Science – Technology – Innovation

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04 08 2020 | 06:09

Online speed dating for the PV community.

On 17 June 2020, sixteen guests from industry and research organizations virtually met each other to explore the possibility of partnering up on future research projects related to the operations and…

04 08 2020 | 06:08

Enel Reveals Plan to Add 1GW of Batteries to US Renewables Fleet by 2022.

The global renewables powerhouse will kick off its renewables-plus-storage hybrid strategy at a solar project in Texas. Enel announced a dramatic scale-up of its U.S. energy storage ambitions on…

04 08 2020 | 06:04

3E to support Antwerp with innovative floating PV system.

3E has been appointed by POM Antwerp to provide technical advisory services and guidance during the tendering process for the installation of a floating PV system at the Science Park University of…

02 08 2020 | 23:45

The mining industry is essential to moving to a greener economy

Mining is a complex industry that is often seen as unsustainable.

23 07 2020 | 20:01

Coalition backs 'cloud-brightening' trial on Great Barrier Reef to tackle global heating.

Greens deride $4.7m funding for technologies that may shade corals and make clouds more reflective as ‘Band-Aid solutions’ A government-backed research program to make the Great Barrier Reef more…

23 07 2020 | 19:55

Car tyres are major source of ocean microplastics – study.

Wind-borne microplastics are a bigger source of ocean pollution than rivers, say scientists. More than 200,000 tonnes of tiny plastic particles are blown from roads into the oceans every year,…

23 07 2020 | 19:52

New Tool Enables Countries to Improve Their Food Systems.

A new tool called The Food Systems Dashboard aims to save decision makers time and energy by painting a complete picture of a country's food system. Created by the Johns Hopkins' Alliance for a…

23 07 2020 | 19:36

Queensland moves to ban single-use plastic straws and plates in bid to save marine life.

Plan to stamp out ‘lethal’ plastic, which gets stuck in airways of wildlife and pollutes waterways, follows South Australia’s proposal. The Queensland government will move to ban plastic straws,…

23 07 2020 | 19:36

Mont Blanc melting glacier yields Indian newspapers from 1966 plane crash.

Receding French ice leaves behind newspapers proclaiming Indira Gandhi’s rise to become PM. Copies of Indian newspapers onboard an Air India jet that crashed into Mont Blanc in the 1960s have been…

23 07 2020 | 19:34

Satellites track unusual Saharan dust plume.

Every summer, the wind carries large amounts of desert dust particles from the hot and dry Sahara Desert in northern Africa across the Atlantic Ocean. Data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites and…

23 07 2020 | 19:32

This photo of the Sun is the closest ever taken.

Close-up reveals a surface dancing with ‘campfires’. This image — the closest ever taken of the Sun — shows the corona teeming with thousands of miniature solar flares, which scientists have dubbed…

23 07 2020 | 19:31

Work begins in Lincolnshire on world's longest subsea power cable.

€2bn, 475-mile Viking Link cable will share renewable energy between UK and Denmark. Construction work has begun in Lincolnshire on the world’s longest subsea power cable, which will run between…

23 07 2020 | 19:30

Intense Heat Wave Bakes Much of the U.S.

A heat wave that set in over the South and Southwest left much of the U.S. blanketed in record-breaking triple digit temperatures over the weekend. The widespread and intense heat wave will last for…

23 07 2020 | 19:30

UK energy efficiency push offers just a third of the investment needed, says report.

IPPR says 12m homes will need to be refitted to meet net-zero targets but £3bn earmarked is not nearly enough. The government’s new plans to upgrade the energy efficiency of homes will make only a…

23 07 2020 | 19:27

Johnnie Walker maker creates plastic-free paper-based spirits bottle.

Diageo aims to begin bottling Johnnie Walker whisky using ‘world’s first’ design next year. The multinational drinks company Diageo says it has created the world’s first paper-based spirits bottle…

23 07 2020 | 19:24

Andean condor can fly for 100 miles without flapping wings.

World’s largest soaring bird flaps wings only 1% of time in flight, study shows. A study sheds light on just how efficiently the world’s largest soaring bird rides air currents to stay aloft for…

23 07 2020 | 19:23

North Atlantic right whales now officially 'one step from extinction'.

International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List changes ocean giants’ status to ‘critically endangered’.

23 07 2020 | 19:21

The most important renewable energy project in Africa in 2019, with Safiatou Alzouma Nouhou, GSR2020.

Discover what makes the Benban Solar Park special. And why it should inspire other African countries.       10 July 2020 REN21

23 07 2020 | 19:18

Pandemic shows climate has never been treated as crisis, say scientists.

Letter also signed by Greta Thunberg urges EU leaders to act immediately on global heating. Greta Thunberg and some of the world’s leading climate scientists have written to EU leaders demanding…

23 07 2020 | 19:07

Birriah elders accuse Shine Energy of using Indigenous links to promote coal-fired power.

Exclusive: Shine Energy, which has proposed a new plant at Collinsville in north Queensland, describes itself as a ‘traditional owner company’ The company proposing a coal-fired power station at…