ‘green’, the hunt is on for an alternative. Britain gets through 2.5 billion of them every year, and the number is set to increase. But…

30 04 2020 | 15:47

Take A Look at Power China 2020 Advance! August 16-18 2020

Power China 2020 will attract an estimated 350+ preeminent brands this August 16th-18th at China Import & Export Fair Complex. This April alone, more than 50 new exhibitors have signed up for the…

29 04 2020 | 15:56

EDF consortium low bidder for 2GW Abu Dhabi solar project.

A consortium led by France’s EDF and China’s Jinko Power submitted the lowest tariff for the planned 2GW Al-Dhafra photovoltaic (PV) solar project in Abu Dhabi.

29 04 2020 | 09:34

Meteorologists say 2020 on course to be hottest year since records began

This year is on course to be the world’s hottest since measurements began, according to meteorologists, who estimate there is a 50% to 75% chance that 2020 will break the record set four years ago.…

29 04 2020 | 06:55 responds to inaccuracies in documentary “Planet of the Humans” produced by Michael Moore.

Global — On the eve of Earth Day, Michael Moore’s production company released a new documentary, “Planet of the Humans”, directed by Jeff Gibbs. In response to the inaccuracies and…

29 04 2020 | 06:54

The Guardian view on Covid-19 and transport: walk to the future.

The need for physical distancing means that space in our towns and cities must be shared in new ways

29 04 2020 | 06:44

How Asian Grassroots Activists Are Tackling The War On Plastic Waste.

Faced with a lack of regulation and unenthusiastic governments, ingenious activists across Asia are finding localised and creative ways to fight against plastic waste, and winning. 

29 04 2020 | 06:40

BNEF: Onshore wind and solar cheapest new power option for most of planet.

Best land-based renewables on track to dip below benchmark price of $20/MWh 'this side of 2030', says analyst group. Larger projects and more powerful turbines to meet the pressure of auctions…

29 04 2020 | 06:13

Air pollution may be ‘key contributor’ to Covid-19 deaths – study.

High levels of air pollution may be “one of the most important contributors” to deaths from Covid-19, according to research. The analysis shows that of the coronavirus deaths across 66…

29 04 2020 | 06:04

The Guardian joins forces with hundreds of newsrooms to promote climate solutions.

As the 50th anniversary of Earth Day approaches, we’re partnering with newsrooms around the world to report on solutions to the climate crisis – and drive hope. Even as the coronavirus pandemic…

28 04 2020 | 16:00

UN Sec. General to Petersberg Dialogue on climate action. "The only answer to COVID 19 is brave, visionary and collaborative leadership. The same leadership is needed to address the looming existential threat of climate disruption."

Madam Chancellor, Ministers,  Dear friends,   Covid-19 has put the lives of billions of people around the globe in turmoil, inflicting grave suffering and destabilizing the global economy.   It has…

27 04 2020 | 10:28

Renewable energy as game inspiration | Marios Papalexandrou | TEDxThessaloniki

How would you channel your creativity into doing something good for the planet? In this entertaining talk, renewable energy engineer Marios Papalexandrou is sharing his passion for his work. This…

27 04 2020 | 06:34

Do your solar sensors need recalibration or maintenance?

Test it with 3E's online Solar Sensor Check! Because working from home doesn't mean the performance of your PV installation should deteriorate, 3E has developed a new online tool that enables you to…

27 04 2020 | 06:26

Flooding will affect double the number of people worldwide by 2030.

New research finds 147 million will be hit by floods by the end of the decade – ‘the numbers will be catastrophic’. The number of people harmed by floods will double worldwide by 2030, according to…