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02 11 2021 | 13:05

COP26: India PM Narendra Modi pledges net zero by 2070

India has promised to cut its emissions to net zero by 2070 - missing a key goal of the COP26 summit for countries to commit to reach that target by 2050. Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the…

02 11 2021 | 13:00

COP26: Act now for our children, Queen urges climate summit

The Queen has urged world leaders at the COP26 climate summit to "achieve true statesmanship" and create a "safer, stabler future" for the planet. In a video message, she said many people hoped the…

02 11 2021 | 11:51

Nigeria becomes first African nation to roll out digital currency

Nigeria’s central bank earlier in February outlawed banks and financial institutions from transacting or operating in cryptocurrencies, saying they posed a threat to the financial system. The…

02 11 2021 | 11:20

Climate change: Major US oil companies to be quizzed in Congress

Top executives of major Western oil companies are to testify before the US Congress amid accusations that they misled the public about climate change. Democrat lawmakers say the hearings will focus…

02 11 2021 | 10:45

Op - Cop26: welcome to Glasgow – the world is watching

Now most countries have experienced the climate crisis as wildfires, floods or heatwaves, leaders know they must deliver. For a conference that had already been delayed by a year, perhaps this was a…

02 11 2021 | 09:30

Around 120 Leaders Gather at Cop26 in Glasgow for ‘Last, Best Chance’ to Keep 1.5 Alive

COP26 President Alok Sharma calls for immediate action and solidarity to ensure Glasgow delivers on the promise of Paris  Leaders addressed by young climate activists, indigenous peoples and…

01 11 2021 | 16:24

UN Secretary-General: COP26 Must Keep 1.5 Degrees Celsius Goal Alive

See statement by UN Secretary-General António Guterres at COP26 World Leaders Summit below: Dear Prime Minister Boris Johnson, I want to thank you and COP President Alok Sharma for your hospitality…

01 11 2021 | 16:12

We’re in uncharted territory for the world’s climate, UN says

Report sets out heatwaves, wildfires, droughts and floods that have wreaked havoc this year The climate crisis has driven the planet into “uncharted territory”, with far-reaching repercussions for…

01 11 2021 | 16:09

COP26: Charles to say 'war-like footing' needed

The Prince of Wales will tell the COP26 summit that a "war-like footing" is needed to tackle the climate crisis. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference in Glasgow, Prince Charles is due…

01 11 2021 | 15:23

Call for world leaders to ‘banish ghosts of past’ with Cop26 climate vows

Conference president, Alok Sharma, says countries must agree on how to tackle crisis Alok Sharma, the president of the Cop26 climate summit, has called on global leaders to “banish ghosts of the…

01 11 2021 | 12:57

Antarctic glacier named Glasgow to mark COP26

Nine fast-flowing glaciers in West Antarctica have been named after locations of important climate treaties, conferences and reports. One of the glaciers is now called Glasgow Glacier to mark the…

01 11 2021 | 12:43

New Zealand plan to halve greenhouse gas emissions criticised as an ‘accounting trick’

Experts say commitment to cut emissions by 2030 is not ambitious enough and relies too heavily on carbon offsets Climate change experts have warned that New Zealand has employed “accounting tricks”…

01 11 2021 | 12:22

Shell and BP paid zero tax on North Sea gas and oil for three years

Firms defend paying no corporation tax after government handed out billions to energy giants. Shell and BP, which together produce more than 1.7bn tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, have not paid…

01 11 2021 | 11:54

G20 pledge climate action but make few commitments

The leaders of the world's richest economies have agreed to pursue efforts to limit global warming with "meaningful and effective actions". But the agreement from the G20 summit in Rome made few…

01 11 2021 | 11:42

COP26: 'Moment of truth' as world meets for climate summit

The highly anticipated COP26 climate change summit has begun in the Scottish city of Glasgow. Delegates from around 200 countries are there to announce how they will cut emissions by 2030 and help…

01 11 2021 | 11:38

Greta Thunberg: It's never too late to do as much as we can.

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg has been highly critical of global leaders over their action to limit global warming. But speaking to the BBC's Andrew Marr ahead of the COP26 climate summit,…

01 11 2021 | 10:59

Don’t put climate activists on trial, CPS urged.

Questions raised over purpose of prosecuting peaceful protesters after light sentences for activists who targeted climate-change sceptics. Prosecutors are under growing pressure to drop cases…

31 10 2021 | 20:09

Climate change: Greenhouse gas build-up reached new high in 2020

The build-up of warming gases in the atmosphere rose to record levels in 2020 despite the pandemic, according to the World Meteorological Organization. The amounts of CO2, methane and nitrous oxide…

31 10 2021 | 20:04

Burundi completes construction of nation’s first large-scale solar farm

Burundi-based renewable energy company Gigawatt Global Coöperatief U.A. has announced the completion of the country’s first large-scale PV plant – a 7.5 MW installation under development since 2015…